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7motivation October 8th, 2020

Here's a way to trick the brain before it can procrastinate:

Use the 5 second rule like a Zombie
and just start taking a teeny tiny first step.
Live moment by moment.

As soon as you get the idea you should work on something, just mindlessly start doing it as if you are an emotionless Zombie.

Or make believe you're under hypnosis in a trance.

When you start doing the task, always only focus on the very tiniest easiest part of the task. Make that your momentary goal.

It should be so easy you can succeed without worry.

Then you will have outsmarted your brain's trying to protect you from the gigantic imaginary pain it was catastrophizing about.


There's no way anybody can do a task in an instant. We live moment by moment. Each moment can be easy. But the procrastinating brain thinks about the entire task and adds up all the effort and ruminates about it BIG TIME! So it gets all upset and tries to protect you from all the pain it imagines. Then it gets rewarded when you procrastinate. That creates a vicious cycle.

You can stop the procrastination habit by not giving it the reward it needs to be strong. Instead, do the teeny tiny part you can do in the next moment. And do it without stopping to worry about it. Just get started. Focus only on the moment.

Then the procrastination habit will get weaker and weaker because you're not feeding it. It's not getting the reward it needs.

Outsmart procrastination in advance by deciding in advance, you will always ONLY do a teeny tiny first part of any task. That way, you always know in advance the next step will always be easy and there will never be anything to worry about or reason to procrastinate.

You basically starve your fear about doing everything imaginable and you feed your focus on the moment and what can be done easily.

You stop constantly trying to worry about doing the whole task in your mind at one time.

Instead decide you will always just focus on the tiny easy part you can do in the next moment. Live moment by moment in your mind.

It's a change in mindset about how you think about what you're going to do next. You stop thinking about everything the task involves. And you start thinking only about the next teeny tiny part you will do with ease because it's so small.


Stop anticipating pain, anxiety, and fear by:

Decide in advance you will always focus only on the next moment and the teeny tiny step you can take. Decide in advance you will not worry about anything else when doing part of a task.

Make the first step so very small that.. you know you can succeed and.. it is no big deal to start.

Then after you've tricked yourself to just start, you will find it's easier and less painful than the upsetting idea of it you had in your mind.

Forgive your mind for getting upset and worrying needlessly. It simply did not understand the next step can be very tiny and easy. It was focusing on the whole task at one time, which is why it got upset.

Practice the new habit of making it teeny tiny, and start it like a zombie in a trance. Practice with easy tasks at first until you get good at it. Celebrate happily AFTER each time you avoided procrastination and completed your teeny tiny step. That helps lock in the 5 second habit.

That's it. Please forgive any typos above.

HopefulBambi October 9th, 2020

Nicely worded, @7motivation .

I'll definitely be trying to hone in and focus on some of what was written here, such as changing your mindset to focus on different aspects of tasks to crack down on my work. Thank you for this post!

7motivation OP October 9th, 2020

Thanks @OliviaWilson5

To really really boil it down,

Zombie Habit uses 4 F-Modes, fast, fun, focus, flow

1) activate fast into Zombie mode within 5 seconds
2) have fun by really playing a Zombie,
3) focus like a Zombie on one tiny thing to do
4) flow like a Zombie "moment by moment"

7motivation OP October 13th, 2020

@OliviaWilson5 @ErickssonM

Zombie Habit is most fun when

you play it up,

and add gestures and sounds effects, like this

quietMango21 October 16th, 2020


OMG thank you for this post trying it now!

7motivation OP October 16th, 2020


Thanks. I had so much fun watching that guy do the ZOMBIE sound effects, especially at the end smiley

Now I make sound effects too whenever I use the ZOMBIE HABIT.

Plus I add some gestures like he does. ARRRRrrrrrrrrr!

quietMango21 October 16th, 2020


HAHA! I will try that too!