October 10th - World Mental Health Day
For those who do not know, it is Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW)!
As such, we have a few things lined up during this week in order to honour this observance. Feel free to join in, if you can! - We encourage everyone to share and strive to learn about mental illnesses during this time.
Today is the last day of the Mental Illness Awareness Week and we are going to celebrate this observance by celebrating the World Mental Health Day! This year's theme for the WMHD is Dignity in Mental Health. To help mark the occasion, we're raising awareness of what can be done to ensure that people with mental health problems can live with dignity.
I have planned out some forum posts to raise more awareness, and hope you guys like them!
Discussion: ADHD led by @MsEmma and @RocketsMom in Thinking Space at 10.00PM EDT
Discussion: ADHD led by @MsEmma and @RocketsMom in Teen Support Room at 11.00PM EDT
Discussion: Bipolar led by @peacefulsoul8 and @ItsLee in Guided Discussions Room at 8PM EDT
Forum post: Dignity in Mental health
Information: To talk more about the theme of WMHD 2015
Forum post: Future of Mental Health: Acceptance
Information: What is the future? How do you cope?
Forum post: The Action Plan
Information: I found this really cool action plan for Dignity in Mental Health that is used in Australia and 23 other countries. We've been using this plan on 7cups without knowing, so worth a share!
Forum post: I suffer from..., but…
Information: Let us know who you are and what you go through, stigma-free.
Forum post: Reaching out for support via the forums
Information: A brief list of some of the places one can seek support for mental illness and other invisible illnesses
Forum activity: Confessions of those affected by mental illness
Information: Anonymously share whats on your mind regarding mental illness.
Competition: Self-Care Photography Contest
Information: Submit something that shows or represents what you do for self-care or your self-care achievements for this contest.
Feed Activity: Have you ever been treated differently because of MI?
Information: Let us know if your mental health was ever the reason behind you being treated differently! Hashtags: #MIAW #WMHD
Feed Activity: I suffer from…, but...
Information: Let us know who you are and what you go through! Hashtags: #StigmaFree #MIAW
Feed Activity: One thing I want people to know about mental illness is…
Information: Let us know what youd like others to know about mental illness! Hashtags: #OneThing #StigmaFree #MIAW
Feed Activity: If the world were stigma-free regarding mental health, …
Information: Share what a stigma-free environment would mean to you! Hashtags: #StigmaFree #MIAW
Hope you all have a great day today and are able to join in!
Keeping up with the events tag-list: @awesomeandy @wonderfulPumpkin71 @StormDancer @DHawks @mobbsy @Alexa28 @calmHemlock64 @bipolarhedgehog @Lulu2015 @RebeccaEmily @pandamars08 @CelestiaStar @RocketsMom @glisteningTree50 @sunshineNrainbows @MidniteAngel @Imawesome @Cadence @Ila @mscoxie @Celaeno @MelAllyouneedislove @alexlove @ItsLee @Georgie4 @Ace13 @FlowerInDisguise19 @OrangeSlices @Briana98 @Chevy81 @Renaenae @godsgirlrhizzy @Maui @Sherlock37 @ShatteredandSorrowing @WarmHeart22 @PurpleLychee @mahoganyecho @soulsings @happynappy @justkeepsmiling26 @shoyru37 @LowKeyNostalgia14 @enchantingpiano80 @trisjlistens @StarFlower @CrimsonPlum47 @guidingMusic @AffyAvo @AmyAmelia @gracey @ridearainbow @MsEmma @CoffeeTeaAndHonesty @OutAndThrough @tranqilfreedom @ArmyWife09 @AmityAllecra19 @MarianaFilipaSouza6 @ItWillBeOkaySarah @Chenar @sprout92 @earthwalker3 @calmingwaves12 @Jelayme @Chiara900 @Priti @TabbyPhoenix @Alicattt @ZaraSmiles @MsT @JLCsmile @Anggi @ColourfulClarity @unsinkablespirit312 @221Skye @alexlove @Vixiana @friendshipisforever @IreKat @Mizpah @giivemelove @Evangelinelover @Raylen @ShadowFaerie @JelayMe @Letmehelpyou210 @mistergreeneyes @Anushka1 @QuickJazz @peacefulSoul8 @Gentlekitefly @Spes @Lilylistens @LovedSoul92 @NewRomantic677 @Andrea50 @isthisreallylife @Always25 @pray4theheartless @AshlynHeart27 @mikaelaap @Pboob @Pbob @OneCardShort @s12 @JustMe11 @HopefulRainfall @Kallie112358 @Dillion @TortueDesBois @JohnnyM @cherishedJet13 @2015ihope @zeldabelle @YayyySphere @cristiana33 @Comfortingbubbles [add/remove yourself]
YAAAAY happy World mental health day everyone !!! ♥♥♥
Belated Happy mental day !!