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AW Day 7 - Self-Acceptance ♡

221Skye January 24th, 2016

For our FINAL day of the fabulous Acceptance Week ahead, our theme is...


Without further ado, here are the activities for today:

Memberooni Discussionisms

Adult Member Discussion- "I'm Weird and I Know it": Led by @ResilientLucky and @whimsicaldream at 9 PM

Teen Member Discussion- "I'm Weird and I Know it": Led by @221Skye at 10 PM

Forum Activity

For today, let's all take some time to practice self care and be nice unicorns to ourselves~ Tell us your self care practice right here!
On the fabulous flipside, tell us what you are proud of about yourself in this beautiful thread by @guidamaximo

Feed Nation

Today, as with the whole week, we'll be using the #IWishMyFriendsKnew and #Acceptance hashtags! Check out the main post for more informationisms!

In addition, we're also using the #SelfAcceptance tag to share one weird quirk about ourselves, or something we feel insecure about!

Have a magical day everyone! 🌟

Brought to you by @Ali, @221Skye, @ResilientLucky and @starryKoala69 ♡

cristiana33 January 24th, 2016


Hey there dear. Would you kindly message me?

221Skye OP January 24th, 2016

@cristiana33 Sure! c: