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Laura October 24th, 2014

To all the members out there, I have created this compassion course for you!Ã

*This course is for members only, not for listeners*

Here are some important resources for you to view:

Three Components of Self-Compassion (Video)

8 Ways to Show Compassion Everyday

And Another 10 Ways to Show Compassion

This course is for you if:

- You want to learn more about how we think about compassion here at 7 Cups

- You LOVE the group support chat rooms and want to continue to grow and thrive in that environment

- You believe in the mission of 7 Cups and want to learn more about how you can show compassion in your experiences here

Wed like all those who complete this course to learn:

- The basics of giving and showing compassion

- Learn how to get the most out of their experiences in the group support chat room

- Learn how to build connection with fellow 7 Cups members

- Be a loving, kind, awesome person, who supports the community

We want you to walk away from this compassion experience, feeling well equipped to be a loving group support chat room participant.

Sending you all hugs! Please give feedback and ideas in this thread!

Note: All responses are read by community managers

Edit by ASilentObserver on 04/06/2022

October 7th, 2016

@Laura I filled it out. Sure hope I pass and get the badge for it!

amethystfeather0207 February 13th, 2018


very useful! I

friendlyDrum2468 February 13th, 2018


i filled on out.

Irishmichael February 13th, 2018

@Laura thank you so much for this opportunity and thanks for being you , for giving a voice to the voiceless ,im passionate about helping each other on 7cups were a team , if there's someone with a problem I will try my best to help them through it , I hope someday to be a listener here I feel I can relate on a personal level to the men and women here who somehow for whatever reason feel lonely or lost I feel that way sometimes but as I have learned were never alone in 7 cups community , I await your reply I hope I pass thanks again much love irishmichael

ConcernedKitten February 16th, 2018

@Laura I filled one out, it was very interesting to force myself to think about these things in a way I never had though of earlier.

karen38 October 25th, 2014

These are wonderful resources! I'd like to think we were taught much of this as children, but yet often needed reminded. Thanks for sharing these links @LauraS

Apple74 October 25th, 2014

Thanks a lot @@LauraS! This would really help all of us.

Xenith November 2nd, 2014

Thank you, I got through the videos and I found them rather helpful. Started organizing things I have been putting off in my life while listening to them.

Laura OP November 3rd, 2014

@Xenithglad it was helpful!

ShonaC November 5th, 2014

Really like the sound of this course @LauraS Think I'll be doing this one, thank you smiley ~ Shona ~

ShonaC November 5th, 2014

@LauraS I just took the test, think about my answers and answering as honestly as I can. I found it helped too. I think this site might help me keep mindful and live compassionately as well as helping me with any bad times and just being with good people. I hope I pass.

Laura OP November 5th, 2014

@Shona1I am so glad to hear this!!!

ShonaC November 6th, 2014

I'm glad to find tests and resources like these @Laura :) Love that aspect of this site too and hope to post as regularly as time allows as well as being here to chat with my listener.

Ipad January 30th, 2015

I want to help people by being listener

Laura OP November 5th, 2014

I would like to congratulate the following 7 Cups members for successful completion of this compassion course!








Soon, I will be able to give you all a badge for your success!smileyheart

ShonaC November 6th, 2014

I passed! smiley Aww @Laura, thank you heart

ShonaC November 6th, 2014

I passed! smiley Aww @Laura, thank you heart

Laura OP November 7th, 2014

@Shona1my pleasure! Great work!

ShonaC November 7th, 2014

Thanks! smiley

hope12346 November 8th, 2014

I feel so happy about itcoração

share November 18th, 2014

Awesome! Thank you, Laura.

share December 27th, 2014

Thanks Laura. I believe we should always strive to be compassionate to everyone we meet. We never know what's behind someone's smile. It's especially important here where people come looking for kindness and compassion. Great course!

Sherlock37 November 6th, 2014

This sounds great! heart

Laura OP November 7th, 2014

@Sherlock37Awesome!! heart

Laura OP November 7th, 2014

VERY EXCITED to announce we have some new graduates of the 7 Cups member compassion course! Please give a ***round of applause*** to these thoughtful 7 cups members:









We are so proud of you!!! Keep up the awesome work teamyes

Irene1 November 7th, 2014

Congratulations all of you!!

ShonaC November 7th, 2014

Congratulations everyone who passed this course so far. Great job *applauds* smiley

cherry78 November 7th, 2014


easyTortoise20 January 31st, 2015

Job well done.

brightMelon7624 February 14th, 2018

@Laura Congrats to everyone!! You all are such kind people, I am sure of it. Keep up the good work laugh!! heart

Natta November 7th, 2014

It really was a great course. It wasn't like the averagequestionnaire type thing- it made me have to think about a lot of things more deeply than I've really touched them before. That's my feedback. I can't even think of anything I'd improve if it were up to me, it pleasantly surprised me that I had to consider things and scenarios rather than just click the right box. I'm now sure I want to be a listener, but I guess I'll have to wait since my mom says I have to get myself back on the saddle before I can start helping others.

I'm glad I'm part of something that truly cares so much about the people it involves. Everyone here is so terrific.

Laura OP November 7th, 2014



So glad to hear you got something out of the course! And that it was helpful for you! Congrats to you and I hope others will consider taking the course and spending some time thinking about compassion!

ShonaC November 7th, 2014

I agree @Natta, it was the same for me. I found the course very good and it also made me think. Living compassionately and with mindfulness is important to me anyway and I thought the test was very well done. I thought about and answered each senario and question as honestly as I could, not really thinking about passing or anything as I was doing it, just answered the best I could, honestly, how I would handle the examples. Having no experience of being a Listener, I'm very glad to have passed, that humbled me and made me feel good for so many reasons. I just answered from the heart and used my knowledge of various ways compassion is used and seen in life from what I have learned from my Buddhist teachers as well as how I feel compassion in my own heart. Hope that makes sense. Passing this means so much to me. I want to do other tests now, if they are as good as this one, really think they could help me grow as a person and work some stuff out like my anxiety, which would be fantastic. I'm so glad you gained something good from it too and congrats again on passing heart

ShonaC November 7th, 2014

No experience as a 7 Cups Listener that is, but I do make myself available to my friends and loved ones as much as I'm able to help them and to confide in if they want. Love doing that, it's part of what being a friend is and they said I do help and am a good listener. Always willing to improve though, one of the things I now want to gain from being here smiley Just wanted to add that x

Laura OP November 11th, 2014

@ShonaCreading this makes me so happy to hear!

I encourage you to invite others to give it a try!

ShonaC November 11th, 2014

Oh I will do @Laura, you did a good job in creating that one. Going to give some of the other tests a go too, but will certainly recommend this one smiley

Heather November 9th, 2014

Congratulations to those of you who passed the course! This is a lovely ideaheartThanks for taking the time to put this together @LauraS

Compassion is something we can never have too much of and I've heard some great feedback about this course. I encourage everyone to have a go!

Laura OP November 9th, 2014

Thanks for your encouragement @Heather !!!heart

Laura OP November 11th, 2014

MORE GRADUATES of the 7 Cups Member Compassion Course!!





And one anonymous participant! Whomever you are, great work!

Great work team! Please let me know what you thought and what you learned in this thread! I encourage you to invite others to give it a try!

------>We are so proud of you!cool

ShonaC November 11th, 2014

Congratulations to the latest group of Compassion Graduates smiley Great job well doneyes