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When to Let Go of a Relationship

User Profile: River
River September 7th, 2018

Letting go of a relationship that we did (or still do) care about is a very difficult thing for us all. Whether its a significant other or a friend, we naturally do not want to bring any hurt upon them or ourselves. There are times, however, where letting go of someone may be the best thing to do – even when it doesnt feel good in the present.


enlightened Verbal, emotional, or physical abuse

Whether its a spouse or a friend, if someone is abusing you in some way — through physical actions, psychological games, or consistently cruel words — its time to let them go. In many cases of abuse, the abuser has whittled away at the self-esteem and confidence of the abused, making it much more difficult for the abused person to leave.

enlightened The person breaks your trust again and again.

Trust is the fuel that keeps the relationship going, without it, your relationship wont move forward. Trust being broken again and again maybe the sign you have to move on from the relationship for your own good.

enlightened The person is extremely needy.

A good relationship is one in which you can depend on someone, and vice-versa. However, too much dependence is a sign of neediness. This is a problem because neediness drains you of your time and energy, including the time and energy necessary to maintain other relationships and take care of yourself.

enlightened They expect you to change who you are

You should never feel the need to be another person just for someone. Its exhausting, first of all, and it is a telltale sign that the relationship is not consensual. What matters is that you do not feel comfortable being yourself, which shouldnt be acceptable to you under any circumstance. So changing yourself and being completely different person for a relationship might mean that you need to ponder upon whether they like how you are or are trying to create completely different person who is not you and it maybe the time to let go.

enlightened You don't feel positive after meeting or talking to them.

A positive relationship should mostly be uplifting. Sure, you will face some rough patches along the way, but a healthy relationship is mostly a constructive experience. You should be accepting of each other – supportive, and responsive.

enlightened It feels like relationship is not a priority for them.

Business is a part of life – work, kids, marriage, finances, etc. However, people who value their relationships will not allow the fact that they are busy to undermine your relationship. When the relationship is filled with empty promises and canceled plans and your partner is not making you a priority anymore, it becomes very painful. And you dont find anything to look forward to because even if you do, youre not sure if it will actually happen.

enlightened They are not dependable.

People who are undependable often find an assortment of excuses. However, consistent behavior of this kind usually means one thing: they are not dependable. Someone undependable is generally not a person worthy of your presence.

enlightened Its all about the other person.

While every relationship is different, both people should generally feel there is room for them to grow and develop, and to feel like their individual dreams and aspirations in life matter. If you feel like your relationship is all about the other person, try creating some space for yourself and being vocal about your needs; if your partner gets upset or isnt responsive, then it is likely that to find yourself and maintain your own identity, you may have to move on.

enlightened You tried to fix it but its still the same.

There is only so much you can do when it comes to pleasing someone. If you tried to fix your relationship time and time again and the same problems keep recurring, then this is the most definite sign that you need to let go of the relationship and find someone better suited for you and your needs.

enlightenedYou feel that the relationship is holding you back.

When you feel that the relationship is actually hindering you from being happy or growing or holding you back from reaching your dreams and achieving your goals, or even holding you back from the kind of love you always dreamed of having, then you have to learn how to put yourself first and put your needs above anyone elses and say goodbye to the relationship once and for all.

I hope this will be helpful for you in some way <3



mail What do you think could be some other reasons to let go of the relationship?

mail What could be some of the way to make the process of letting go a bit easier?

mail Do you have had experience of having to let go of a relationship? If yes, we would love to hear about it.

User Profile: River
River OP September 7th, 2018

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User Profile: Hasunohana
Hasunohana September 7th, 2018

Thank you @River ... I totally agree with all you've said. Relationships are alot of work but it's a 2person work if it's only one sided then it could mean that only one is committing. Communication is definitely a big thing, communication and trust. Ppl in relationships need to continue this among other things.

Anywhooo... sorry for the rant. I just wanted to say thank you, this is an awesome post <3

1 reply
User Profile: River
River OP September 7th, 2018

@hailetruci Heya! Thanks for reading it and responding. Its really really appreciated. I agree with all you said. Relationship is two way thing and bluntly, effort of only person is not enough. Trust and communication is the base of relationship and they do need to continue it. And I am glad you liked it! :D

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