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Introducing... 7 Cups Sharing Circles!

Heather225 March 4th, 2020

The CM team has been giving a lot of thought to new ways we can support the community through consistent activities that you can rely on seeing every day. We wanted to try something completely fresh, and Im excited to share what were about to trial!

We are launching a series of open chats called Sharing Circles. These will happen twice a day to accommodate two different time zones.

The most important characteristic of a Sharing Circle is the intention behind it, which is to create an inclusive space where individuals listen to each other, with their hearts rather than their heads. These chats are dedicated to the giving and receiving of support in a turn-based setting where each participant has the chance to share and be heard.

How will it differ from discussions? These circle meetings have a unique structure that is unlike our discussions and open chats. We took inspiration from the brilliant system groups like AA and OA have perfected and used the core elements to create our own reimagining of the circles as it applies to 7 Cups!

Another unique aspect of this chat style is it will mimic the environment of group listening. Instead of talking all at once, randomly, or waiting for the host to finish asking questions, the host will ask each person joining to enter a queue (ex. typing a <3), and everyone will get a turn to speak and share their feelings. This will go on until the queue is empty. Once the person speaking is done, everyone else can offer words of encouragement and praise. (Youll understand how it flows when you attend!).

Who can participate?
Only members can enter the queue. Listeners are welcome to show support, take part in the rituals and reach out to the members later to check on them (highly encouraged!).

How can I get involved?
We will be looking for help with these as they will run twice daily, and on both adult and teen sides, which means 4 opportunities to care for each other each day! And the cool part about this is: if you are a mod, you can lead!!! This event is one we want to be accessible to everyone because this event belongs to everyone. Please contact @ASilentObserver @Hope or myself if you want to be a leader!

Please keep in mind that this a a totally new wild idea, so it's likely that we will be evolving this as we go and learn from all of you!

Look forward to the announcement of our first 7 Cups Sharing Circle in your alerts this week!

RumpleSteeleSkin March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 wowzers I love.this!!!

TheGreek95 March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 This idea is actually really amazing. I am looking forward to it

iuliaislistening July 15th, 2020

@Heather225 I would love to facilitate (lead) a special kind of circle here... based on trauma healing and integration of Franz Ruppert, who works with it for 30 years now with great results. :)

AlexFox800 March 4th, 2020

Oh cool!

HindiWalaHelps March 4th, 2020



TaranWanderer March 4th, 2020

This sounds way less stressful and chaotic than our usual group chat structure, I hope it goes well! Definitely more like a real life group support

Karrot March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 This sounds amazing! I would love to get involved in helping out with this. Great innitiative <3

lavenderpeach1107 March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 Thank you for the information heart

Earthy55 March 4th, 2020

I think I really like this idea. I am not great at the normal discussions as I am always waiting to enter a conversation just like in real life. I am just too self consious. It would maybe help to take turns.

izu201ph March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 Great stuff

TortueDesBois March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 i dont think i understand really sorry

EvelyneRose March 4th, 2020


its like circle time when you were a kid. Everyone shares in turns. At least thats how i understand it.

TortueDesBois March 4th, 2020

like we do in beaver scouts or cubs scouts, or like did the ameridians with the talking stick?
or like we did take turns in thinking space room years ago?

EvelyneRose March 6th, 2020


please see frozenghost's comment below :) thats what I meanf

Goldcherry2113 March 4th, 2020

I like this!

littlePapaya2167 March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 How long will they last and how long will each person get to speak?

ChocoPotato March 4th, 2020

@littlePapaya2167 depends on the listener

littlePapaya2167 March 4th, 2020

@ChocoPotato I'm not sure because there might be set times like there are with discussions and I know mods can't be on forever

Heather225 OP March 4th, 2020


each person gets up to 5 mins. that might change depending on the volume of people, but we feel 5 mins is a good starting point.

littlePapaya2167 March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 Okay I think 5 minutes is good because I know with the rooms sometimes when talking to people it takes a long time for them to get everything they want in and others not as much which is okay for the rooms when there isn't a discussion but not as much for when you want everyone to get a chance to be heard. I really like this idea a lot and I really hope it goes well.

LoveTracker March 4th, 2020


A great initiation. All my support.

rockym March 4th, 2020

Sounds very interesting. Almost like group theapy smiley

FrozenGhost March 4th, 2020

If I'm understanding this correctly roomvrooom, it's not a discussion at all. There is no back and forth conversation or interaction like a discussion. I didn't get the impression there would be any questions either. From what I read, I think that members "enter the chat" (i.e. show up and enter a cue). The leader/moderator whatever is only there to ensure each member gets to speak in their turn. There's no discussion question or topic, basically the member just shares whatever they want to share: how they are feeling at the moment, if they are having a tough day, if they suceeded at something etc. and then everyone presents just says "oh that's too bad" or "hang in there, you'll get through it" or "way to go, great job!" depending on what gets said. Then the leader moves it on the next member and so on and so on till everyone speaks. At least that's what I'm getting from how it was described smiley

leafcatampy March 4th, 2020

ill do it

March 4th, 2020


What a wonderful idea. Thank you, I am looking forward to it heart

AddictedTealover98 March 4th, 2020

This sounds like a really cool idea! Would love to get involved in this Red heart

Do what you love, not what you think you're supposed to do.

brilliantTurtle89 March 4th, 2020


Sounds a great idea

lyricalAngel70 March 4th, 2020


Whoa! This is pretty amazing!!!

kindStrings3073 March 4th, 2020

This is a really exciting initiative.

Looking forward to it.

Rockcom March 4th, 2020


This sounds good. I'm really looking forward to it

MistyMagic March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 this is an awesome idea! It sounds very much like the online conferences and circles I attend and they work really well! Great idea! Can't wait to see if I can help lead one.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Heather225 OP March 4th, 2020


that's pretty much exactly what we're trying to replicate! thanks for the encouragement, Misty!

GlenM March 4th, 2020

The community team has been doing a lot of research in this space and has been working on this idea for the last couple of weeks. I think it is going to be a great addition to our current group support. It'll also link to daily check-ins in SCs. We have a lot to learn. I'm encouraged to see this positive response! Looking forward to seeing this evolve!

theheartproject March 4th, 2020

@Heather225 This is indeed a great initiative. I sure want to be a part of this.

TeaHee March 4th, 2020

Brilliant! yes

AffyAvo March 4th, 2020

Is this similar to the Share Your Story room with a bit more structure to it?

leafcatampy March 5th, 2020


not the top bru

AffyAvo March 5th, 2020

@leafcatampy I did. In Share Your Story, turns were taken and those in the room would support each person as they had their turn. You're a teen and wouldn't have been around when the room existed, so not sure why you think this isn't similar to it.

leafcatampy March 6th, 2020


i thought the comment you posted was in a different thread not this one that is similar, sorry

Gardenyarn March 5th, 2020

What time zone does 7Cups orginate in?