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Brand New General Support Taglist

Tazzie February 6th, 2020

This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to General Support Automated Taglist.

To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words Please add me.

To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words, Please remove me.

bellarina123 April 14th, 2020

Please add me@Tazzie

SavoyTruffle20 July 18th, 2020


Please add me.

crispPurple129 July 23rd, 2020


please remove me

crispPurple129 July 23rd, 2020


Please remove me

iamhereforyou1111 August 3rd, 2020

@Tazzie please remove me

Snowflake92 August 11th, 2020

Please add me @Tazzie

Listeningsarinn September 20th, 2020


Please remove me.

lovelyMirage5650 October 11th, 2020


Please add me

CautiousKitten4644 October 16th, 2020


Please add me

Asi1 November 7th, 2020

@Tazzie please add me

HiddenShadows December 15th, 2020


please remove me

Karrot February 6th, 2020

Please add me

February 6th, 2020

please add me

BubblegumPuppy February 6th, 2020

please add me

BubblegumPuppy February 6th, 2020


I am both Scarlet and Bubblegum-they got switched up and I contacted support but has not been fixed

Daisy7cups February 6th, 2020


Please add me

AddictedTealover98 February 6th, 2020

Please add me

Earthy55 February 6th, 2020

Please add me

SpecialSystem February 7th, 2020


Please add me

SidneyTamez February 7th, 2020

@Tazzie please add me, my device is acting up sorry

PurpleSnail February 7th, 2020

Please add me

warmheartedFarm7120 February 7th, 2020

Please add me.

BubblegumPuppy February 7th, 2020

Please add me: ScarletPear1945

MayaRoseBird5656 February 9th, 2020

Please add me

parisayano February 12th, 2020

Please add me

Gracey February 12th, 2020

Please add me

SnailPurple February 20th, 2020

Please add me

FireMagic February 20th, 2020

Please add me

parissaiko February 21st, 2020


Please add me

SamuelFrancis February 22nd, 2020

Please add me

DaveMcGrath February 24th, 2020

please add me

FindingNormal February 28th, 2020

Please add me

bellarina123 March 24th, 2020

Please add me. Thank you :)

dynamicOrange4965 March 28th, 2020

please add me

Lana2277 April 6th, 2020

@Tazzie please add me

MayaRoseBird5656 April 15th, 2020


Please remove me ♡

Green1502 April 23rd, 2020

Hi, add me, thanks

May 8th, 2020


please add me

tranquilUnicorns6009 May 11th, 2020

please add me

Daisy7cups May 26th, 2020

Please remove me