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Volume Septimo

Modal0154 June 27th, 2021

Millenials are a 'sandwich generation' btw taking care of the 'Gen X'ers' and 'Boomers' who were heavily influenced by the '1st 1/2 of the 20th c. cohorts'^1 (more than they would like to admit--I heard how Boomer and Gen X Germans had difficulties relating to their parents b/c of the complacency in the infamy of the 1930's, which in turn got a lot of it's momentum from prejudices which got 'dangerously bubbly' by the mid 1800s onwards --Otto Bismarck's nationalism apparently needed to unify and shlock like social Darwinism) and 'the Zoomers' who they 'want to relate to' despite steady changes in the relatability of the 'bells and whistles' (consumer tech and media) which hold the attention spans of those more developmentally disimilar and vulnerable..

Not to mention the offspring of 'the millenials who made it' even w/auto and living space ownership struggles.

* who were really more like a '19th c. part III' group so much than most would prefer to admit not only if you factor in how different tech exposure and literacy demographics let different attitudes thrive and what that meant when it comes to say outcomes of 'Flynn effect' graphs but
Modal0154 OP June 27th, 2021
I deeply resent myself for being the kind to struggle w/assertiveness and risk-taking.
It's a struggle to not be carried away w/how your individual struggles aren't a representative microcosm of macro- level issues though I realize how it might be that same line of thought which may make for the dismissive phrase of 'victim politics' or 'victim studies'.
Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2021

Will my login password for one of my jobs be changed promptly upon calling IT ?

Will certain documents needing info on past landlords be filled out ?

All before work at 12:30 ?

Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2021

The answer to both was neither

Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2021

1/2 was done -- now to contact some IT staff eventually

Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2021
anti-humour and irony poisoning pervade
Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2021

Opening — there are a variety of possible chess openings that have been extensively studied over the years. Your opening combination hugely depends on whether you’re white or black. A good chess player has a large number of chess openings memorized.

Strategy — evaluating positions and setting goals and long-term plans for future play

Tactics — a short-term sequence of moves that limit your opponent's room for maneuver, which often results in material gain. These opportunities are usually found in what is known as the middlegame (i.e., after the openings and before the endgame).

Endgame — the end of the game, when typically few pieces are left on the board. The line between middlegame and endgame is slightly blurred — however, typically pawns and the king become much more powerful in this stage of the game.


Beyond learning a couple of basic openings, it was pointless learning positions/theory on openings in-depth
It was much more important to learn about endgames than openings. Studying endgames was not just helpful for the endgame itself but could also improve your play in the middlegame as well.

I was so blinded with the constant reference to tactics that I neglected the importance of getting better at strategy. I was convinced that the better I got at tactics, the more obvious the strategy would become — and thus was not important in getting to an Elo rating of 1100.

This highlights the importance of having effective resources on an ultralearning project — I could have spent a long time studying all the various intricacies of the endgame, but this wouldn’t have been relevant for the level I was trying to achieve. Therefore, my study of the endgame only took about six hours.


There’s no end of strategy advice online, and much it of it, I didn’t feel was relevant to achieve an Elo rating of 1100. After much research, I discovered this blog post on [ ]
which seemed to have a great overview of the key strategic ideas for beginners.

I found that tactics tend to present themselves when you’re in a good position strategically and less so when you’re in a poor position. Or in a succinct phrase: Tactics are the servant of strategy.

By far the most impactful exercise was playing against a computer without a queen (see here)[Drill: An Extra Queen -].

I tried to spend at least 15 minutes after the end of each game looking through what I did wrong, noting down the key mistakes and thinking about how to avoid them in the future.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2021

I must admit that during the span of me actively playing chess from late last December until this mid April, the resultant feelings wound up resembling this, more so..

Modal0154 OP July 10th, 2021

On one level I am glad to at least have dropped the attitude of counting on the odds of certain players to do certain things, positionally.

Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2021

Gj: experience at work today and current satisfaction with what would have been the first three tiers on the old Maslow's hierarchy.

Modal0154 OP July 2nd, 2021


Modal0154 OP July 2nd, 2021


Modal0154 OP June 29th, 2021

After work call IT

Gj: breakfast
Modal0154 OP June 29th, 2021

password change done w/out a chat w/IT

Modal0154 OP June 29th, 2021

Gj: after experiencing substantial heat when you can unintimidatingly soak and absorb (pun not intended) the pivoting shift in weather around you in regards to wind changing and maybe incoming rain.

Modal0154 OP June 29th, 2021

Wouldn't it be as difficult if not easier to make unfertilized bird eggs like the chicken eggs in grocery stores in a lab as it is thus far for lab grown meat ?

Modal0154 OP June 30th, 2021

It's not too much of a stretch, blameworthy stretch to look into the whole concept of post-scarcity societies if you're like me and don't have much conviction in the conventional notion of a 'Heavenly afterlife' but still realize that it means something.

`_` I wonder if such notions were covered on the show 'The good place' before wrapped up ?
Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2021

Have gotten through spreadsheet stuff
Laying off Pinterest for a while might do me some good

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2021

The privileges of public transportion and 'the funds for it'

I learned how copying and pasting my pinterest pins for upload onto somewhere else isn't worthwhile when copying and pasting still means the sizes and zooming into the imagery not working as well as before, how some might be more like GIFs or videos etc..and I have a thankful under 170 in total number and am willing to take a break from that platform for a time.

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2021

'Speak out loud here or forever hold your peace'..

a risk of ennui if only in a 24 hr gap from work wherest I'll be 'recovering myself' somewhat..can't be self-critical for how so much of what I'd like to do is video or internet based, not the least the impulse for tutorials on art or chess.

Don't want to return to exercise just yet..struggling to sleep. I'll admit to how I s--k at meditation b/c these sorts of things right here are verily the sort of 'distractions' which make you look at your phone after a while and see how only 5 minutes have passed in that tedium, far from the rare instances of achievement, of 'floating' intrapersonally irregardless of the time, your surroundings or even postural integrity to an extent.

If Cody Franklin is my historian than Isaac Arthur is my futurist.

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2021

While there is something to be said about looking into understanding finances via meandering around websites like coinbase or looking into what developing more into nft stuff would look like..@~@, >_< *sigh* you could be back to the square one phase of last April and I would dare say that looking into making that sort of thing a study is still ultra stressful.

I remember how when it came to the work at home modules some of us were privileged to do, there were some modules about understanding finances which I was way more hesitant to pick to do, in contrast to say Native Canadian history which I felt I would not run out of steam / motivation for in the same way.

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2021

I truly meant 'Arthur' as a surname and wasn't typo-ing Asimov's last name--*there is* a YouTuber named Isaac Arthur.

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2021

I put pressure and self-kicking on myself for not going out when it's a beautiful day and I'm still lingering from an addiction and will feel terrible for not being at 'typical health' to all the better absorb a gleaming summer day -- even if the COVID scene wasn't a thing, d--n winter in always a reason for confinement in Canada.

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2021
Herein comes the rain
Modal0154 OP July 2nd, 2021

This 'Canada day' celebration was meaningful; 2nd dose booking made for next Saturday.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021
Leftover noodles

Field manual(s)
Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021
Leftover noodles and tea ?
Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

Call work IT to adjust a password

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

When you think about expectations which are inevitable or neccesary for a process it's difficult to believe that it's not predetermined altogether.

In one sense, I can see how a conviction determinism can mean self-determinism both as a form of enacted self-direction and a volitional possibility..but I hate how according to a certain vein of compatabilism (Patricia Churchland's) it'd mean that 'soft'-determinism is compatabilism, the overlap btw free will and determinism.

'_' It really boils down to 'attitude' and being in control of it..and that annoys me maybe not as much or not only b/c of the weight of meaning meaning 'a different flavour of responsibility' in practise makes it seem that demonstrating 'free will' would be intentionally ignoring a/o being careless of the execution of something which is a lousy way to frame what could so often count for autonomy and makes it so much more easy, in that 'self-defeating lose-lose' attitude sort of way that free will is just what happens when you finally settle or accept how much you failed a/o s--k--d.


'_' *sigh* and the followers of more evolutionary based theories of mind, might quasi-disparage all this as an expression of the biology of competing.. much passive stuff actively tries to cage us in (bills etc) nowadays that free will seldom gets expressed well and responsibiliy esp.before your body deteriorates in the late capitalist rat race.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

In once sense this supports a notion in my mind of 'art as free will being experienced' and expected to be consistently enjoyable..

-_- that is after getting through d--n learning curves and the entailments of gather the resources for investment and optimal practising etc, et al.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

'doom' happens w/either form of volition whether it be b/c you do your own thing and wind up being thrashed in the white rapids as you commit to how what is around will never relative in a deluded/apathetic self-deception sort of way or b/c even if your exhausted and try to give yourself to 'heal at your own tempo' however unfamilar a sensation it is, it'll mean that those surrounding processes will do there borderline immutable results of impacting you in ways which deteriorate or halt you, maybe into near 'final changes' or dying...

'the opposite of doom', whatever it is entails too much energy and commitment from 'everything not you/which you're not in control of'

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

I stress ate through chocolates etc and dread how near the only effective counterbalance to pornography is 'junk food'.

Deteste eso tanto.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

=_= D--n how rare sentience is and how most often what we have isn't enough, quite friggin frail and doesn't change the lack of integrity most have when it comes to explaining what it all means.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

Can't find massage balls, yoga related massage balls nearby d--n it.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

All this being said just how the f--k does one trust oneself ?.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2021

When I started slowly coming back to my senses after the disastrous first semester of grade 11, across the block to the South from the high school I went to and just across the street was a place where they sold some kind of wrapped food.

I stepped in and asked if they served pita weap sandwiches of sorts. I was told yes; the vibe was Middle Eastern and until then I had mainly been familiar with pita bread from Greek food places with souvlakis and the like. What I ordered I think was what turned out to be an 'underdressed' falafel sandwich of sorts.

How I first learned about shawarma's - - early February 2008 (?)

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2021

Working in broccoli into a smoothie is difficult.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2021
Day of Fate ~Spirit VS Spirit~ Lyric Video (Unmei No Hi English Cover) | Team Four Star - YouTube

Gj: the encouragement of nearby apartments available and not in despairing price ranges
Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2021
Day of Fate ~Spirit VS Spirit~ Lyric Video (Unmei No Hi English Cover) | Team Four Star - YouTube

Gj: the encouragement of nearby apartments available and not in despairing price ranges
Modal0154 OP July 5th, 2021

I part of me wants to know how to learn chess 'the old non-internet way' since* web based methods often rely on subscriptions of sorts before more reassuring amounts of resources to learn from. I say this previously having had a 'platinum' subscription on wherein I 'went through the motions' for the entire curicullum before something traumatic happened which compelled me to close my account, several months before it year lasting subcription expired.

I'm not too regretful of it, since I did it in the interest of having one less 'cloudy distraction' to a shake-up to my mental health which I've mainly processed now.

*I think this held true even before 'The queen's gambit' caught on

Modal0154 OP July 5th, 2021

'Lichess' isn't too bad a site but not as easy to navigate through like '' which is more customizable and has a lot of resources--or at least it seems that way w/the site design being easier to get around.

The negative I'd say about is how it's community can be cliquey and discouraging ( -_- go to there d--n forums and you'll see what I mean). An abundance of sophomoric disparagement even though the 'lit collection' in terms of chess theory and lessons resources, plus an active scene of altering articles w/non-English versions available at time is encouraging.

'Dr.Wolf' was an app I liked during a free trial, I had since for all of it's lack of customizableness having a little program/caricature giving me (if I so choose) direct feedback whilst playing, turned out to be 'what I didn't know what I was looking'. As simple as a craving for personal tutelage on a hobby can be, even w/how the logistics of doing so have changed w/the public health scene, paying to do so, paying chess coaches on '' doesn't appeal much to me.