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Tips to feel happier

Fruityg1rl May 14th, 2021

Hello everyone! I used to be very depressed, I saw no future for me and I just wanted to sleep all the time. I won’t lie I still have days like that and I know that there will be more but overall I’m so much happier. So I’m writing this to speak from personal experience and give you ways to feel better! Things to do, I’m going to give examples of hobbies or whatever that can help get you out of that sad feeling! It will be hard to find the motivation to do these but it’s very worth it. -Hobbies! Finding hobbies can be kinda hard, it can take lots of time and resources but when you find something you like to do it’s a gift. Keep in mind you don’t have to be good at whatever you do and you don’t have to be very serious. Your doing these things to make you happy and if they do that’s all that matters! If you want help finding something you like doing please talk to me and we can work together to figure something out<3 Some examples of hobbies are: -Making lists, they don’t have to be important lists or anything! For example just make a list of shows you watched or something insignificant like that -Learn about something new! School makes learning seem so boring but it doesn’t have to be! Find some random topic to learn all about or just find out random facts! One time when I wasn’t feeling well I decided to learn all about the 4th dimension and it was so fun. The feeling of knowing about something so random that not many people know about made me feel very smart and it was super entertaining! You can learn about anything, learning a new language or instrument, learning a new skill it doesn’t matter! As long as it makes you happy -Finding something to obsess over, I know this might sound strange but it can be so fun. (This kinda goes with learning something new) Maybe find an artist you like and learn all about them, join communities that talk about them, maybe make a new friend that way. It’s a fun way to keep your mind active, it could be a show, maybe a religion, maybe a hobby. As long as this obsession doesn’t take over your life or cause you any distress it’s fine! - Exercise, i know it can be annoying and tiring but it will make a big difference. Exercise actually helps release dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These are all brain chemicals that help regulate mood! I’m not an expert on this however so research this on your own if you want to! A good thing about exercising is it doesn’t have to be a big deal, you can just do it randomly. If your bored or something you can just get up and do some jumping jacks, it’s that easy! -Create routines, making a routine can sound intimidating but dont worry! They don’t have to be anything big, when you have free time think of what you can do next. Make an order for what you want to do, no matter how small it’s still a nice way to organize your life. A short list of easy to do goals is very good for your mental health since every time you accomplish a goal you feel a sense of pride because of what you’ve done! However on the flip side routines can be harmful. If you live by these schedules you might get bored of them and worse, if your unable to complete a goal you might blame yourself. So keep in mind that these routines are supposed to HELP you, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to do these and if you mess up your routine don’t be mad at yourself. -Doing new things, this might just be me but I love trying things I’ve never tried before. It’s very entertaining to shake things up. I know this might sound contradictory to what I said about routines but remember that you don’t have to stick to these routines! Some new things you could do is eat breakfast outside, sleep in a different place than you usually do (like on the floor or something) find weird places to sit like on top of your fridge. Try eating soup with a fork, take a bath/ shower with cold water, get into a shower/ bath with clothes on. These are small yet weird ways to keep yourself entertained and there are many others. -Set a goal(s) for yourself! I think this kinda could go with other things I’ve said but I’m gonna talk about it individually. It can be fun to have something to work to achieve! The work itself can be a nice way to keep yourself busy. For example you could say “I’m going to do able to do a 60 second plank in 2 weeks” (you don’t need a time limit but it’s a good motivation). There are lots of things you can work to achieve and it doesn’t matter how small it is. Just don’t get mad at yourself if your unable to do it, your doing this for you and even if you can’t do it you worked hard and that’s great. I really hope this helps! Sorry about the length I didn’t realize how long It was until I wrote this😅. If you have any questions or want to talk I’m here! Please tell me if I should add anything!

fairyava May 14th, 2021

@Fruityg1rl Thank you for sharing all of these wonderful ideas! I'm sure someone will be able to put these to great use. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! heart

amiableBlackberry92 May 16th, 2021

Thx for all these wonderful suggestions. I have a few things I do for depression. I belong to a gym and I do alot of art, painting, sketching, art journaling. I do like flowers and reading, writing. Sometimes I will tackle a clean out closets project, But some days I'm just so dark none of these things work for me. It's like a storm I have to just ride it out until I can function again. It's really difficult. I will push myself to do these activities trying to pull myself up but on those darker days it just doesn't work. I have severe CPtsd ,MDD and anxiety. Even in the presence of friends and family I'm just sitting there trying to engage some enjoyment from having them near me but I'm quietly suffering. It's difficult to describe. I do see a therapist and take meds. I just have such horrible damage there's days when I just can't snap myself out of it. 💜ABB

Fruityg1rl OP June 15th, 2021

I’m glad you have these strategies and I’m so proud of you for trying your hardest to work through those hard days! I get those and their a nightmare

BwahahaLove July 20th, 2021

Hi. I also have MDD and I thought i was the only one feeling what you were feeling. It really is hard to pick yourself up in those hard days. I agree with you. Thank you for sharing. It made me feel better knowing that I am not the only one who feels like this. Lets work hard!

BwahahaLove July 20th, 2021

Hi! I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder a year ago and I agree with the cycle that it just keeps coming back. Its very frustrating. But your post is very positive and made me look more positively in my situation. Thank you for sharing!

amiableBlackberry92 July 26th, 2021

Struggling on and off..I can't stand the down times. It's like riding a rollercoaster, and it's unpredictable. Going to clean the bathroom now and wash towels to distract myself. I also had bad anxiety today on top of my MDD. Glad I'm not struggling alone. Thx 💜 ABB