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5 Tips to Combat Student Depression

Jenna February 9th, 2017

As the pressure of exams, personal essays and expectations weigh down on students these days, study are showing signs that depression is a real threat amongst students.

For example in Hong Kong, more than 60% of Secondary school students are suffering from symptoms of depression, and 40% of the students are suffering from anxiety.

Also, 44% of American college student have reported having symptoms of depression, and those are only the ones who report it, so the exact frequency of this widespread dilemma is still a mystery. Making it even more dangerous.

Thats why this article will advise some tips on keeping you happy and safe in your educational environment.

1.Get some exercise.

Exercise has been proven to release endorphins, which is a chemical neurotransmitter in the brain associated with happiness and positive feelings. This may be the right option for those of you who feel moderately depressed, but if youre depression is severe, the cure may not be so simple.

2. Dont stay silent.

A good tip would be to take advantage of your school or campuses counseling facilities. This is a good way to get the help you need while lifting that weight off of your shoulders. Simply get in touch with the counselor and arrange an appointment.

3. Sleep.

For an enjoyable life, it is a general rule to keep a regular sleeping routine and making sure you get enough of it. But due to students late night studying and what-not, maintaining a stable sleeping routine may not always be the easiest thing to do. Nevertheless, it has been proven that sleep benefits learning and memory formation, so getting a good nights sleep might help those grades even more than pulling an all-nighter studying.

4. Check your eating habits.

Keeping regular eating habits with a balanced diet helps boost metabolism and ensure that the energy is used sufficiently. Breakfast is one of the most important meals you should be consuming. With this, you will feel fuelled, healthier and energised.

5. Just relax.

I know its more easy said than done, but if you can pull off a habit to do relaxation techniques regularly, it will be better for you and your grades in the long run.

To start you off, try some of these relaxation techniques:

I hope you find these tips useful and good luck on whatever youre stressing out about!


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blossombreathe February 12th, 2017


Some awesome tips there! From a sufferer of depression myself, I can also suggest meditating and writing down something that you are grateful for every day to remind you that there is always good during bad times. Thank you for sharing! laugh