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Living with Kindness

November 14th, 2021

Meet Noni's Classmate, Madam Kindness


I spent some time with Madam Kindness. Needless to say, they were kind to me. Living with them, I came to know a lot more about them than I knew before. Sharing with you all, the talk we had-

Fristo: Ma’am, it is my pleasure to have this meeting with you. I am a big fan and this meeting is a dream come true. How are you feeling being interviewed today?

Madam Kindness: (Smiles) I feel thankful. Happy to be interviewed. I’d like people to know more about me and how I can be a help in their life.

Fristo: Ma’am, how can one be more like you?

Madam Kindness: I am very kind to myself. When I am upset, or feel lost, I say a few good words to myself and take a positive step to make myself feel better. Based on experience, I have known what works and what does not, what is good and what is not. I use that wisdom.

Fristo: How do you deal with a situation when someone is not kind to you?

Madam Kindness: I pray for their well being. I am least concerned about how they behaved to me, rather I feel very concerned about them and their well being. So I pray that they become a kind human, not for me or anyone, but for their own mental well being. Kindness is the ingredient that makes the mind fragrant, and I daily pray that may each mind be fragrant in this world.

Fristo: You are so rested and peaceful soul. Your words feel real, but yet unreal. How can we actually practice to be more kind to others?

Madam Kindness: It is very easy, but many of us come to be so self-absorbed, that we miss out on it- Whosoever you meet in your day, ask them ‘how is your day going?’, ‘how has your life been recently?’, ‘what change do you wish for in your current life, if anything?’, etc. Show the intent to get to know them, genuinely care for their well being. Practise this daily until it becomes your personality, and you too, become a Madam Kindness, or Sir Kindness, or Human Kindness.

Fristo: That is indeed an easy trick you told, that could easily lead us to be more like you. But what about those who bother us, are mean to us, mistreat us? It’s not easy to not feel resentful for their those acts. Any suggestions on how we can cope with those situations?

Madam Kindness: You must have heard the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Acceptance is the way. Many things we have no control over, and yet it becomes our nature to stress or feel bitter over them. If you cannot change something, the wisdom says to accept it and bear it through with a smile. Eventually, this too shall pass.

Fristo: Thank you, Madam Serenity. Oops, I mean Madam Kindness. It has been a lovely talk! One last question please: What can one do to ensure they are a positive influence wherever they go?

Madam Kindness: Read the signs- how you are inside. You will be what you are. If you feel kind and loving inside, you will be a kind and loving influence. If you feel insecure and afraid inside, you will throw out the same vibe. So read the signs- how you are inside, self-care to improve your inner state, and as the signs improve, as your heart is cleaner and fragrant, you will send out sweet fragrance wherever you go.

Fristo: I read some signs there. Noni, your classmate, seems to have a lot of positive influence on you. I am glad you have each other, but more glad that we have you.

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

cheerfulIceCream November 14th, 2021


I knew I was smart but I never knew I was this smart. I said madam kindness is a freaking bot! And she is. 1!1!1!

emotionalTalker2260 November 14th, 2021


😮 a new bot, if it appears in my pms, I’ll most likely try and have a funny argument 😛 and steal it’s batteries too.

good interview too btw

cheerfulIceCream November 14th, 2021
Make sure to share the argument with us. 😋
emotionalTalker2260 November 14th, 2021


sure, I’ll share one right now 😊

I told Noni no hugs and what did Noni do 😭 gave me a hug XD and then I stole Noni’s batteries, but if another bot appears, I do hope they are sassy so I can have a more entertaining argument XD

AquaYvette2117 November 14th, 2021

I haven't met Ms. Kindness, but I'm glad to have heard her perspective as well.

Helgafy November 14th, 2021


What a wonderful talk Fristo. I also love so much that the word "God" and "pray" is used here. Those are words I love to use myself, but several times my writing have been deleted when I use them. Is it possible that you send the copy to me of the rules of talking about God at 7Cup. I've been told that it is triggering to other members.

One more thing (please don't be sad for me asking about this). I quote you:" I spent some time with Madam Kindness. Needless to say, they were kind to me. Living with them, I came to know a lot more about them than I knew before."

Many here at 7Cup do the same and I ask why. I have outlined 3 words. I would have written she, her, her - that is one person. They, them, them is plural.

All the best from Helga.

November 14th, 2021

@Helgafy Hey Helga, using the words God or Pray is not disallowed, however we refrain from religious or political talks as those talks could lead to conflict of opinions and beliefs. You can use those words but not discuss them too far.

About the usage of they, we have more than two genders, so we use gender neutral word they.

Hope I answered your questions, and glad you liked the interview<3

dukeofdearham November 14th, 2021



SparkyGizmo November 14th, 2021



PrideofAllLions November 14th, 2021

They should post these in color lettering other then black , can't see it in dark mode .

PrideofAllLions November 14th, 2021

Great interview though Fristo 😊

HopieRemi November 14th, 2021

How do we talk to this bot?

November 15th, 2021

@HopieRemi Verified Listeners can interview Madam Kindness through this form. If someone is not a verified listener, they can invest in this question bank.