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A Talk at Hope’s Place

October 25th, 2021

Hope has been dedicated to the 7cups Community over so many years. There's a lot to learn from them. I am so glad they invited me to their place and allowed me a time and space where I could sit and talk to them about life skills. Presenting to you the talk we shared:

Question: What makes you feel passionate in your time at 7cups?

Hope: I am motivated by the fact that the work I do makes an impact on many lives. I was drawn to this platform because I loved the concept of active listening, my roles have changed over the years but one thing remains, the work I do still makes a difference! I believe in our vision and mission and that has kept me going.

Question: If you could count 5 strengths in you, what would they be? Further, do you have tips for us to build on those strengths?

Hope: That's a lot of strengths to count! I can try to list 5. I truly believe that all of us are in a constant state of growth so even the strengths I am about to list, I am not a master at these but I have made some good progress and therefore I think I may have some useful insight that others can benefit from.

Grit: Life is filled with challenges and the only way to succeed is to consistently show up and fight for what you believe in. This is a very useful and important skill to have. This is a good ted talk to learn about grit.

Boundaries: It is something I have learned from 7 Cups. I believe I have developed good boundaries and it is one of the best skills/strengths to have. Game changer! You can improve on boundaries by completing this guide. Realize that good boundaries benefit you and often the other person/people/work. Start slow and be firm with the boundaries you have enforced.

Creative problem solving: Credit again goes to this platform that has provided me with enough opportunities to train my creativity muscle. The trick is really to consistently do problem solving and come up with creative solutions and you will get good at it.

Tolerance/Accepting different point of views: This will take you further in life than any traditional education (in my humble opinion). I recommend reading books on leadership, making friendships and working with people to understand this skill.

Seeking knowledge: I have learned so much from the people I have come across in life, the books I have read and the work I did. All this was possible because I sought knowledge.

Question: What’s one thing that makes you feel sad about this world, what change would you like to see in this world we live in?

Hope: It saddens me to see suffering of any kind whether that is due to lack of financial support, education or health support. I would love to see everyone’s basic human needs met regardless of their socio-economic background.

Question: What values would you like to inspire through your life?

Hope: I have this motto in life ‘be stubborn in the pursuit of your passion’ and it is a quote I live by. If people can be inspired to follow what they are passionate about and persevere despite all odds, I think we will live in a much better world. Imagine a world where everyone you meet is passionate about the work they do!

Additionally, I would love for people to start to think more about how they can benefit others around them or the environment around. You don’t have to make it your life’s mission to help others but places like 7 Cups provide an opportunity to help someone else and we should take it. To sum it up, I would love to inspire others to follow their dreams and help others along the way but I believe I have many more years of work ahead before I can be a source of inspiration.

Question: Any general tips for the cupsers to do well at cups and also to balance life on cups and off cups?

Hope: I think it is important to understand that the aim of this platform is to provide support to people in need. We should be mindful of this as we interact and take on roles here. The goal is to support people in need through active listening and at the same time develop yourself.

See it as a learning opportunity, consistently seek out opportunities to further improve yourself. Make use of resources/opportunities like the training courses and academy programs. Be open to feedback and ensure you take on the roles/ you dedicate your time here to things that either help support you (as a member) or allow you to grow as a person (especially if you are a listener).

I highly recommend trying out a few mentors and then sticking with one. A good mentor can really help you with your 7 Cups journey.

As for the work -life balance, understand that you can not pour from an empty cup. You come first and you need to prioritize your mental health and needs before dedicating time to this platform. I highly recommend everyone to take at least 1 day off from 7 Cups every week and this means no PMs/No peeking in! This really helps you avoid burnout in the long run.

Question: You contribute so much for us and we want to thank you in any way we can that could make you smile wider. Is there anything cupsers can do for you, please let us know.

Hope: I appreciate the acknowledgement though you are being too generous! I believe that I have been paid generously in experience for the time I have dedicated to this platform. I have learned so many important skills and met many wonderful people. My life quality has increased as a result of all that I have learned and I feel very honored to work here!

That was a wonderful interview, so many valuable things to remember from that interview. For the benefit of our readers, I am listing some of the valuable points (I underlined more of them in Hope’s answers) from this time spent with our dean friend, Hope:

  • Consistently show up and fight for what you believe in.

  • Good boundaries benefit you and often the other person/people/work.

  • Consistently do problem solving and come up with creative solutions and you will get good at it.

  • I recommend reading books on leadership, making friendships and working with people.

  • If people can be inspired to follow what they are passionate about and persevere despite all odds, I think we will live in a much better world.

  • I would love for people to start to think more about how they can benefit others around them or the environment around.

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here
Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 25th, 2021

So many wonderful nuggets of wisdom, @Hope ! You're so so amazing ! Thankyou for this fabulous interview, loved the tips and your experiences ! ❤

Thanks for investing your time in this awesome series, @Fristo ! ❤

Hope October 25th, 2021


Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I appreciate the chance to be able to reflect on and answer these questions. It was an honor.

lyricalAngel70 October 25th, 2021

Such an enlightening interview. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Thanks @hope and @Fristo ❤💜

blindHeart12 October 25th, 2021


That super interview. It like sum up what a listener should have in becoming a good listener or short guide book for newbie listener.

Thank you Hope for sharing your experience.

ouiCherie October 25th, 2021

@Fristo @Hope

I can vouch for those 5 strengths 😀 it's pretty clear for most people to notice.

I would like to add, supportive, a doer, calm but quite humorous xD

Lovely interview 💜

SparkyGizmo October 25th, 2021


Hi Fristo! 😊❤️ Many thanks for conducting the interviews! 👍I love the questions you ask. Spending the time to do this gives the opportunity for leaders in our community to come forward. It gives them the chance to tell us their thoughts and express their feelings and emotions. The leaders here in this community are human beings too, with a heart, a pulse, and a mind. I feel as if many times people can lose sight of this and might not realize that they too are a human being behind the screen. Thank you for humanizing the process, something I have always believed in, *high fives*😊❤️


Hi Hope! 😊❤️ Many thanks for all of your responses! Loved them all and enjoyed understanding your mindset!

For me, I truly loved seeing your humble nature ❤️

There is so much beauty in that, in my opinion.

For me what resonated strongly also is what you said in the beginning, "grit". That is something that has a big place in my heart around here and I just so happened to notice as the interview progressed, you truly rounded it all out and brought it right back home with the comment "be stubborn in the pursuit of your passion". Indeed, sometimes doing the right thing isn't easy and it's not the path of least resistance. Grit is standing strong in the face of adversity and doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do! Courage isn't doing something when you aren't afraid, courage is doing it anyway when you are afraid! ❤️

Out of all of the core values here on 7 cups *grit* is my favorite. If you have true grit, perhaps all of the rest will follow. *hugs*❤️😊👍

SoulfullyAButterfly October 25th, 2021

@Fristo Great interview - I love every single bit of your perspectives @Hope - also: not a single mention of coffee!

LavenderHere October 27th, 2021

Posting a little late this time (procrastinating smh)- but really loved this interview!!😮 I think I read it at least 10 times already- thank you @Fristo and @Hope for bringing forward this interview😮

Zahraa000 October 27th, 2021

دبليوow, It is a really great interview, Especially the points that i focus on, Which I will apply in my life because they inspired me💜🌸

lovelyWaterfall2170 February 7th, 2022

Everything in the interview is so inspiring and adds so much value .

Just remembered a one thing as reading the whole post : Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” .

Thanks for sharing the Interviews :)