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bookworm274 February 12th, 2021

Hi everyone! Welcome to another post in the Get To Know Our Forums project which you can find more about by clicking here!

Today, we thought we would share some existing posts about the forums so that we had a single post you could save and refer back to when trying to find a certain post! We are aware that sometimes posts can be in different areas of the platform so having one space where you can come back to will hopefully be a big help! If we find any more forum related posts that we think you will find useful then we will add them to this list for you! Everything in blue is clickable:

Guidelines & Safety:

Expanded guidelines post

Keeping Forums Welcoming & Supportive: Forum Guidelines Update

Having a Forum Post Deleted/Edited

How to act in various areas on 7Cups

Making Constructive Disagreements in the Forums


Forum Leadership Opportunities

Apply to be a Forum Supporter

Role of a Forum Supporter

Apply to be a Forum Mentor

Forum Buddy Project

Global Forum Moderation Application

Apply to be a Project Agent

Join the Needs Reply Team


Dipping Your Toes Into The Forums

Forum Supporter Guide: Validation

Sam's Forum Post Making Tips

The Forum Oath - for members

The Forum Oath - for listeners


Forum Update - A Better Moderation System

Ice-breaker/fun activity: In the comments, let us know your favourite things about the forums!

@Mel @tami150 @Listeningsarinn

tami150 February 12th, 2021


Thank you for posting this Book!! My favourite things about forums are probably Icebreakers! I totally love having fun with other people in forums❤️

Mel February 13th, 2021

@bookworm274 lovely post!

My favorite thing abut the forums is getting to interact with so many different people at the same time, read their thoughtful posts and support them!

Thank you for this post @tami150 @Listeningsarinn @bookworm274 Red heart

Mel, 7Cups Ambassador. "and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make".

pamharley003 February 13th, 2021


Thank you forf posting this I have made a file for it to refer back to when needed.

Sher217 February 13th, 2021


Thank you so much for putting this information together all in one post !!!

I will be creating a folder for this and all of the links shared. I'm certainly going to add a link back to this post when creating a guide for new members of my group who are interested in being active in forums!!

Feel free to tag me onto any similar posts that you create, please.

Great work!! Thank you!

bookworm274 OP February 15th, 2021


I'm glad you find it useful! I will try to remember to keep you posted and tag you, you can also refer back to the project which you can find here and subscribe to the post - you will receive updates when we add new posts related to the forums!

CharlesC February 13th, 2021

@bookworm274 thanks for this!! My favorite thing is the interaction between people all showing care and support.

IntellectuallySound February 14th, 2021

Do you know where I could find a forum for parents of autistic children? Or if one even exists? Thanks

Listeningsarinn February 14th, 2021


hey there! Hope you are having a good day!
I don't think that there is a specific forum for parents of autostic children but you can share about that in the autism spectrum support forum (click me!) you can also check here to find resources on ASD

greenYard2803 August 12th, 2021

@bookworm274 thank you