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7 Cups Academy Mentors (Building Community Program): Availability Updates

User Profile: Hope
Hope January 21st, 2021

NOTE: Please don't post to this thread. Subscribe to this thread and you will get a notification when we update this thread.

Hey there! At 7cups we encourage breaks, as self-care is a priority, therefore from time to time our Mentors go on breaks, this post will keep you up to date with these changes. If you don't see a name in the list, that means they are no longer an operations mentor. Mentors who are ACTIVE are colored green while those who are ON-BREAK are colored Red.

Green: You may approach these mentors with program-related concerns. If a mentor is marked green and they do not respond to you within 3 days, please let us know through this form. All of our active mentors are expected to keep up a 3 day response time.

Red: Please DON'T approach these Mentors with concerns as long as their status is red.

Listeningsarinn (Can be contacted by Teens)

Dajia215 (Can be contacted by Teens)

competentParadise6344 (Can be contacted by Adults and Teens)

Mentors can support you with the following:

✯ Help you understand program expectations

✯ Guide you in choosing the right sub-community focus

✯ Guide you on how to make quality forum posts

✯ Answer program questions and concerns

✯ Support you on areas that you need extra guidance on

User Profile: Hope
Hope OP May 1st, 2021

Post updated on May 1, 2021

** Please DO NOT post in this thread**

If you are looking for any other 7 Cups Academy program information, please reach out to them (all blue is hyperlinked):

Quality Leadership Program

Group Leadership & Development Program

Leadership Development Program

Internship Program

Content Development and Marketing Program