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Psychology Today: 7 Helpful Ways to Manage Overwhelming Stress

comfortableNight4463 April 6th, 2022


"Many of us are feeling overwhelmed by stress these days, whether related to the pandemic, our finances, war and suffering around the world, or the day-to-day demands of being alive.

Whatever the source, I lean heavily on three research-based ways to manage stress. They come from mindful cognitive behavioral therapy (MCBT), and I summarize the three components as “Think Act Be.”

Think, the cognitive part of MCBT, helps us challenge the thoughts that drive stress. With the Act component, the “behavioral” in MCBT, we lower stress by doing (or not doing) certain activities. And through Be, the mindfulness part of mindful CBT, we practice being in the moment and letting go of resistance to our circumstances.

1. Think: Examine Thoughts

Notice when your thoughts are triggering a stress reaction. Common stress-related thoughts include:

  • I have to finish this.
  • I should be doing more.
  • This is taking too long.
  • I’m going to fail.
  • I don’t have time to rest.

Often these kinds of thoughts are just stories our minds are telling, and they’re not completely true. Begin to question these assumptions. Do you “have to” finish a project today, or is it an arbitrary self-imposed deadline? Perhaps the thing you’re working on takes exactly as much time as it needs to. See how it feels to let go of stress-inducing thought patterns.

2. Act: Enjoy Yourself

Plan to do things that bring you pleasure every day. Schedule them into your calendar, and protect the time as you would a work commitment. The work of self-care is as important as anything else you’ll do today.

3. Act: Move Your Body

Consistent physical exercise is one of the most reliable ways to manage stress. Find movement that you enjoy—maybe running is your thing, or maybe you’re more of a dancer. The best form of exercise is the one that we’ll do consistently.

4. Act: Find Rest

The most important things you do today might be the things you don’t do. Plan short breaks into your schedule, ranging from full-length vacations to mini-breaks throughout the workday.

5. Be: Present Focus

Much of our stress comes from having our attention somewhere other than right here and now—worrying about the future, dwelling on the past. When we’re not in the present, there is no limit to the stressful things our minds can throw at us. Simply bringing your awareness to this moment can be a powerful stress antidote

6. Be: Mindful Acceptance

Stress also comes from silently insisting in some way that what is happening shouldn’t be. That internal resistance creates an extra layer of tension on top of whatever actual problems we need to solve. Practice opening to all of your experience, instead of resisting it.

7. Be: Mind-Body Exercises

Joining our minds and our bodies tends to automatically relieve our stress. There’s something about grounding our awareness in the body that dissolves tension and helps us to let go of things we can’t control. Examples of mind-body exercises include yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, slow breathing, and tai chi.

NIP stress in the bud by Noticing, Intending, and Planning:

  • Begin by Noticing when you need to manage stress; it’s easier to relieve stress before it reaches crushingly high levels.
  • Next, set an Intention to find rest, giving yourself permission to take your foot off the accelerator and pump the brakes. You might remind yourself, for example, that “I’m allowed to look after myself,” or “I don’t need anyone’s permission to take a break.”
  • And finally, make a specific Plan to follow, drawing from the Think Act Be practices above."

Read the full article here!


What are some of the ways you reduce your stress?

#Stress #EmotionalRegulation #Mentalhealth

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 6th, 2022


Hey Night, quite an insightful post, thanks for sharing these wonderful tips with us. ❤️

I find working on the root of the cause of stress to be helpful (in times, when stress is due to something in control, for instance I'd feel stress free about a deadline if i start working in the earliest *ideally* xD)

Other times, when the stressors are not in direct control, it either helps to take a walk, listen to some music, watch something (to keep the stressful thoughts away), journaling and ofcourse if nothing else works, to take a nap and "escape reality" for the time being lol.

How about you, what helps you reduce stress? 😀

Angelcrossing18486 April 6th, 2022

Take a nap, play music and sing along, clean, watch funny videos, lay with my cat, drive, bubble.baths. there is many things that help but there is always those times you get so stressed to the point nothing you do is working. That's a struggle I still have sometimes but I always try to work on them and never give up even when I feel I want to.

globalBraid3744 April 6th, 2022


Very informative post!

What are some of the ways you reduce your stress?

I reduce stress by talking to my friends and painting.

comfortableNight4463 OP April 8th, 2022

@globalBraid3744 Thank you for sharing! I usually go for a nice, long walk. It helps a lot!