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blitheSun94 April 20th, 2015

*face-palm* Does anyone else get them?


Jaelin April 20th, 2015

Right here *Waves Obnoxiously*! Chronic daily migraines.


redlotus April 21st, 2015

Can I chime in too? On and off for 20+ years.

proactiveCherry3643 April 21st, 2015

I have had severe migraines every day for the past 4 months. I feel you.

blitheSun94 OP April 21st, 2015

Pain is so discouraging. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. Please feel free to share coping tips.

Day two- still hurting.

Thank you.

wonderfulMagic99 April 21st, 2015

Yes, although I don't get them very often anymore luckily!

Jaelin April 21st, 2015

I often use an ice pack and lay down in a very dark room:) Its awful im so sorry. Ive had my chronic daily migraines for 15 years so unless they are something close to 8-10 on the pain scale imusually able to tolerate. Im so sorry again. Be sure to rest and drink plenty of water. Dontforget to eat something. @blithesun94

blitheSun94 OP April 21st, 2015

Thank you, as always, @Jaelin.

That sounds so overwhelming. Have doctors any idea why?

I shall try that before bed tonight. =)

Jaelin April 21st, 2015

Nope. One doctor thought it was an emotional thing (I internalized my feelings about growing up in a dysfunctional home and what not) that turned into a physical pain but even once i talked about it they didnt go away. And your welcome, I hope it helps. @Blithesun94

FiveFortyOne April 21st, 2015

Jaelin -- do you have physical triggers going on? Fibromyalgia, compressed nerves or bone spurs in the neck or shoulders, or that kind of thing? That can create physical triggers that manifest as chronic migraines. That's been part of my issue (alongside weather-related triggers and anxiety triggers), and I've found going to a pool (there's a nice therapy pool I use) and using floats so I can just hang in the water helps alot.

Basically, you put weights on your ankles. You wrap two pool noodles (seriously) just under your shoulders -- one going back, one going front. You then rest your body and relax as much as possible, letting the weights pull your legs down, while you let your arms relax as much as you can. Take a few minutes if possible, and just breathe, while letting the gentle weight pull on your legs (don't use too heavy a weight, obviously) and the rest of you just resting.

The first time you do it, it can actually hurt -- your body letting parts of itself uncramp can be uncomfortable -- but I've found it actually helps reduce the incidences of my migraines.

As always, don't do any of this without another person nearby in case of water-related trouble. And either way, good luck.

Jaelin April 22nd, 2015

Yes Im sure i do I do have Fibromyalgia and also seizures. And thanks for the tips!!!

QuickJazz April 21st, 2015

I experience migraines too. But thank goodness they havereduced and I only tend to spend16 days a month with a migraine (I used to havechronic daily ones!). These past two months, mymigraines havelasted54hrs on average [< that's just the pain stage]. (I keep a migraine diary on my phone, haha).

I currently have one now, but it's mild (I'd say it's a 5/10) and it's been going for 21hrs now. Like Jaelin, I can usually functionso long as it's not at or over 8/10 on the pain scale. But - for example - I went to my exercise classesyesterday and my migraine worseneddue to the movement (and so Icouldn't do as much and had to take lots of rests). So I have to be careful.

I personally find the symptoms other than the actual head pain harder to cope with a lot of the time.The postdromephase is often really difficult for me.

Migraines are hereditaryin my family. My doctors pay no mind to it as a result.

So sorry about your migraines everyone, they suck!

Great to hear you found something that has helped you though, @FiveFortyOne!!

redlotus April 22nd, 2015

@Blithesun94....mine are usually hormonal or weather related. I also found cutting back on caffeine helped a lot. For me an ice pack at my head, and a cool facecloth to the back of my neck works when I do get one. I lay down in a dark room with earplugs to drown out any noise. I can usually function with the pain, for me it's the nausea and visual disturbances I can't handle. Also depending on what you take for migraines, my neuro told me to take it with an anti-inflammatory. He said that can make the migraine med work that much better. Something you can bring up with your doctor maybe? Hope you feel better!!

FreneticThoughts614 May 20th, 2015

I know I'm late to this thread, but I have migraines the same way! My pain is not typically the worst part, but I get moderate to severe aura symptoms. Nausea, visual disturbances, numbness, and some kind of brain fog. Those are what affect me more and my primary doc is stumped!

princess05 April 22nd, 2015

For the past 3 days I've had a migraine

blitheSun94 OP April 22nd, 2015

I am so glad I started this discussion. It looks like something that is fairly common- which brings me no delight whatsoever. I do get migraines from time to time, but not daily. This last episode was triggered by quitting smoking and dietary changes. I also have insomnia (which has improved since becoming healthier) which can contribute. Considering the severity of my own experience, daily migraines would drive me mad. I would also become concerned with greater causes. Have any of you received MRIs?

My chronic pain exists mostly in my back, neck, shoulders, head, and stomach (ulcers/stress). I carry my stress this way and cope with yoga when I find the time. I just received a professional massage last month that I swear made me sicker before it did any good. (There is a theory there that your body purges all the toxins in your cells when you receive a massage, leaving you feeling lethargic with flu-like symptoms.) I also have a girlfriend who lives with Fibromayalgia (SP?). Unfortunately, there is no lab test for that.

Thank you all for sharing helpful information and the simple reminder that none of us alone.

I am feeling better, thank you. Yesterday was God-awful. heart

MadiAsAHatter May 29th, 2015

I have suffered from migraines since I was 10 years old and I am now 21 (I turn 22 in July). I thankfully have kind of gotten them under control with the use of medications in the past couple of years, I do not get them as often as I used to, and I am so glad. I used to have them every week, constantly be in bed because of them. Now when I get them they are very bad, but I rarely get them, so I guess that is something? A life with migraines can be super difficult, but it can also be livable. There is hope.

If anyone ever wants to talk to me about any of this sort of thing, my chat is always open to you, just shoot me a message, I'm here for you.

blitheSun94 OP May 30th, 2015

Madi, Thank you, from my heart to yours, for sharing your story and words of encouragement. I have chronic neck pain and I believe this link to my vertebrae may be what triggers the kind of migraines that bloom disdain behind the eyes. Does anyone else feel their migraines exacerbated by other conditions? So many of you say your doctor's are stumped. .. how scary!