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Dealing with Panic Attacks

PhoenixAsh July 15th, 2018

Panic attacks can cause a lot of difficulty in daily life, and dealing with them can be different for everyone. Discussing your personal situation with a trained professional is the best way to learn to deal with them. However, I've outlined a few steps below that can help to deal with panic attacks in the case that you are unable to discuss with a professional.

⁂ Understand Panic Attacks ⁂

• Panic attacks are caused when our 'fight or flight' response is triggered when there is no real threat
• The fight or flight response causes your breathing to quicken and muscles to tense
• These symptoms can make you feel lightheaded, shaky or cramped, but these feelings cannot hurt you

Positive Self Talk ⁂

• Remember and remind yourself that panic attacks don't last
• Tell yourself that the symptoms you are experiencing are due to anxiety

⁂ Confront Your Fear ⁂

• Target what it is that you're afraid of, rather than avoiding those thoughts
• Even if it is nothing, remind yourself that that's okay, and normal, but that there is no real threat

⁂ Control Your Breathing ⁂

• Look up 'anxiety breathing gif - these gifs by Nathan Pyle are my personal favourites
• Breathe in as slowly, deeply and gently as you can
• Put your hands on your stomach and try to make that rise and fall as you breathe, rather than your chest

⁂ Ground Yourself ⁂

• Look up grounding techniques and find some that suit you - this link has a few good ones
• Listen to a meditation/mindfulness track - we have some on 7 cups
• Do a mindfulness exercise that doesn't require audio - some can be found here

⁂ Talk to Someone ⁂

• Phone a friend, or talk to someone in person who knows about your panic attacks - if you can, discuss beforehand what you need when you're having an attack
• Chat with a listener on 7 Cups

Panic attacks can be a long, stressful, and exhausting experience. Go easy on yourself, panic attacks are not your fault, nor are they easy to deal with - riding them out is often the best we can do, and that's okay.

Sources and further reading:

• Is there anything you would like to add to this list?
• What helps you the most when you have a panic attack?
• What doesn't work for you when you have a panic attack?

lowkeyem1001 February 5th, 2019

@PhoenixAsh thank you for this Xx

beliveinlove11 August 31st, 2021

@lowkeyem1001 yes

RosaSmith7 February 5th, 2019


Hey guys, one great tip which I don't think is adviced very often is having a tight hug, it works for many please try it and also know there are so many people out there just like you so reach out to people . ❤️

resourcefully532 December 26th, 2021


Yes, as cheesy as it sounds it actually works. When my brother has panic attacks we hug him and it works.

resourcefully532 December 26th, 2021


I think it works well at least for my brother

faithfulOak1349 July 29th, 2019

My panic attacks last all day. Does anyone else have such sustained attacks? Or is this something else? I feel overwhelmed and dread, with some paranoia that bad things are coming.

Sadperson95sigh September 16th, 2019

@faithfulOak1349 I feel that all day long too. I dont know if its considered panic attack though...

WaverlyV November 5th, 2019

When I deal with panic attacks at school or in public, I always go to a quieter place. I close my eyes, focus on my breathing, and try to relax. I focus on the air in my lungs going in and out. I imagine the tension in my body leaving. I remind myself that everything is okay.

Sarahstrange December 29th, 2019

@PhoenixAsh I seem to get panic attacks when something happens regarding money or my family. Never has a friend given me one. One panic attack almost had me seizing but I felt I could control it I just couldnt make it stop. My husband just kept telling me I was overreacting and I felt like that made it worse. To be honest, sometimes a slap helps me get out of it. I just read on this thread that a tight hug would work to calm these attacks. I just dont know how to tell my husband or father that instead to try to hug me. They dont really understand my anxiety, depression. Though my panic last all day, the attacks happen maybe once a month. Its like I have so many things going on in a loop and they wont end. And I feel stuck.

Booklover95 July 15th, 2018


I would like to add that panic attacks usually have triggers. Is good to notice which ones we have, and how to deal with them.

Also that panic attacks do happen because we listen to our mean inner voice. Most people listen but ignore those hurtful, anxious thoughts. People with panic attacks tend to listen to it and it goes into a bigger scale.

p.s- this thread was so well done. The info well written, very clear, with good links.. 5 stars! :)

PhoenixAsh OP July 16th, 2018

@Booklover95 Thanks for sharing! That's really true, knowing our triggers can help us understand what to expect from panic attacks. It's also a great point that listening to that mean inner voice can cause things to spiral into panic, that's a great thing to be aware of.

Thank you for the lovely feedback too, I'm glad you liked the thread ^-^

placidSail9625 September 15th, 2018

I suffered from panic attacks for about a year. It was unbearable. I thought that I was dying. But I came across one book that could help me when I had already lost all hope. Book title "Panic attacks are a myth of incompetent doctors: Get rid of them quickly, for free and for life". Here is a link on the Amazon

PhoenixAsh OP September 15th, 2018

@placidSail9625 That's really interesting! Thanks for sharing!

affectionateCherry7576 December 23rd, 2018


Thank you for sharing this book.

Mycatissleeping8671 January 29th, 2019

What I notice calms me down the most is a system Ive seen before as follows:

name these out loud to yourself

5 things you can see

4 things you can touch

3 things you can hear

2 things you can smell

1 thing you can taste

Hope this helps!❤️

Bubblekitty72 July 6th, 2019

@Mycatissleeping8671 another thing that helps me is picking something to keep my eyes on (sometimes I get dizzy and the world starts spinning) and counting. Hopefully this also helps ❤️

jennysunrise8 February 5th, 2019

@PhoenixAsh this is amazing what you put together here ash and im actually going to link to this thread and put it on my profile for people today great job heart

OceanFox April 27th, 2019


I actually came across an article on 7 cups that said one of the best ways to stop a panic attack is to splash cold water on your face a few times while holding your breath. This activates the diving reflex (a survival reflex for when you are submerged in water) which has the exact opposite effects of a panic attack. It slows your heart rate and oxygenation progress and clears your mind. I havent actually had the chance to try this yet (I only just read it a week or so ago), so I would be thrilled to hear if anyone tries this technique and how it went!

tealKite2065 April 29th, 2019

@OceanFox ja, i'll try nwn

AuraKitty5 August 4th, 2019

What really helps me calm down is holding a stuffed animal or something, and then focusing on how it feels, how soft it is, how it smells, and how it feels to squish it. This just helps me get some of my stress out.

sunnyZebra2336 August 5th, 2019

Whenever I have anxiety attacks I feel alone, unable to focus or think. It feels like an "impending sense of doom". I have had these from childhood based on several factors I had no control over. Whwnever I have an attack I reach out to a friend. However, I am so consumed that it takes he upwards of a good part of an hour to get me somewhat under control. Therefore, I found this group where I can learn strategies to aid me.

Axelfoley91 August 9th, 2019

Well i have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for a few years. Firstly its knowing your triggers and recognising when it comes. A thing ive learned is its always slightly different symptoms and triggers for everyone so coping strategies tend to vary. Grounding techniques tend not to work for me same as a number of other techniques but threads like this help show new ideas and perspectives. Taking an ice cube and pressing against your wrist til it melts works best for me personaly as after a while the cold becomes the focus. The panic attacks for me tend to be me shaking, hot, feeling like im gonna be sick or being sick and the noise in my head is like a packed train station just a lot of noise and lack of being able to shut it out or focus so if anyones the same and wants a tip then theres a bit of advice from me and im always here to message 😊

AutumnBreezy October 19th, 2019

@Axelfoley91 I feel like you described my attacks so perfectly. I have had depression for a number of years but anxiety is new to me over the past 18 months. It's got worse and worse and now I can't even sleep as these feelings keep me up at night. Thank you for sharing. I would like to message you in learning how some of your techniques helped.

toasty0with0no0toaster November 5th, 2019

Something most people don't understand is that panic attacks can be brought about at any time, and don't always have a clear cause or reason. Whenever I just start feeling panicky without a real trigger, most people assume I'm faking it, which gets very frustrating. 7 Cups has helped a lot in learning to understand and accept my feelings as they are, and not as people without anxiety think anxiety looks like.

jubjubtheiguana7 March 14th, 2020

Does anyone else have panic attacks triggered by driving fast like on a highway or interstate? That is my only trigger, but it is on the verge of destroying my relationship with my boyfriend, because we can't go on really go on road trips, which is important to both of us, but especially him. This is something I need to get under control ASAP to keep the person I love most. Any advice would be much appreciated.

ChickenBean August 21st, 2020


yes. Not always, but most of mine have happened when I was driving far (20mins+) on the highway. A lot of the times I had coffee, so I've cut that out for the most part. Once or twice when I was the passenger. Makes me scared to drive after a bad one where I had to pull over. Other times I can drive a few hours and be totally fine - with usually talking myself out of the very beginning stages of panic ensuing before it becomes anything. So I feel you.

reek May 3rd, 2020

When I have a panic attack....... this plays

Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time
Come on just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me
Good, good now we're making some progress
Come on just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat

And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see, I'm the narrator, and this is just the prologue?

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Applause, applause, no wait wait
Dear studio audience, I've an announcement to make
It seems the artists these days are not who you think
So we'll pick back up on that on another page

And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see, I'm the narrator and this is just the prologue?

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen
Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen
Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen
Swear to shake it up, swear to shake it up

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes

Cherryblossomjeans August 18th, 2020


I appreciate this so much 😂

ChickenBean August 21st, 2020

I used to think something was wrong when I had a panic attack, like physically wrong with my body. When everything checked out, each time I had one, I had to tell myself (literally, out loud) "you're fine. It's just a panic attack." Those "I'm dying" attacks seemed to have gone. Now, the panic attacks come on strong and I can't really talk myself out of it- like I'm scared of the panic attack. Also, most happen while driving longer distances.
Anyone else deal with this? Any good (car) coping mechanisms?

akay06 August 21st, 2020

I really enjoyed this post and thank you for posting your citations. I think the only thing I would add was a strategy given to me by an old therapist. Know your triggers. If you know what causes your panic attacks you can try to work through them in therapy, but you need to note what might be triggering the attacks.

supportiveDeer7910 January 5th, 2021

I find many of the comments in this thread to be very helpful. Panic Attacks are very scary and can be difficult to deal with, however reading these posts it shows we are not alone. While they may not be pleasant we are anything but broken. In fact, I think being able to talk about it makes us stronger. It shows the worry that they do not control us.

SweetHikari January 8th, 2021

I suffer from panic attacks, and it's been a mix of triggered and untriggered for me. What works is kind words and reasuring during recovery from attacks. You're tired and shaking from what feels sometimes like a near death experience, even if it wasn't at all. What does NOT work is saying that they're dramatic, faking it, attention seeking, or that they should be fine. It's really hard sometimes to deal with an attack, no matter how severe it is. They're scary sometimes and we just need a little support and understanding.

insecure1992 January 29th, 2021

Try putting your wrists under the cold tap if you have one to hand theres alot of nerves in your wrist and I think the shock of the cold helps bring you back to reality

Kimberly45 February 5th, 2021

I am having a major panick attack I feel. I can’t sleep I’m going into a spiral

cyanPeach789 February 13th, 2021

For context, some outward symptoms (in order of severeness of attack) I have when I'm having a panic attack are:

- Unfocused eyes (looking like I'm far away)

- Trembling

- Hyperventilating

- Blurred/fading vision

What helps me most when I'm having a panic attack:

1. Finding a wall to lean against (marble is pretty good because it's cold, and wall because it most probably won't fall over)

2. Breathing exercises

3. Crying it out - it's a form of release for me

4. Go to a place where I feel safe, sometimes an open and large area, sometimes a small area with one exit so that I feel safe

What doesn't help:

1. Loud noises or background noise (like a large crowd)

2. People crowding into my personal space to ask if I'm okay - I noticed this when I was panicking over the thought of being claustrophobic (it's mild) and all but one person in the group came closer to see if I was okay; I really appreciated the person staying where he was but looking at me with concern.

3. Unhelpful/judgemental remarks (e.g. glossing it over)

spruceTrees2021 June 18th, 2021

Grateful to read here how I'm not alone.
One thought that I would like to add is that there are significant biological or natural responses that our bodies develop under stress. Many panic attack symptoms result from different forms of percieved social deprivation.
I was reading about it in this library book called "The Integrative Neurobiology of Affiliation" by Carter, Lederhendler and Kirkpatrick.
A few threads suggested that a good hug helps. Indeed, lacking touch and connection is a profound source of panic. Hugging is our primal way of communicating to each other that we are together.
There are some good but less "real" ways to simulate hugs when there's nobody around to braid your hair or give a massage like yoga, exercise, and hot baths.
Sometimes, I can feel my body releasing stress hormones when I think of holding and being held by someone. The stress comes because there is no one who I trust and who trusts me. The fear that I may be excluded from groups of humans who communicate with and care for each other can feel like a great fog or thick veil. Eventually, I think that most people (and animals) eventually break down without inclusive, empowering social contact.
The trouble with people is that many groups compete for the same territory. I feel affinity for people between groups. That's me, and it can be very lonely. Both sides distrust you. The yoga and hot baths are okay coping mechanisms, but eventually I will have to find solace and stop these visceral responses to alienation.

beliveinlove11 August 31st, 2021

@PhoenixAsh this is amaxing

Highness420 August 31st, 2021

don't let panic attacks ruin your life,s,inhaleexhale,exotics-420-,pwh

exquisitePeace7976 December 25th, 2021



SaireJameDavid December 1st, 2022

@PhoenixAsh Source:

Why Panic?

Panic is the body’s normal response to danger. Imagine yourself walking across a highway. You suddenly notice a car speeding directly toward you. Instant physical and chemical changes in your body enable you to sprint to safety.

But now imagine this same feeling of panic with no apparent cause. Dr. R. Reid Wilson says: “Panic attacks are produced when panic deceives the brain into thinking there is imminent danger. Here you are, standing in the aisle of the grocery store, not bothering a soul. Flip. On goes the Emergency switch. ‘Red alert! All systems prepare for battle!’”

Only those who have experienced such attacks can fully grasp their intensity. American Health magazine describes it as “an adrenaline rush that screams through your body for five minutes or an hour or a day and then departs as quickly and mysteriously as it came, leaving you limp, exhausted and dreading the next one.”

The Roots of Panic

Panic attacks usually begin in young adulthood and affect more women than men. What causes them? There is no clear answer. Some say that sufferers are biologically predisposed because of an abnormality in the brain’s limbic system. Many feel that this condition can be inherited, while others claim that the brain’s chemistry is altered by stress-inducing factors.

In some cases the attacks are induced by memories of traumatic experiences, such as war, rape, or child abuse. One survey revealed the percentage of incest survivors with panic disorder to be 13 times higher than that of the general population. Indeed, while panic attacks and other syndromes are full-fledged problems in themselves, they can also be what writer E. Sue Blume calls “spokes with incest at the hub.”

Of course, not all panic attacks are induced by trauma. But Dr. Wayne Kritsberg cautions that when such is the case, “treating the secondary consequences of the abuse—rather than healing the original trauma—will not solve the problem permanently. It would be like taking cough syrup to cure a case of pneumonia.”

Can It Be Cured?

Panic attacks can be brought under control. Many whose fear of panic keeps them housebound have been helped by exposure therapy. In this treatment a patient is exposed to the situation he fears and is helped to stay there until panic diminishes. Those with heart trouble, asthma, peptic ulcer, colitis, or similar illnesses should consult a doctor before attempting this treatment.

Relaxation techniques can be employed to alleviate the buildup of anxiety.a Some of these are discussed in the accompanying box “Calming Skills.” But do not wait for the onset of panic. These skills are best practiced during low-anxiety periods. When mastered, they can diminish or even prevent future attacks.

Panic thrives on perfectionism and low self-esteem. “While I was having anxiety attacks, Mr. Negative ruled my life,” says one sufferer. “I told myself that because I had anxiety, I was inferior to others and therefore unlovable.” Reversing such attitudes can reduce anxieties that lead to panic.b

There is great value in confiding anxieties to a trusted friend. Talking them out can help the sufferer to distinguish problems that must be endured from problems that can be solved. Not to be overlooked is prayer. Psalm 55:22 says: “Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter.”

Rather than a single, mountainous problem, it is often the accumulation of small, seemingly insignificant distresses that induces panic—much like the way running too many individual electrical appliances on the same circuit can blow a fuse. One solution is to write down each problem on an index card and arrange them from the simplest problem to the most difficult. Tackle them one at a time. Writing out your distresses changes their makeup from what you fear and avoid to what you can see and resolve.

Some are aided by taking prescribed tranquilizers or antidepressants. However, a caution is in order. “I do not feel that medication alone is the answer,” says counselor Melvin Green. “It should be used as an adjunct while seeking the answer. . . . Drugs may allow you to be more functional, and that can give you the opportunity to seek other help to deal with the causes of agoraphobia and work toward your recovery.”

A Spiritual Problem?

“I thought Christians weren’t supposed to experience anxiety attacks,” says Brenda, “because Jesus said ‘never be anxious.’ I concluded that I must not be relying on God enough.” Yet, the context of Jesus’ words at Matthew 6:34 shows that he was not discussing panic disorders. Rather, he was emphasizing the danger of being more concerned with material needs than spiritual ones.

Indeed, even those who put spiritual interests first may be afflicted with this disorder, as the following experience of a woman from Finland shows.

“My partner and I, both Jehovah’s Witnesses, were engaged in door-to-door preaching. Suddenly, I felt dizzy. My thoughts were blocked. Nothing seemed real, and I feared I would lose my balance. At the next door, I completely lost my grip on the conversation.

“This terrifying experience took place in 1970. It was the first in a series of strange spells that would plague me over the next two decades. Repeatedly, I would find myself in a misty world, unable to think clearly. I would feel dizzy, and my heart would pound. I would stumble over my words or lose them altogether.

“I was a young, energetic, and happy full-time minister of Jehovah’s Witnesses. How I loved helping others to understand the Bible! But these attacks were a constant torment to me. I wondered, ‘What is wrong with me?’ A neurologist diagnosed my condition as temporal epilepsy. For the next ten years, I took the medication he prescribed. Still, I wondered why it had such little effect. I came to accept my condition as something I would simply have to endure.

“After some time I came to realize that my illness wasn’t epilepsy, and my prescription wasn’t working. Even routine walks were an insurmountable task. I dreaded encountering anyone along my route. It took all my strength to attend Christian meetings. I often sat sweating and dizzy with my hand on my temples, my heart pounding, and my mind blank. Sometimes my whole body felt tense and cramped. At one point I was sure that I would die.

“My ministry helped to sustain me, although it was no small miracle that I could continue it at all. Conducting a Bible study was at times so overwhelming that my companion had to take over. Truly, our preaching is a team effort, and in the end it is God who keeps making it grow. (1 Corinthians 3:6, 7) Sheeplike ones hear and respond despite the limitations of the teacher.

“One day in March 1991, my husband showed me a booklet about panic disorder. The symptoms described were just like mine! I read more on the subject, attended lectures, and made an appointment to see a specialist. After two decades, my problem was finally identified. I was on the road to recovery!

“The majority of those with panic disorder can be helped with the right treatment. Friends can be a great support when they are sympathetic. Rather than heap guilt on an already troubled soul, a discerning companion will realize that the person with panic disorder is not purposely antisocial.—Compare 1 Thessalonians 5:14.

“As I review the past 20 years, I am grateful that through it all I have been able to remain in the full-time ministry. It has been a blessing well worth the struggle. At the same time, I realize that, like Epaphroditus, some must relinquish privileges of service because of poor health. Jehovah is not disappointed with such ones. He does not expect more than a person can reasonably give.

“Living with this disorder has taught me not to take myself too seriously. It has enabled me to sympathize with others who have limitations. But above all, it has helped me to get close to Jehovah. Throughout my ordeal I have repeatedly seen him to be a genuine source of strength and comfort.”


a Christians avoid techniques that involve hypnosis or self-hypnosis. However, there are some visual and meditative exercises that clearly do not involve emptying the mind or surrendering it to the control of another person. Whether to accept these treatments is a matter of personal decision.—Galatians 6:5.

b For information on reversing negative thoughts, see Awake!, October 8, 1992, pages 3-9, and October 22, 1987, pages 7-16.

[Box on page 22]

Calming Skills

Calm breathing. Panic attacks are frequently accompanied by hyperventilation. To relax your breathing, try this exercise: Lie on your stomach. Count to six as you inhale; count to six as you exhale. Next, try the same deep breathing while sitting down. Then, try it standing up. Breathe deeply from the diaphragm, and practice this daily until it becomes natural. Some benefit by imagining beautiful surroundings while doing this exercise.

Calm thinking. ‘What if I collapse?’ ‘What if no one is there to help me?’ ‘What if my heart gives out?’ Catastrophic thoughts fuel panic. Since these thoughts are usually of future disasters or past attacks, try concentrating on the present situation. “To focus on the immediate is instantly calming,” says Dr. Alan Goldstein. Some suggest that you wear a rubber band around your wrist. When catastrophic thoughts arise, snap it and tell yourself: “Stop!” Interrupt anxiety before it has a chance to escalate into panic.

Calm reacting. If panic befalls you, don’t fight it. It’s just a feeling, and feelings need not harm you. Imagine that you are at the ocean watching the waves. They rise, they peak, and then they dissipate. Panic flows in the same fashion. Instead of fighting the wave, ride it out. It will pass. When it is over, do not overreact or overanalyze. It is gone, like a sneezing spell or a headache.

Panic is like a bully. Provoke him, and he will attack; do not provoke him, and he may go away. Dr. R. Reid Wilson explains that calming skills “are not designed so that you can better ‘fight’ panic or ‘banish’ panic at that moment. Instead, consider them ways of passing the time while panic tries to pick a fight with you.”

[Box on page 23]

Agoraphobia, a Fear of Fear

Many who suffer panic attacks develop agoraphobia. While it has been defined as a fear of public places, agoraphobia can more accurately be called a fear of fear. Agoraphobics fear panic so much that they avoid all places where previous attacks occurred. Soon, only one “safe” place remains—usually home.

“Imagine that you are leaving your house,” says writer Melvin Green. “Suddenly, from out of nowhere, appears the biggest man you ever saw. He has a baseball bat and, for no reason, hits you on the head. You stagger back into the house, not believing what just happened. When you are feeling better, you peek out the door and everything seems normal. You start down the path again. Suddenly he is there, and again you are struck. You get back into the house where you are safe. You look out the back door . . . He is there. You look out the windows . . . He is there. You know that if you leave the safety of your home, you will be hit again. Question: Would you leave?”

Many agoraphobics liken their feelings to that illustration and feel that their condition is hopeless. But Dr. Alan Goldstein gives this reassurance: “You are not unique, you are not alone. . . . You can help yourselves.”