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Coping Anxiety

November 10th, 2018

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, here are some coping techniques you can try:

Method 5x5
Think of the top 5 sounds/songs you like the most. Try to imagine those sounds/songs. Now, think of the top 5 smells you like the most. Again, try to experience in your mind those smells. You do the same thing for the other 3 senses, touch, taste, and sight. You think of positive things, things that relax you. By the end of this exercise, you'll feel a lot more grounded.

Try to breathe like this: inhale for 4 seconds. Then, keep it in for 7 seconds. Finally, exhale for 8 seconds. After that, repeat, repeat, repeat, until you feel calmer. Also, when you're inhaling, inhale through your nose, and when you're exhaling, exhale through the mouth.

Negative Visualization
If you're thinking about an event that hurt you and your mind can't move on from it, try this. Imagine the event in the third person, see yourself as a part of the 'video'. Now, turn that 'video' into a picture. Now, turn the picture into black and white, and very low resolution. According to Neurolinguistic Programming, this makes your mind feel less affected by the negative event you went through.

Positive Visualization
Try to think of a happy memory. Imagine that memory in the first person. Experience all sorts of small details from that memory, the smell of the air, the grass moving in the rhythm of the wind, the sound of people talking to you, etc. Think of the good memory as a video in very high quality and sound.

Darkseed December 11th, 2018


I think the breathing can be very effective. In one of my guided meditations, I do three deep breathes, hold it, and then slowly release them. Most of the time, I do feel more relaxed. I also get more out of it if I breathe through my mouth, although my mouth tends to dry out.

MxSkeleton December 12th, 2018


Thanks for this post it was really helpful!! I really appreciate it :)