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Anxiety vs. Stress - how to recognize them?

tami150 August 3rd, 2020

Hello everybody,

we experience stress daily. Whether it's because of a test or an exam at school, a job interview or our life just doesnt go well for a time. It is a normal part of our lives and despite the fact that most people consider stress as a bad experience, in some moments this unpleasant feeling can help us to overcome situations in which we would be completely defenseless without it.

Stress is a natural phenomenon for us, as it has become part of us, but only a little is enough and it can turn into other major problems such as anxiety. Many people don't even notice it and suddenly jump from stress to anxiety and don't even know when it happened. They only notice it after worse symptoms of anxiety show.

Therefore, in this thread, I would like to focus more on the symptoms and differences between stress and anxiety, and how to recognize them.

Stress vs Anxiety

When someone feels fear, threat, or pressure, their body releases stress hormones. This reaction allows a person to be prepared to fight, flight, or freeze. Their hearts are beating incredibly fast, they are not enough to catch their breath and their blood pressure is rising. Anxiety is the body's response to this stress.

Stress is usually caused by an external trigger and the symptoms disappear when the situation is over. The trigger can be short-term, such as a school exam or quarrel, or long-term, such as poverty or chronic illness.

Anxiety is defined by persistent, excessive worries that dont go away, it is a reaction to stress.

So simpler to explain: stress is fear of situations in which we are threatened, our fear is justified, and anxiety focuses on worries or fears about things that could threaten us.

Stress can go into anxiety very easily; if a person is worried about a certain thing, constantly focuses on it, is unsuccessful in it, or still thinks about it, this extended stress can turn into chronic stress. They are saying to themselves that they are not able to do this certain thing and making worries or fears about it. This is how chronic stress can lead to anxiety.

Difference between stress and anxiety symptoms

Stress symptoms (symptoms are alleviated once the external challenge has subsided):

- increased heart rate
- faster breathing
- feeling nervous, frustrated or overwhelmed
- worrying in tough situations
- diarrhea or constipation
- anxious thoughts
- moodiness, irritability or anger
- general unhappiness
- loneliness
- nausea
- loss of confidence
- dry mouth
- sweating
- muscle tension
- nervous habits (eating too much or too little, nail-biting...)
- frequent headaches
- back and/or neck pain
- forgetfulness
- low energy

Anxiety symptoms (symptoms dont subside after the challenge is over):

- panic attack
- pounding heart
- nausea
- chest pain
- difficulty concentrating
- poor sleep
- rapid breathing, hyperventilation
- diarrhea or constipation
- a feeling of unease or dread
- sweating
- muscle tension
- nervousness
- tenseness
- restlessness
- anxious thoughts, overthinking
- headache
- moodiness, irritability or anger
- loneliness
- unhappiness
- dry mouth
- sweating
- nervous habits
- pins and needles

Symptoms of stress and anxiety are quite similar, the main difference is that during anxiety we can experience panic attacks, which mimic heart attack symptoms (chest pain, feeling faint, nausea, sweating, breathing difficulties...)

Both anxiety and stress, include more symptoms, I mentioned just primary symptoms, so if you dont find here some of them and you want to let us know how you recognize stress and anxiety, I will be absolutely happy if you write it under this post!

Stress and anxiety are not always a bad thing. They are natural, reactions that people need to stay safe. They are part of the fight, flight, or freeze response that keeps us safe by preparing the body to deal with danger. People can manage their stress and anxiety with relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, physical activity, and talking about their worries. Its important to know how to identify and differentiate signs of stress and anxiety, also how to recognize triggers and find the best ways which can help us to manage both of them.

enlightened Please, feel free to let us know also a method which you use when you are experiencing either, stress or anxiety, how you are coping with it, and how you recognize whether it is anxiety or stress.

Thank you very much for going through the post and getting here! heart


Note: Please, remember, that the content of this thread is ONLY for information purposes and doesnt replace medical advice. Thank you.

stats30 August 3rd, 2020


I really like the way the post goes about. Good job.

tami150 OP August 3rd, 2020


Thank you very muchheart

Stoffel August 3rd, 2020


I always have a hard time distinguishing between stress and anxiety, so I'm very glad about this post!

Thank you for making it easier to understand smiley

tami150 OP August 3rd, 2020


I am so happy you find my post helpful heart

bookworm274 August 3rd, 2020


Great post, Tami! ❤️

tami150 OP August 3rd, 2020


Thank you Book! laugh

VickyP August 3rd, 2020


Thank you for this post, Tami! heart

tami150 OP August 3rd, 2020


There is no need to thank Vickyheart. I appreciate your support very much.

RealTree3 August 3rd, 2020

Excellent job, I completely agree with you 👍

tami150 OP August 3rd, 2020


Thank you very much! laugh

purpleTree4652 August 3rd, 2020

@tami150I havent been coping with either very well. I guess at times I have used the technique whereby you tense your muscles then relax them and say relax. Then notice how you feel after relaxing your muscles compared to when they were tensed. Ive also used breathing exercises. But just a few weeks ago, my anxiety was so intense, that nothing was helping me. I honestly didnt know if something was stress or anxiety. Now I know that stress is caused by a trigger and anxiety is persistent worries and is a reaction to stress.

tami150 OP August 3rd, 2020


Thank you for sharing! It sounds like you use many types of coping methods. I am glad to hear that they mostly work and you are now sure about difference between stress and anxiety laugh

purpleTree4652 August 3rd, 2020

@tami150, no, I didn't mean to convey that the coping skills mostly work. In fact, I would say it was the opposite when I was in extreme anxiety a few weeks ago. It is my life situation that has changed and that is what brought my anxiety level down. My sister has saved my life by offering to take me in and being there to give me love and support again.

tami150 OP August 3rd, 2020


Oh! I am so sorry I understood you in wrong way. It is nice that you have in your area person who cares about you and support you. I am sorry again and hope you will be okay heart