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Introducing the "7 Cups Leader" Badge

Heather225 August 24th, 2023

Hello, 7 Cups leaders!

Volunteers are at the core of what we do at 7 Cups. And in particular, our leaders, go above and beyond for the community, and we’re honing in on more ways we can support leaders better.

Some things we’ve got in the pipeline include an all-in-one leadership roles page on-site, a mentor page overhaul, and a dedicated space for leaders to stay informed and connect (TBA).

To strengthen communication with our leadership base, we have created a new badge that will assigned to everyone active in a position (7 Cups Leader). We will be using it in the future to target alerts tailored to you, give you early access to new features for testing, and other perks we’ll introduce along the way so stay tuned!

If you have ideas for how we can continue to motivate, inspire, and level up our leadership, please drop them below or PM an Admin. Thank you for all you do!

Heather225 OP August 24th, 2023

we're working through awarding folks, but if you do not have yours in the next day or so, feel free to drop your name in a reply. remember only active leads receive the badge (this also shows community members they can seek your support too!).

SparkyGizmo August 24th, 2023


Hi H! 😊 ❤️ Many thanks for this forum post and the update!

Thank you for the badge addition to my profile.❤️ I noticed it yesterday. I simply saw it as a sweet gift 🎁 that someone out there see's me, someone out there knows that I'm trying and that someone cared enough to reward me with something quietly. It made my *heart sing*.❤️

Waits for future updates and still chooses to believe how I felt yesterday! ❤️ Hey, at least Santa didn't miss my house 🎅🎄.

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Heather225 OP August 24th, 2023


it's definitely a gift, no matter how it gets used or if it just hangs out on your profile as a commendation of your good work. thank you for your service as always!

SparkyGizmo August 24th, 2023



SparkyGizmo August 24th, 2023



I know you encouraged us to share ideas how to further motivate leaders. Well, this one is for me. I feel a wee bit selfish for asking on behalf of just me, however I know of something that would make me feel a lot better. 😊❤️

I've been here for awhile. From my join date I have never missed a 7 Cups Christmas or a 7 cups Birthday. I've been here for all of them and have contributed. Not sure why, my badges don't reflect that. I am kind of sentimental about some of these badges as I take a humanistic approach to being here on the platform. ❤️

H, it would mean the world to me if you would consider awarding me with all of the 7 cups Christmas and Birthday badges that I am missing on my profile page.

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Heather225 OP August 24th, 2023


badge awarding was probably lost in the shuffle of post-events. I'll go give ya the badges i see and just PM me any you notice i miss

SparkyGizmo August 24th, 2023


Many thanks my friend. 😊❤️

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs*❤️

beck1 August 24th, 2023

@Heather225 ooh thanks Heather for making this thread. I saw the notification and I was confused what it was! Sounds awesome

dlyla10 August 24th, 2023

@Heather225 hello how do I post on the community page? I just made this account today and I'm a little confused

Heather225 OP August 24th, 2023


Nice to see you! This is our welcome pack with all the info you should need to navigate the platform.

If you're looking to post in the forums, here's the main page. From there you can join communities of your choosing and post in them. Let me know if you have questions.

dlyla10 August 24th, 2023

@Heather225 @beck1 thank you guys for those helpful threads! I think I've gotten the hand on it now!

beck1 August 24th, 2023

@dlyla10 welcome!! Just wanted to add onto what H replied too!

@tommy put together an awesome thread almost like a how to of the forums! So making threads and finding your way around the different sub communities! You can find that here

(all blue writing is clickable)

YourCaringConfidant August 24th, 2023

@Heather225 Yayyy for new badges. Just curious which leadership roles qualify to get this new badge or is it no specific one?

Heather225 OP August 24th, 2023


the badge goes to anyone who is putting time into a position of leadership and supporter!

YourCaringConfidant August 24th, 2023

@Heather225 Thanks so much. ♡

Lou73 August 24th, 2023
Thanks so much for the badge @Heather225 ! 🌟 Looking forward to seeing this in action and thoroughly appreciate working towards strengthening communication!
kindheartedLily August 24th, 2023


Awesome. Thank you so much, Heather!

Helper127 August 25th, 2023

@Heather225 thank you so much. This is such a kindness and an honor, and it is sincerely appreciated. Thank you for all you do for the community 💚

heathermarie95 August 25th, 2023

ohhh this is wonderful 😀

jasishereforallofu August 25th, 2023

Thank you so much for the badge 💖 I'm sooo happy about it💖

trueconfidant123 August 25th, 2023

Another wonderful initiative! Thank you for the badge. I was figuring out to know more about the badge post receiving it and now, I know it all. 😊

HealingTalk August 25th, 2023


I received the "7 Cups Leader" badge.

It brought a smile to my face and I felt proud of it.

Thank you for this lovely token of appreciation!

Suryansh August 26th, 2023

@Heather225 Hello H! I really liked the ideas mentioned.

First of all, thank you so much for the badge. Secondly, an all-in-one leadership roles page would be awesome if introduced on site. Ambassadors or other team leaders might be given access to edit their team's info/domain and keep it updated. It would be such a helpful and informative creation.

Mentor page overhaul and a dedicated space sound so exciting, helpful and amazing too. I am hoping and wishing to see these changes/updates in the future. Thank you so much to you and 7 Cups team for these brilliant initiatives and efforts.

lyricalAngel70 August 27th, 2023

This is great news!

Thank you so much for letting us know. Excited to witness many more great initiatives on 7 Cups! ♥️

Much love,

