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Apply for the Anonymous Evaluations Team!

EvelyneRose October 19th, 2020

Hi everyone!

We previously gathered the feedback from my original Anon Evaluation Team post (here). Following my updated announcement (here), we are proud to announce the Anonymous Evaluations Team application is ready to go!

What criteria do you need to meet?

Be a Mentor on any track


For non-mentors:

* Must be a Verified Listener

* Must have passed all Active Listening tests

* 5 or more written reviews

* Star rating of 4.5 or higher

* No behavioral reports within the last 3 months

* Able to perform chats with 10+ listeners per month for adults, 5+ a month for teens (Quota)

* Able to maintain high levels of confidentiality, impartiality, and resilience

Limited spots available. Not everyone who applies will be selected. Also, please be aware this is a volunteer position only.

We will contact you to let you know if you were selected or not. If selected, you must do a required training to be on the team.

Apply for the AE Team Here!

Please contact @EvelyneRose or @Internalacceptance with any questions.

Thank you!

Please see update here about no longer having a Feedback team.

Last updated April 30, 2024

Asher November 22nd, 2020

Thank you for all the great information.

supportiveStar1111 July 1st, 2022

Thank you for all the great information...👌

whimsicalForest2194 June 24th, 2023

Sounds amazing