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Stanford MedX Award! Help Spread the Awesome News!

Laura October 5th, 2016

In late August, 7 Cups founder @GlenM shared that 7 Cups won the Stanford Medicine X Prize for Health Care Systems Design! Check out his post here. This news has finally made it's way into the media & varying press channels! Woohoo! Now, we'd like to invite you (our awesome community) to share the news on your social media pages.

Here is how you can do it:


Here is a suggested tweet for you to share:

@7Cupsot Wins @StanfordMedX Prize for Health Care Systems Design! #MedX


Connect to the 7 Cups twitter page here & retweet directly from the main 7 Cups twitter account!


Go to the 7 Cups facebook page ! The first post listed is about the MedX Award! Share it to your personal page.

Once you share about this exciting award, please post to this thread to let the community know! Those who share will be awarded the MedX badge!

Pri009 October 11th, 2016

Wow this is great news! Congratulations to everyone at 7Cups heart

Shared the news to my Facebook timeline x

MedicMajor October 11th, 2016

Posted ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

Alchemist0 October 11th, 2016


mike251 October 12th, 2016


eternalHero77 October 12th, 2016

Tweeted on Twitter

Lesi October 12th, 2016

Shared on Facebook!

JDust October 12th, 2016

Just Shared on facebook!

HazelGreenEyez October 12th, 2016

Tweeted it. Yay!!

Nagisa October 12th, 2016

@Laura I missed this post somehow :o but just shared on twitter ^_^

Kutless October 12th, 2016

sharing! This is great

EchoEce17 October 12th, 2016

Sharing done at launchora with a small token of appreciation ... i.e self-written poem :)


By Encora Klove ( ECHO)

A cup of happiness,

a cup of joy .

A cup that wipes ,

all your cries.

A cup of listeners,

a cup of friends .

A cup that provides ,

a million friends .

A cup of strength,

a cup of peace.

A cup that supports ,

all your dreams.

A cup to nurture,

a cup of care .

A cup to believe ,

for all your stress.

A cup of promise,

a cup of belief .

A cup that provides ,

a sense of peace.

A cup of hope

a cup of love.

A cup of solution ,

that changes your world.

A place to dwell,

a place to live.

A place that defines ,

a perfect human relationship.

SiberianHusky October 12th, 2016


ChloeTheDuck October 12th, 2016

Shared, this is amazing! well done everyone xx

Pandette October 13th, 2016

Just shared on FB. This is absolutely phenomenal! Congrats @GlenM and the entire 7cups team!

Maha2helps October 13th, 2016

Congratulation ! Keep it up โค๐Ÿ’•โค

Smurfstomper October 13th, 2016


IreKat October 13th, 2016

Thats grrreat! shared! :D

Xae October 14th, 2016

congrats more power! laugh

Doelly October 14th, 2016


Shared on Twitter! Congrats, exciting news!

cristiana33 October 14th, 2016

I don't have the badge even tho I shared the news on multiple social medias. :) @Laura @Amelia

Amelia October 14th, 2016

@cristiana33--By posting in this thread, you should now have the badge lol.

theevankassos October 14th, 2016

Shared it! It's amazing!

AutumnLeigh October 14th, 2016

Tweeted! heart

CopperSkies October 14th, 2016

I'm so proud! 7Cups has come so far!!!!!

EleNergy October 14th, 2016

@Laura Just tweeted! Woo!

beautifuldevil October 14th, 2016

Tweeted with pride heart

melodicalcure October 15th, 2016

Woohoo!!! Just retweeted! This is so exciting!

MyrnaPledger October 15th, 2016

Great work. Congratulations.

fallenshade October 15th, 2016

Posted to my Facebook page!!! This is so exciting!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜

UntilThen October 15th, 2016

@Laura Just posted this on facebook!

Dillion October 16th, 2016


peacefairy October 16th, 2016

Done.i tweet it

Pokster October 16th, 2016

Just put on my Facebook!

CLUBTRBL October 16th, 2016

Just retweeted it! This is amazing news xoxo

sunalchemy October 16th, 2016

done !! @Laura

FightingForYou7204 October 16th, 2016

Shared, this is WONDERFUL!

strawberrycrystal October 17th, 2016


Tiky October 17th, 2016

Wow .. shared this on whatsapp, trying to share on twitter .. congratulation

majesticFreedom53 October 18th, 2016

Done! This is so great

DancingIsLife October 18th, 2016

Done @Laura