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Internship Testimonials

Hope June 19th, 2019

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Hey everyone! This is a place where I will post testimonials submitted by our Interns & Intern Grads. If you would like your testimonial to be featured here, please fill this form!

You are welcome to talk about your Internship experience here!

mailInterested in being an Intern? Read our FAQ Internship, apply HERE!

Hope OP June 19th, 2019

@SoulfullyAButterfly (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The Internship served as a great way to help me attain knowledge and experience of the general 'blue-print' of the support organization 7 Cups is mainly based on. I was able to cover various areas, and complete training in a very systematic manner. The program was great in organization, and was the supportive spark I needed as a general newbie to active listening and being a listener. The opportunity to enhance my abilities for mental health awareness and support is greatly appreciated, and the Honors Project research addition remains one of my proudest accomplishments.

Skills improved

1) I attained a great practical experience of time management, accountability and self-analysis on the track to personal individual growth.
2) The requirements and experience led me to attain basic active listening skills over a very wide range of topics, and I successfully was confident to pass some of the active listening exams as well as continue on my listener journey.
3) I have found that the Internship was a great way to enhance my Grit.

Hope OP June 19th, 2019

@Pidge2 (Intern Graduate & Currently an Intern Teen Star)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The 7 Cups internship was one of the best things I have decided to do on this site. It gave me the initiative to continue my listener journey and gave me manageable steps on how to do that. One of the most valuable things I received from doing the internship was the connections I made with other listeners. Doing the internship meant I had to become more involved in the community through projects and group chats. Through that, I made friends and began to become engaged in the community rather than just listening to members. Thank you for making this internship possible!

Skills improved

Cooperation - learned how to work with others like my mentor with ease
Responsibility - managing my time and keeping up with internship requirements

Hope OP June 19th, 2019

@nothingisforever91 (Intern Graduate & Currently an Intern Mentor)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

I had graduated from the Internship in 2016. it was an awesome experience being an intern here. I loved forums and feed posts very much. In this internship journey, I had made many friends and have many people who encourage me here on the site. overall it was an awesome experience.

Skills improved

I have improved my listening skills and patience during the internship.

Hope OP June 19th, 2019

@Mariam113 (Intern)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It was a great experience. I learned a lot of things and enjoyed helping people.

Skills improved

listening skills

Hope OP June 19th, 2019

@rebecca947 (Intern Graduate & Currently an Intern Mentor)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The internship experience is very worthwhile, whether you want it to be your school internship or just to expand your comfort zone. I loved being out of my comfort zone, doing things and exposing myself to activities that I might never have done on my own. The intern mentors are all very encouraging and enthusiastic, and the overall experience was immensely positive.

Skills improved

Empathy- I've learnt to act professional yet also be empathetic, without the member feeling like I was a robot. I learnt how to express myself professionally, but also in a caring manner.
Time management- the internship can be challenging at times, especially in the early few weeks. I learnt a lot about how I should manage my time, and learnt that everyone is different. Everyone's capabilities are different, and we need to figure out what works for us. I learnt how to optimise my time, and how to optimise my experience.

Hope OP June 19th, 2019

@AriannaPink (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It was one of the most challenging, but very exciting adventures of my life, and Im kind of sad to see it end. But I am also very excited to see what the next chapter in the book of my life will be! ❤️...

Skills improved

1. Ive improved on my ability to do presentations on serious topics in real life.

2. Ive improved on my ability to ask for help when I need it most without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.

Hope OP June 23rd, 2019

@LuWeiwei (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The whole experience was awesome, eye-opening and very insightful. I got to meet amazing people and learn a lot of things as well as active listening, I had to be accountable for my actions as well as do check-ins. It helped me interact more with members as well as listeners in the various group chats as well as forums.

Skills improved

I learnt a lot of skills but the ones that stand out for me are; Empathy and active listening skills. they really helped me in my journey.

Hope OP June 23rd, 2019

@mamamel (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

This has been an exciting and very educational experience for me. THe best decision that I have made on this site. I loved being forced (by myself) to set goals for each week and making myself reach those goals.

Skills improved

1) Time management

2) goal setting

Hope OP June 23rd, 2019

@SunFern (Intern Graduate & Former Intern Mentor)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

7 Cups Internship has been one life-changing experience for me. I had to go out of my comfort zone and push my boundaries. This literally helped me to become a better listener and a better community member as a whole.
I became engaged in the forum when I started the internship and I realized how amazing forums can be. I became a forum supporter and later on, a forum mentor as well. The internship was a roller-coaster ride for me. I realized stumbling is okay when I am pursuing some goal over a long period of time. I felt the need and power of self-care. And all these do apply not only here, but outside of 7 cups as well!

Skills improved

1) Time management

2) Self-care

Hope OP August 9th, 2019

Anonymous (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It's an amazing experience, where I was pushed out of my comfort zone

Skills improved

I was better at talking with different kinds of people, and I became confident in providing support to people

Hope OP September 3rd, 2019

@PetiteSouris (7 Cups Intern Grad)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The knowledge gained and skills acquired through the 7cups internship helps me as an active listener on 7cups as well as in my personal life. I was able to work through the requirements on my own after being given initial direction. My intern mentor was available when I needed clarification and there were weekly check-ins with my intern mentor. I would highly recommend interning at 7cups. Everyone is welcoming and more than willing to help you succeed as an intern and as a listener.

Skills improved

1) Active Listening

2) Time Management

Hope OP October 8th, 2019

@Oyinlolasam (Intern)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

Im just in my first week but its been enlightening and helpful. Im so glad I decided to become and intern here. I believe the internship program is a great one and its really helping a lot of people.

Skills improved

1) Listening

2) compassion giving skills

Hope OP November 12th, 2019

@azuladragon34 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

My experience with the 7cups internship cannot be summarized into one or few words. I enjoyed being part of it and making new friends with other interns, not to mention my excellent mentors @Nada and @Zebrasarcastic. Being part of the 7cups internship enhanced my knowledge of the community and how to get referral clicks.

Skills improved

1. I improved my active listening skills
2. I improved my organizational skills as well as time management
3. I also improved my creativity when I made my feed posts

Hope OP July 3rd, 2020

@ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It was a great experience. I learned a lot. I became aware of parts of the site that were unknown to me.

Skills improved

1. Empathy
2. Respect

Hope OP July 3rd, 2020

@IcedEthan (Intern Graduate and Intern Mentor)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The 7Cups Internship was a great experience! I thoroughly enjoyed the time I dedicated each week to supporting members, as well as speaking with my assigned mentor every Monday.

Skills improved

Balancing 10 hours of member chats per week, as well as college work, social time and other 7Cups roles really helped to improve my time management skills.

Hope OP July 3rd, 2020

@fancybeauty2611 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

it's awesome I just can't describe in words and am overwhelmed and I have made much impact not only here but in my life too and it's most lovest part in my life, thank you

Skills improved

Listening to members actively than I was in the beginning and trying to understand and make them feel comfortable to open up.

Hope OP July 3rd, 2020

Anonymous (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It was really a good experience talking with people who needed help from various live backgrounds from all over the world.

Skills improved

Showing empathy and really being there and trying to understand.

FrenchToast September 14th, 2020

@HelloWorld29 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

I don't have enough good words to do justice to this amazing internship program. I just say that once I've gone through it, I feel so much more empowered now. I advise everyone, who comes to know about this program, to pursue this opportunity. This is quite surely one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

Skills improved

One of them should be my ability to be kind towards other people. Another one thing which I can mention here is my ability to understand what the other person might be feeling while I talk to someone.

FrenchToast September 14th, 2020

@Peacefuljoy30 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It was a great learning experience. I improved on so many skills and developed a few new skills. It was a great experience overall!

Skills improved

Time management and general listening skills. Also improved my communication skills a lot.

FrenchToast September 14th, 2020

@Grace8402 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

I am glad I took the decision to participate in the internship program. Thank you, 7 Cups!

Skills improved

1. Accountability

2. Time management

FrenchToast September 14th, 2020

@caringPerspective41 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It was a really good experience. I learned lot of things and was able to develop my active listening skills.

Skills improved

1. Empathy
2. Active listening
3. Communication

FrenchToast September 14th, 2020

@dreamCat9335 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The 7 cups internship has been a genuinely wholesome experience for me. As a university Psychology student studying to be a future clinical psychologist, 7 cups equipped me with a platform to execute my active listening and counseling skills. This 3-and-a-half month internship that I participated in will be a worthy addition to my resume as it bestowed loads of listening exposure to me. I highly appreciate the prevalence of this internship and its availability to students like me who are seeking experience. I was able to interact with people across the world and provide emotional support to them in their darkest times. I found every step in this journey undoubtedly memorable.

Skills improved

1. Asking open-ended questions

2. Validating emotions

FrenchToast September 14th, 2020

@Loveforhumankind1110 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The journey made me a better human-being overall and I am really thankful for the same.

Skills improved

1. Empathy

2. Validation

FrenchToast September 14th, 2020

@Smally (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

I didn't know how this internship would pan out. I read a lot about 7 cups on other websites, they had mixed reviews.. but for some reason I knew I wanted to go ahead with the internship, and I am glad I did. The experience was exhilarating. It did get overwhelming at times, but the community and people out here are so helpful. I loved the community spirit and the way people out here are always so encouraging. The internship is an amazing exposure and experience especially for someone who wants to pursue psychology in the future.

Skills improved

1. Empathy
2. Tolerance
3. Understanding

FrenchToast September 14th, 2020

@VerseArt (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It was a learning experience. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I am sure I'll continue to be a part of it.

Skills improved

1. Communication Skills

2. Empathy

FrenchToast September 21st, 2020

@elizabethleap (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

I loved working with 7 Cups because it taught me how to be empathetic and patient with others. It was a great learning experience.

Skills improved

1. Empathy

2. Patience

FrenchToast September 21st, 2020

@shr29 (Intern)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

I have only been a listener with 7 cups for 4 days and an intern for 2, but I ought to say I'm definitely loving it. It's helping me help others and I consider that to be a work of God's or close to something of that sort. It is my pleasure to be working here just a part of my summer, making the last few days quite memorable.

Skills improved

I have improved my communication as well as analytical skills.

FrenchToast September 21st, 2020

@dreamSmiles16 (Intern)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

To be honest, I was really nervous at the beginning when I had applied for this internship, but once it started I got so comfortable with things. The mentors are good as well, they are ever ready to help. I am still in the internship process and I can feel/see myself growing each day in a positive way. I am sure once this is done I will be a new person all in all. Was one of the best decisions to be associated with this site.

Skills improved

1. To be grateful each day, each movement
2. To speak less and listen more
3. To be empathetic rather than sympathy

FrenchToast November 4th, 2020

Anonymous (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The experience was amazing. I got to support many people, not only in individual chats but also in group chats. Helping them out and then seeing them feel better is a really nice feeling. The community is really good and supportive.

Skills improved

1. Empathy

2. Providing support

FrenchToast November 27th, 2020

@QueenK1tten (Intern)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

I would like to just say how honored I am to be given this opportunity to be a part of the 7 Cups Internship. Even though I've only been on my trial for a little less than a week, it has already allowed me to grow. This internship has pushed me out of my comfort zone but in a totally good way. For instance, I never used social media before but I was able to completely do all my referral clicks in less than 48 hours. I've made friends that wouldn't have been possible without this opportunity because I needed to ask for help. I've been more active in the group sessions which has helped with my conversation skills. Thank you 7 Cups for always being there to pick me when I'm down and being a constant in my life.

Skills improved

1. Open-Ended Questions
2. Active Listening

FrenchToast December 9th, 2020

@anni28 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

The internship was awesome! I definitely felt good after completing and by helping the members on the 7 cups. I also have definite experience now that can be shown to others in the future through my resume :)

Skills improved

1. Time Management Skills

2. Active Listening Skills

FrenchToast January 7th, 2021

@gentlelove4111 (Intern)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It's an amazing feeling to listen to people and understand them. Even we are able to learn and think twice to make decisions in our life. It helping us to interact with different kinds of people and to understand their situations. And main thing is the safety 7 cups providing to listeners and members. Most important thing is gaining patience and learning how to overcome situation with logical thinking.

Skills improved

1. Understanding

2. Patience

FrenchToast February 9th, 2021

@Euphoricstar2005 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

My internship experience was like a rollercoaster sometimes I felt low and sometimes I felt like I am on top of the world. Not gonna lie it was hectic it really is tough to balance everything, but I am proud of myself I made it till here. I was quite new when I signed up for the internship, I did not had the whole idea about everything and it was an impulsive decision but this is one of the best desicions I made till yet. Thanks to everyone who supported and helped me.

Skills improved

I improved my time management and empathy. I am not someone who is good with emotions and feelings but 7 Cups helped me so much in that area. I am also a procastinator and I am surprised to see that I can be productive too. So yeah, 7 Cups helped me in a lot of ways and I am thankful for it.

FrenchToast March 3rd, 2021

@AraniaExumai (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

My experience with 7 Cups’ internship program was amazing! It was at my own pace yet challenging enough to keep me stimulated and improve my skills at the same time, and I am so grateful that 7 Cups has given me the opportunity and the motivation to help as many people as I did when I was an intern.

Skills improved

1. Communication

2. Persistence

FrenchToast March 24th, 2021

@courageousheart96 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It is a great opportunity to practice your skills and also gain variety of experiences in dealing with members and listeners.

Skills improved

1. Active listening

2. Empathy

FrenchToast June 6th, 2021

@usefulBeauty1208 (Intern)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

It's very engaging. I get to talk to so many people sitting so for telling me how they are. Also, I read about so many things. I read about ADHD today. I am having a great time.

Skills improved

1. Listening skills
2. Psychologyical terms and knowledge

FrenchToast June 6th, 2021

@alphav7 (Intern Graduate)

What would you like to say about your experience with the 7 Cups Internship?

I was an intern at the community track. After spending around 3 months doing it, I feel contended and it has taught me a lot. Looking back, I realized that I was never a good listener in real life. I never understood the power of a kind listening ear. Here, I was a listener and I could see it for myself - the positive effects of listening. The community leaders and intern mentors also deserve applause for their efforts. They went out of their way to help me many times. This internship was a mutual value addition for me. I hope everyone can go through this.

Skills improved

1. Listening skills

2. Organisational skills