Welcome new members who post in this thread!
We get many new members who post in this thread EVERYDAY! I need your help in welcoming them to our community. Post in there, say hello! Point them to a relevant forum thread or category! Ask them to meet you in group support or connect with you as a listener!
*dances alone at my desk and wonders if anyone will join in*
me too! (:
Greetings Everyone,
I am Cinnamon. I have been here a few days so I am pretty new. I am still learning about everything 7 Cups of Tea has to offer and all the rules etc. Sometimes I get confused about things And I wish there was someone I could talk to about the rules, where to find things, what to do when certain thing happen, etc. I am going to continue to look around. I sometimes just feel lost on the web site. Also having PTSD, anxiety disorders, and dissociation makes matters worse when I am trying to find solutions to my problems.
7 Cups of Tea is really great! I already feel so much better just in the short time I have been here. I do want to become more involved and hopefully I can learn everything about the web site, rules etc and perhaps then decide to become a listener.
Thank you to everyone that read this.
Trust that you are loved, that you are never alone, that you are supported, and if we ever talk, I will give you all the compassion I can offer.
Brightest Blessings to each and everyone of you!
{{{{{{Hugs}}}}} to all that can accept one.
Ooh, a cinnamon! Hey there and welcome!<3
Greetings Laura. So glad to meet you. I will gladly dance along with you at your desk! May I request that we dance to something upbeat and happy? I have been making a list of happy songs. Perhaps "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves??? That song keeps running through my head and I definitely need to dance to it and would love a partner!
Hello i'm new
hello everyone, today is my first day as well.
Welcome to the community to our newest members :)
Hi everyone. Second day here. Hope to get to know everyone a lot better as time goes on. :)
Greetings and Salutations to all new members! That is my Charlotte's Web introduction!
I am SO happy that you all are here! 7 cups of tea GREATLY helped me with my depression and I am now working on my anxiety. Know that whatever your issue is that brought you here or whatever issue you discover along your journey, you are never alone!
There are many resources to help you. Here are just some suggestions:
*Take part in the chat rooms, just introduce yourself, start talking, or "lurk", listen, and talk when you feel like it.
*Write in the forums and/or read them. So many people have shared their experiences and it is a great place to know you are not alone!
*At the top of the pages you will find resources on several different issues. They are great reading material.
*Personally, I LOVED The Growth Path! It helped me SO much!!! It taught me so much and I still have to write about it.
*Talk to 1 - on -1's / Listeners. They are there for you. While waiting for one of them to answer, you can chat, read a forum, read through the resources, and so on. The listener will get in touch with you as soon as they can. Even if it says they are "available" they might be on another call. If you feel you are waiting too long, you can always leave them a message and try another listener.
*A brand new feature is the Compassionate Course! One thing I messed up on was I did not realize there were videos with the course. These are right after the title of the course. I am so used to links being underlined that I didn't understand they were actual links. If you do the course, you might want to watch the videos and any other materials offered first.
*Compassionate hearts - You will often see little hearts after the names of members, listeners, and moderators. These are called Compassionate Hearts. When someone says something compassionate, kind, etc. you can "click" on the heart and it will turn red. You can give EACH person 10 hearts every 24 hours. It can really boost someone's spirit and in my opinion, it also shows how compassionate you are!
*If you have any problems with 7 cups of tea, please just ask someone! We are all here to help and will do our best to help you.
Thank you SO much for joining our 7 cups family and a big {{{hug}}}} if you can accept one! Trust that you are loved and you are not alone. Remember that stars cannot shine without the darkness and may you feel the healing love within this message.
Cinnamon <3
Hey everyonename is Savannah and im brand new here. Im hoping i can get help with my anexity and self esteem. Im also super excited to help other people too!