Need to contact a forum leader? Find out how here!
We have recently noticed a rise in the need for users to contact forum leaders effectively and consistently. We have also noticed a number of community users using forms and not getting a response back. As a result, we have streamlined the process so everything falls in one place!
Another great initiative, Tommy!
Maybe sometime in the future you or someone else might send a similar message to all 7 Cups asking something like "Do you wish some thread you made to be deleted?" (or "deleted or edited?")
As Member threads appear on their Profiles, I have read concerns from some Members, that they don't wish some threads they posted in the past to appear there. So making clear there is a simple option to remove a previous thread might be a solution in these cases (I don't know how widespread is this concern though).
@HealingTalk I agree, this is a major concern. As a member I wouldn't want anything I went about to be visible on my profile, or at least not automatically all new posts without my say in it.
Is this thread stickied/pinned or do we just use the search bar to find this when needed?
@tommy. Too bad the link does not work.
Hi Sight, the link is hyperlinked on the bottom "Click here for the form", you can also find it by clicking here.