What do you do for self care?
Everyone is so busy these days and covid just adds a whole new layer of stress. What are some self care things you do to help yourself in trying times? I love walks, yoga, reading, cooking and spending time with others. Sometimes a nap is a good idea too. What about you?
I tend the garden, cats, my trash, read books, watch Youtube on mental health, etc. Did Yoga a long while ago, then I have arm injury. I should resume soon, I expect.
Hope your arm is okay again and you could start yoga again?
Today, I felt a bit tired from things I had to arrange at home in the last days so I went for a nice walk. The fresh air did me really well. What did you do today?
-Pray & meditate
-Drink water
-Listen to music
-Journal or create poetry
I’m trying to get back into reading and drawing as well.
Doing nothing saves us from a lot of mess. Do your daily chores and sit back and watch.
Doing nothing can be a good self care at time and that's what I did today! Just sit and read and that's about it apart from coming here for a short while 😊