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New to the Community

forcefulFriend4768 January 25th, 2022

Hello all! I’m soon to be 61years young next month, suffer from GAD, PTSD, Grief, some compulsory behaviors, and I’m trying to get my mental health under control for myself.

i have finally decided at this season in my life, it’s time to heal. However painful it maybe, it has to be done.

So, I found this wonderful site, 7 cups, to help me along in this journey. I feel it’s a safe place to talk with others and not be judged. And knowing that help is out there… well , that’s a bonus!

Looking forward to getting to know you!

RiverOak2222 January 25th, 2022

Hi there, if you ever want to chat I'm happy to listen/help in any way I can on your journey to healing. I'm also new to the site, not 100% sure how to use it.

forcefulFriend4768 OP January 25th, 2022

@RiverOak2222 Hello 👋🏻. I’m a Newbie too, so maybe we can figure this site out together! 😂 Pleasure to meet you and sure could use a friend.

RiverOak2222 January 25th, 2022

@forcefulFriend4768 It's a pleasure to meet you too😊 hopefully we'll get the hang of this soon! I'm not sure if/how to message privately on here, so a bit of an ice breaker about me...

I'm from the UK living in New Zealand. In the past I've also experienced loss and grief as well as some health issues along the way. Like you, I also went on the path of self healing and have never looked back. Sure things pop up at times but they're alot easier to deal with now. I haven't personally expierenced anxiety or compulsive behaviors but my closest friend deals with both everyday so I do have an understanding of them. I'm happy to be your friend 🙂

forcefulFriend4768 OP January 26th, 2022

@RiverOak2222 Hello 👋🏻! Wow… how cool! Always wanted to visit the U.K. and New Zealand. Have never left the southeastern coast myself. So nice to meet your acquaintance and to know that I have met a like minded friend. True, I suppose we are all on some sort of journey here but it’s nice to know that you have succeeded on yours and not looked back! That is my goal. I have battled these demons for over 59 years now and I am done. I can’t live like this any longer.

it has destroyed my family dynamics, my children, and mostly me. The little child in me has finally started screaming and throwing fits of rage 😡 and I’m compelled to help her. She needs to loved and nurtured. Unfortunately, she never got that. She had to grow up and be a woman at age 7. No little girl time for her… So, I know it’s going to be a long hard process. One that I’m really not looking forward to. Ripping off those old bandages kind of scare me, but the work has to be done. Thank you 🙏🏻 for reaching out. I’m glad I have met you and knowing that I have someone in my circle really helps. Know that I’m here for you too if and when you need a listening ear or just a hug 🤗. Blessings of the day be upon you.

RiverOak2222 January 26th, 2022


I've been to the states a few times but not to the southeastern coast. If you desire to travel maybe that could be something to help you on your journey to healing? It's always brought me so much happiness.

The great thing is that you recognize that you're not happy with how things are and what you need to do to improve them. No matter how hard we try, like you said, it's never any use to battle our demons. They need to be listened to, loved, cared for, that's where we heal. I'm sorry this has has taken over the important areas of your life but know that reaching out is a huge step forward.

You should 100% help the little girl, it sounds like she has been ignored for some time. I believe in order for our relationships to thrive we must first have a solid relationship with ourselves. Maybe it might help for you to go back to the beginning where life changed for that 7 year old girl and write down how you remember feeling at that age and as an adult what would you have done to help her? Personally I find writing helps me to understand myself a little more.

It might help, when you're ready, to let your family know that you've taken steps to start becoming the best version of yourself.

Remember to create the happy moments too. Is there something you always wanted to do? Make it a goal as a reward for you hard work! It can't all be doom and gloom, treat yourself!

You're most welcome, I'm truly happy to be in your circle with you and hope I may be of help in some way. Thank you for sharing, I know it's not easy but it will be the more you do. I will definitely reach out to you when things come up, thank you for offering 🙂.

Have a beautiful day and look forward to hearing from you 🌻

AprilRayne January 26th, 2022

Welcome!! Thank you so much for taking this step forward to heal yourself and focus on growth and self care :)