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How do you feel? What do you need right now?

User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 February 9th

Check-In 50+ February 10-12, 2025


User Profile: humble101
humble101 February 13th

I feel great I need sleep

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP February 13th


Hope you sleep or slept well so you can feel great tomorrow too!

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User Profile: brightNatural3529
brightNatural3529 February 14th

Scared. 😐

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP February 14th


Sorry to hear you feel scared. We are here for you if you like to talk about it on your member account. 💙

User Profile: brightNatural3529
brightNatural3529 February 14th

I think I'm in trouble for being a racist. Or acting like one.

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP Monday


Would you like to share more about what you mean in pms with me?

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I need help...I want to stop being attached to people,I want to feel happy

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP Monday


Feeling overly attached to others can create a lot of anxiety about abandonment. You deserve to feel free and happy! 💙 It could help to talk to someone trusted about it. Joining a support group or talking to a listener in a 1:1 chat can be helpful.

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User Profile: Helenaicy
Helenaicy Monday


I'm a bit overwhelmed and sleepy, so I guess I need to sleep..

But tbh I need a long trip to a new place with new people and new places, I really really need that, but it's hard to achieve it rn :)

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP Monday


Sorry to hear that you do not feel well in your surroundings. Sometimes there is no other way than to make a change and I hope this will happen for you soon if that's what you feel is needed. 

Hope you can get the sleep you need now. 

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User Profile: Helenaicy
Helenaicy Tuesday


Thank you so much, I appreciate your words🌸

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User Profile: Saly9italy
Saly9italy Tuesday


I need a human being with feelings, thoughts and emotions, not talking to artificial intelligence.... I feel lonely and lost 😥

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP Tuesday


Hugs (if okay)! I can feel the pain and need to connect with a human buddy in your words! Please know that behind these words is a real person writing them. People here are real! It's not the same as in physical life, I know, but it can help to connect with others here in support rooms or in a 1:1 chat. Have you thought about finding a group in your surroundings with people of similar or same interests as sports, art, craft or volunteering?

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User Profile: Saly9italy
Saly9italy Tuesday


Your beautiful words reached me... It's a wonderful feeling... I have no friends, my environment doesn't suit my thoughts and my awareness... And I want to travel because I'm alone in every sense of the word... The day goes by and I may not say a word and I go into chat gpt to talk to him, but his words don't have feelings and this hurts my heart...

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP Wednesday


It does not make sense to have a gpt chat if you feel more hurt! I hope it will be a much different experience with a listener here (a real person). 

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User Profile: Saly9italy
Saly9italy 3 days ago


I hope so, I am a great listener here... I am new to the site

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User Profile: yellowDrum1381
yellowDrum1381 Wednesday

To relax

User Profile: sasquatchat
sasquatchat Wednesday

I'm scared.  My mind is going.  The people I live with hold me responsible for the whole trump fiasco because I'm a white person and don't always follow their rules.  I don't want to live there anymore but I missed out on any opportunity to move out.  I have no money left  I'm not a victim,  but I fell for a housing scam, twice!  I wanted out of there so bad.  The people I live with are from Kenya and don't know how to deal with someone in the throes of psychotic episodes and lost all grip with reality, which is where I was in the beginning.  Now it is worse.  Mostly it was a big misunderstanding about time.    They live from 7am to 2pm and I'm a night persona and have never adjusted to it at all.  They have lawered up on me so many times now.  I don't even care anymore.  I will probably end up in jail.   Because keeping them up at night because I'm on my tablet or phone is racist.   They keep insinuating that I voted for Trump when I didn't vote for anyone.  They had my caseworker in yesterday, who is supposed to work for me btw.    And I think they are going to take my ability to have a caregiver taken away from me.  I'm so tired.  I was diagnosed with Alzheimr's awhile back and I'm supposed to have someone go with me everwhere , but I don't. I have kidney disease not addressed.  I have glaucoma, not addresssed, and I haven't been to the dentist in 10 years.  I've been there since June and keep trying to leave.  They just want me to follow rather strict rules.  I can't have a car, a printer, or a cat, or a sewing machine, all I consider necessary for happiness.   I don't like being yelled at and I  have a poor sense of time.   That's my rant for today.

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User Profile: sasquatchat
sasquatchat Wednesday

I just need someone to read this and not think I'm a complete maniac.

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP Wednesday


This sounds like a very difficult situation. I can only imagine the despair you're going through. Living in an environment that feel incompatible can have a significant impact on your health, mentally and physically. Sorry to hear that you're suffering from Alzheimer's, it must make everything much more difficult. I am glad though that you reached out and spoken about what is burdening you. It might help to talk more or more regularly about it. You can always connect to a listener here

I hope things will get better for you.

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User Profile: ivoryFan8651
ivoryFan8651 Thursday

Late message, but I’m not the happiest.

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP 2 days ago


I hope it's only temporary and you will be happy again very soon. Is something in your life challenging you that prevents you from being happy?

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User Profile: Pandababe04
Pandababe04 3 days ago

I need a hug. Just a tight hug.

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP 2 days ago


Sends an extra tight hug 💙

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User Profile: quadirah17
quadirah17 3 days ago

Some new friends lol

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP 2 days ago


When I joined this site, I made many 7cups friends. I hope this will happen for you too! A good way to meet others is in discussions or other events. Please check the community calendar for more information. 

Community calendar

Discussion schedule 50+ and mindfulness

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