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The challenge of age discrimination?

aimlesslywandering December 31st, 2020

Well, it happened, the company I worked for let me go because of their slowdown from Covid.

The challenge I face now is trying to find my next job with millions of other candidates searching.

When I lost my job because of another company I worked for went out of business years before. It didn't bother me as much, cause I was confident and knew my great worker reputation and being open to relocating would get me a job quick. For I was even getting calls from recruiters looking for top candidates like me back then.

Fast forward to this current job search. I am still the same hard worker. Salary is still in the range for my experience and qualifications. My interest in relocating has changed since the previous job loss search. This time I prefer to stay in my beautiful home and town I love. Which is possible to do these days. Since the work I do is fully capable of being a remote position. I proved myself of being a productive WFH employee by doing this during my two previous jobs.

The difference, 8 years older now. And reaching those discriminatory ages? I can see it. No recruiters calling me, and not as many responses back from my resumes sent.

Why? I am the same hard worker.

MeaningfulSilence December 31st, 2020


Hello there aimlesslywanfering!

Thanks for having pointed this out.

I think many experience the same, it seems to have something to do with people's mentality and hidden discrimination, something nobody talks about.

Unfortunately discrimination hits harder when it's about people that don't have voice because it seems to be confined in a personal problem.

I would hope you can still have a good work opportunity, it's my New Year wish for you !

aimlesslywandering OP December 31st, 2020


Thanks for the New Year's wish!

I hope my feelings are just that, mental feelings, and nothing more.

I'm hoping 2021 will be better than 2020 was, and all the visions and dreams we had for 2020 are brought to light in 2021.

I think we all need, and deserve, better days ahead.

Happy "New" Year!!!

MeaningfulSilence December 31st, 2020


Lovely thoughts, thums up! yes

InfiniteApogee January 29th, 2021


I was cut from a long term Fortune 500 company shortly after Covid arrived on the scene. Thier excuse was "Economic downturn".

However, upon closer examination, I discovered it wasn't just me, but nearly 300 other employees nationwide. Due to law, they were required to reveal their positions in the company, and their ages.

Nearly 85 percent cut were over age 49.

The rest were young, probably new hires thrown in just to keep the company from being sued in a class action age discrimination lawsuit.

Fortunately, as it turned out, I got a position at another company, better pay, better benefits, and most important of more TOXIC work culture.

aimlesslywandering OP January 29th, 2021

Congratulations InfiniteApogee on getting the new job! They always say a closed door is an opened opportunity for something better. Sounds like you found that. 😊 Sadly, I haven’t found that opportunity yet. But I will keep searching for it! I don’t give up that easy.

blueZebra321 February 11th, 2021

Even those of us it hasn’t happened to yet have to worry if it will happen. Living in an ageist world it’s chance when it happens. I can tell you have the right attitude

aimlesslywandering OP February 11th, 2021

Thank you blueZebra321! I can feel the worry and concern someone who still has a job feels today. Even though a person can still have a job, but it’s noticeable that work is slow or uncertain, can be just as stressful on an employee. Though you don’t want to lose your job. Being in a situation where there is the writing-on-the-wall that your job is not doing good and the possibility of losing it altogether is there every day of your life is difficult. I feel it is better if a company just pulls the plug and ends it. Than drag it on for weeks, months or even years. By just ending it, at least then you are not living the stress continuously wondering when it will eventually happen. By a company just ending the inevitable quicker, an employee can close that chapter in their book and move on fully. Yes, losing your job is tough. But I feel it is tougher living each day wondering if and when. Then getting it over with it quickly. By having to manage job hunting for a new job while still having that uncertain job which could end any day, all the while trying to juggle job interviews around your uncertain job working hours, is difficult on a person’s psyche. It’s difficult to go into a job interview fresh and positive when being so drained from worrying with your current uncertain job. Yes, it will be devastating the day you lose your job. But you will then be able to move forward fully in your new job search and life. Fully and wholeheartedly. This is why even though it is tough not having a job for me now. I feel a burden of stress is lifted off my shoulders knowing that previous chapter is officially closed and I can be moving forward completely with a clear mind. The past is the past. It can’t be changed. It’s time to be thankful and move forward.

Eltona February 25th, 2021

Yes it will. But just what happens. It happened to our parents and grandparents and now it's going to the younger generations. Right now the millennials are are the ones at the top. But once Gen z is all 18 and over, then the world will be theirs since they outnumber all other generations. they have advantages that millennials and others don't. For one thing, a lot of them aren't going into college because of the amount of money it costs so they're not starting their life with that debt. They also multitask more easily and greater capacity. They also pride themselves and not being as serious, especially as much as the boomers, and they look forward to a world without boomer sensitivity. There's a reason why the millennials call and Gen z call covid-19 the boomer remover. But they have to face that generation alpha is right on their heels and it's the generation who has only known modern technology. They're already going to surpass everybody as they go into their teens and then graduate school.

Eltona February 25th, 2021

I understand completely what you mean and it is disheartening and upsetting. I'm in the same boat in that I'm in the internet industry. It used to be if I said I had 10 or 20 20 plus years experience it was a great thing. Now people throw you right out of consideration. I don't know if we did it to the generations older than us - I'm sure there were cases of it because everybody's guilty of the same kind of things like this - but if you're a boomer or seem to be, apparently it's a crime. Or if we had been any generation that's this age. Of course people coming right out of college or with less experience or cheaper and they usually are up to date in the latest techniques. That was true when I was in my twenties and thirties. I don't have an answer for you other than what you're seeing is real and it's a product of a younger generation being at the top now.