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intellectualWatermelon4002 June 17th, 2021

Struggling with no longer working. I am 63 and on Social Security. I can get by on the money. It is just the new context of not working.

peacefulIris56 June 17th, 2021

@intellectualWatermelon4002 It's a big transition from work to retirement. Now that you have retirement, you will have enough time to do things that you enjoy doing. Also, to occupy your time, you could always get a part time job doing something that you love to do. That will keep you active and more healthy and you will have extra cash.

amiableBlackberry92 June 18th, 2021

Your doing great reaching out here for ideas!! I volunteer ,read books to kids at a library or help out in some way at a retirement community or senior center. I go to the gym, pursue art, and raise funds for underprivileged kids. I know covid put a stop to alot but things are coming back around here now. I really like helping ppl. It helps me .....💜 ABB

bestEast2648 June 18th, 2021

What a blessing you are healthy and can do some fun things now. Go to a gym. Also, go to Church and get involved. They need help. Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter. The list goes on and on of volunteer opportunities. Have fun and live!!!! God bless.

intellectualWatermelon4002 OP June 18th, 2021

Thank you!

NedJr June 21st, 2021

I have not yet entered the age of 50. However, I read this forum and understand that most of the participants are looking for psychological comfort. I myself am more in a financial impasse. I don't really understand how I can have financial stability by the time I retire. The situation is changing very quickly and this worries me more and more. I often read investment reviews. I am considering options for investing in real estate and securities, but I can not come to an unambiguous conclusion. Tell me, what strategy did you choose in order to live peacefully in retirement?