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tryingtofarm52 September 22nd, 2015

I don't think there is ANY explaining menopause until you have experienced it...

I think I am through the worst of it TG.

But it was a bit of a rough go :(

Its a big change in life.


What was it like for you?

baZzchik54 February 4th, 2016


i didn't know there were more like me out there, out here lol. I e pretty much only chatted with the younger crowd. MentalPause as u call it is an awesome does suck, majorly.....along with fibro fog and a faulty thyroid, my stress, anxiety and depression, I'm lucky to retain anything, not for years and I was an avid reader. Now not only am I sweating all the time, but have ferocious periods of fogging up my own glasses due to the heat factor. Take care Farm52......baZπŸ˜ŽπŸ‰

CalmWhisper22 July 21st, 2018


Not sure if you are still on birth control for some reason but my dr said that he had to take me off of it so I wouldn't be sweating. He put me on it to control other things. Something to think about if you are on the pill still.

yzzil September 22nd, 2015

Welcome to 7cups and the ranks of the menopausal!! 😊

great place to chat and get support!!

yzzil September 22nd, 2015

I was pretty lucky. Didn't really have hot flashes.

tryingtofarm52 OP September 23rd, 2015

I dont do them too bad. I know others who get them bad.

I just found the whole mood and hormonal thing tough, but think i am past the worst of it.

I am not the same though. It was a huge change of life and body and mind. I aged 10 years in 1. Thats what it felt like. Allasudden i was over the hill and realized i was racing all too quickly down the other side......

yzzil September 23rd, 2015

@tryingtofarm52 I'm sorry you have had that experience. Do you have a group of friends that have experienced the same? Most of the people I work closely with are younger and have no idea what it's like.

tryingtofarm52 OP September 25th, 2015

Ya, I ahve talked to others too. Its good to share that they not alone.

Now I am just at a weird place in life where my second child will lv the nest in the next coupla years, so I dont know what lies ahead.

I worry bout finances as I dont want to be a burden to my kids.

I worry bout my health cuz my daughter still really needs me proly for a few years yet.


I am old, tired and hurt lots. Cant take ibuprophen etc much cuz it rots my gut.

Its a dull dark wet day, and soon I need to get off to do my farmwork.

T'hell with the housework ;o)

Hope you are doing ok.


KrinkTheMellowUnicorn October 22nd, 2015

as a man I haven't experienced any literal equivalent of menopause (yet) but I have lived through it with some close family members and it is a rollercoaster ride.

braveSugar7964 October 22nd, 2015

I'm mid menopause, I think. (How long does the damn thing last, anyway?!) I find the hot flushes the worst thing about it. They are ridiculously impossible to ignore or "work through". And they come on at awkward times, for example when I've been on hold waiting in a queue for a human to speak to on the phone. It's really infuriating.

The worst is when people are dawdling in front of me!! Apart from that, I guess I'm just my usual sunny natured self. wink

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn October 22nd, 2015


dawdlers have always annoyed me :)

hot flashes seem to peter out for some and continue indefinitely for others! it's like the thermostat has gone a bit haywire.

braveSugar7964 October 22nd, 2015

I'm really hoping mine dwindle at some point. The "beetroot" look isn't a good one!

yzzil October 23rd, 2015

Can we get off the ride now please? Lol

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn October 23rd, 2015


Aw and I was just getting the hang of it.

mistpete75 October 30th, 2015

I'm 40. Just had a hyst and ovaries removed mid aug due to medical issues. I'm on an estrogen's not working. Doc just increased the dose. This is awful. Hot flashes, chills, insomnia, bone and muscle aches, and the mood swings have been ridiculous. I already deal with major depression, it's10 times worse right now. I feep like I'm going crazy.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn October 30th, 2015


it must be awful! i'm so sorry.

my B used to stand in front of the open refrigerator / freezer door...

yzzil October 31st, 2015

@mistpete75. I understand some of what you are going through. I'm sorry you are struggling. It does get better. Use this community to help you get through it. You are most definitely NOT going crazy!!

tidyDay4536 November 2nd, 2015

Still not sure if I'm allowed in here cos I'm 36 but hello anyway. I haven't reached menopause yet (though I think about it a lot ..... anxiety disorder!).

But I thought I'd share anyways cos I have a serious hormone imbalance which gives me lots of problems. I went to a naturopath recently who gave me a natural hormone remedy called "Shatavari" root. It seems to help my hormones a bit and my naturopath is 55 and told me it works to minimise her own menopause symptoms.

Michaud5 December 29th, 2015

I am in the middle of this nightmare right now. I am technically in peri menopause and have been here for 10 years. Things changed this past year and I fell psycho during pms and very aggressive. We have 5 kids. 3 older and 2 younger that we adopted. The boy has an intellectual disability and lots of behavior. I feel like I am always angry with him. This is just not me and I hate it. I am on a natural supplement and progesterone cream and it's better but I am still just awful one week a month.

ravenhowlingwolf December 29th, 2015

I'm just starting peri-menopause myself. Been doing it for almost a year. My mother went through it for over 15 years. I'm doing better since a friend of mine suggested this herbal supplement called black kohash. It completely ended my hot flashes... and it completely took m

ravenhowlingwolf December 29th, 2015

*took my Hague

Nowhour November 25th, 2017

Menopaus thought I was loosing my mind so glad to know that all these feelings are normal. That the roller coaster I have riding is just nature taking its course. Thank you to everyone who has posted what they are going through it gives me hope that one day I will be normal again. Yea I'm not crazy just getting older.

yzzil November 25th, 2017

@Nowhour. Glad you checked in. Ya, nothing like PMS on steroids, over a furnace. Lol

Nowhour November 26th, 2017


Thanks for acknowledging me wow I am alive.

I think that is one of the first things I noticed was how I have become invisible to the general public. Its weird its like they see me but they don't. Does it feel that way to you?

yzzil November 26th, 2017

@Nowhour. Hi. I havent felt invisible. I work in a school and us mature folk are everywhere. 😁.

Tell me more about your experience.

Nowhour November 28th, 2017


Its like when you go to the store and you go to check out and the cashier doesn't even see you or acknowledge you or how the male gender does see you at all . It's hard to explain I guess it's probably all in my mind. My imagination gets a little over active some times hehe!!!

yzzil November 28th, 2017

@Nowhour. Well, youre not invisible, just mature. 😊

Nowhour December 1st, 2017


Really, mature no one has ever thought of me that way old maybe not mature. Hahahah!

QuietSail6485 July 22nd, 2018

This life stage has been a real challenge and struggle for me physically, of course, but also for my relationship in quite a major way - the changes in my body and emotions playing havoc with our interaction and closeness .... anyone else out there that had a similar experience and want to share and support each other?

QuietSail6485 July 22nd, 2018

This life stage has been a real challenge and struggle for me physically, of course, but also for my relationship in quite a major way - the changes in my body and emotions playing havoc with our interaction and closeness .... anyone else out there that had a similar experience and want to share and support each other?

JolivetteListens August 1st, 2018

In it!

Hate it!

angrycryingbroken heartindecisioncheekyfrown