How do you regain motivation?
Not being sure who to ask or how to find an answer, I wanted to present this concern of mine to the group. In Dec I started a diligent effort to address my anxiety and depression and my sleep issues. Completing a Cognitive reprograming of sorts, I started actually feeling better and less stressed. Less stressed about everything. Wonderful! Sleep is more restful, days are more pleasant, life is generally a bit better. Not perfect, but getting better. Heres the hook: less stress sometimes borders on apathy. Work stress drives performance. Lack of work stress combined with apathy is hurting my work performance. Has anyone else experienced a loss of motivation for something that used to be the most important part of your life? What is your advice? Replace that purpose with a new one or infuse some stress back into your life so your performance levels return? Other options? Really interested in other members views and thoughts on this. Thank you .
Hello to you, that is an interestic topic, thanks for the thread.
"Has anyone else experienced a loss of motivation for something that used to be the most important part of your life?"
Sometimes it happens that things change because the context and the directives around the work do change, so the job may need to be performed differently, which is what made me lose the original joyful view on my work.
For that I would ask you to reflect if any external factor has changed the dynamic of your performances or if it is how you look at things that changed itself.
If it's you that see things differently, can you try to understand what led to that? When something happens to us, when there is something impacting that comes to our life, it may play a role in how we see everything that is part of our life, work included.
I personally experienced to be less enthusiastic when external factors changed how to approach my work so the original meaning has been lost. I had to adapt to the new view but I miss that enthusiasm that permitted me to keep high performances with joy and tireless approach.
I think that to be aware of what causes the changes, can give us chance to decide whether the thing is still worth enough and whether we need to adapt to the new situation rather than looking for something new.
Sometimes it may be just a difficult moment because of a current life situation, so we may need to take it in count and to be patient till we will be able to rebalance emotionally.
Give yourself another day, another chance, another hope.
I wish you to find your way to cope with everything at best.
Take care.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this subject. I think it is a combination of factors. My perspective and values have changed and a lot has changed about the job. If I had greater motivation or valued the job more i could or would embrace the changes and strive to excel at the job again. But, I don't value the job as much. Some because it is just a job and not my life. It has stopped being the thing I define myself by. It's just a job. I figured out there is much more to life finally. A person still has to pay the bills, but I am starting to foster or look for a person to replace me so I can embrace my new priorities. Thanks again. I hope by sharing this situation and questions from it maybe some others with the same issues will feel.. helped.
Hi SleeplessVet,
I am glad to read that you have a clear vision on your priorities, any change is good enough when it means to be loyal to them and to own values.
@SleeplessVet what has helped me is, I ask myself this question:
How can I use my abilities, potential, and talents for the good of the world?
Then I look to do a little using what I have! This makes me feel overall motivated in life.