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He cheated with my friend

toughPark4392 September 24th, 2021

I just got out of an abusive relationship, I felt angry, betrayed, depressed. My boyfriend cheated on me with my friend last year,he apologized and I accepted him back, I had to cut ties with my friend. Only for him to start treating me like a trash,llke I don't matter, although I ended the relationship last month but I still feel hurt, depressed,angry at him, myself and my friends. I would like to move on but it's been really difficult. I've lost a lot of weight, stuff I like no longer excite me, I feel worthless and I can't see myself going into another relationship cos I'm having trust issue. I've no one to talk to about this that why I decided to reach out to you guys.

thoughtfulCranberry8502 September 24th, 2021

This is y I don't have friends u can't trust anyone

StrawberryCake8 September 24th, 2021

Sometimes the best way out of pain is through it, not around it. Acknowledging the reality of your own feelings can be the first step in healing.​

Tunde2222 November 18th, 2021

I feel your pain. Pain if betrayal in a relationship can be very difficult to overcome. However, the only positive option is to get over it and move on, to discover true happiness with a worthy individual. You are on the right path. Speak out and get help from friends and family. Lots of support is available here on 7 cups.