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What is best way to forget your ex?

cheerfulLion6204 November 26th, 2020

I want to know everyone's opinion to this?

Setsaad November 26th, 2020


Many ways.. but you should admit it and enjoy it.

cheerfulLion6204 OP November 27th, 2020

@Setsaad Thanks for your idea 😊

jojodances November 26th, 2020

@cheerfulLion6204 Honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out myself smiley. Keep in touch (call/video chat in these Covid times) with your friends and family. Find a hobby or continue working on your passion. (I've been dancing a lot more in the last 4 months since my breakup.) It's ok to cry, and be sad, and miss the person sometimes. That's normal. Just keep moving forward and keep being the best you that you can.

sensitiveShade5337 November 26th, 2020


The way I see it, is that you don't actually forget someone you spend months/years together. You still remember the bad and the good days. Thing is forgiving is hard. I suggest you to find ways to focus on yourself, look at who you are, what you like and what you don't like, what you wanna change and what you wanna improve. Focusing on ourselves, is really inportant especially after a breakup.

Solome24 June 22nd, 2021

@sensitiveShade5337 I totally agree!

Aitana91 January 30th, 2021

Love yourself! Set goals and work towards achieving them. Focus on your well-being and life. Manifest your dreams

jayen009 May 22nd, 2021

Well...........In my case I am alone and lookinfg for someone to come in my life......what you guys think of I am 40 you think i should go for having new life partner in this age or i should live my life as it is ??

Solome24 June 22nd, 2021

@jayen009 Hi there, I've seen your comment around the forum as well. It seems like you're really wondering what you should do here, but only you can know for sure what would be best for you. <3 I wish you the best!

emotionalfire August 6th, 2021

You should definitely be open to having a new life partner no matter what age you are

xSoxHerexIxAmx June 4th, 2021

Focus on yourself and set goals to make yourself happy and elevate your life. I haven’t found anyway to deal with a hard breakup in the past, I think you’ll always remember your ex or think of them from time to time, but it is possible to move on, it just takes time. Put yourself out there, meet new people, date, etc. the fact remains that you’re no longer together … if it was something they did (like cheat) then be thankful they showed who they are and think about how you deserve better, if it’s your fault, work in where you went wrong so you don’t repeat the same mistake with the next one. If it’s mutual and there are no hard feelings, then maintain a friendship to see if you can eventually rekindle that relationship, or maybe just stay friends moving forward. Most of the time when people break up it’s because they weren’t meant to be, it’s hard to believe that when you are the one dumped and still have feelings for that person, but any time spent with someone who doesn’t want you 100% is time wasted that could’ve been spent with someone who does want you, or at very least time that you could be spending building your life to exactly who you want to be.

politeSpring5493 June 5th, 2021

I have a kid with my ex and we live together. Can’t afford to move so we have to live together. Been broken up a month now and she lied about having a boyfriend. If you think your having a bad day try being in my shoes.

modestPenguin999 July 4th, 2021

I am sorry for your situation, my friend.. but I don't think making your problem looks bigger than other person's is the right answer for the other person. Just try to show some sympathy would be much nicer.

mamavk86 June 21st, 2021

This question is tough. From my experience it is much easier if there are no children involved. In the past I would cut that person out - such as delete their number, avoid seeing them in person, etc. until I was okay. I took time to focus on myself and get back to who I was. I hung out with family and friends and just found new things to enjoy. I picked up new hobbies to fill the extra time I had. After I got to a place where I felt like I was okay I was eventually able to be friends with my ex. However, having children with them .. you can't just cut them out of your life and still have to have communication. This has been a more difficult experience for me. If anyone figures this out, let me know!

rockrgrl July 1st, 2021

Write down all the reasons why they're your ex as a reminder of why you broke up with them in the first place...otherwise you may fall into the common tendency of romanticizing the good times and forgetting the bad.

mamavk86 July 1st, 2021


This is such great advice! I know it can suck looking at the negative as the pain hurts but you're right! I find myself, at times, remembering the good things. When my ex is kind I get swept up in seeing the good and hoping he can change - tending to push away the bad .. until he does something crappy again. I actually had a day recently where he was being nice and I was swaying on the fence of thinking he's changing and being a nice person. That night I got on Facebook and an old memory popped up of something I shared - it was a generic one about how I try to be civil with this person and all the horrible things they say to me .. that made me realize that's who he really is. I think I will take this advice and use it. Again, thank you!

rockrgrl July 1st, 2021

As they say a leopard doesn't change its spots. If he is your ex, there is a reason. Loving yourself first and knowing your needs in a relationship always has to come first.