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Trouble by simple thing

emotionalLime1793 October 6th, 2022

I know its ridiculous and stupid becouse its simple problem but for its really trouble me. We have chores around the house. My sister cooking in the morning and night and sweep around the house. My work is doing the dishes and trow trash and sweep the ditch lastly dong laundry. Becouse she already maried she doing own his laundry. But she always go somewhere and not doing her job like not dry his own laundry and expect me doing it or not sweeep the house

I tell my mom about it but she say i just count and not helping her. Ans she say i always count about it.

i go somewhere too and dont have time to but when im back always doing my work back, Even my sister at home and not helping me too

Even when my sister cook my mom always say why i dont help her and not feeling gulty becouse she cooking alone. I say to her that is not my job its her job

So i want ask am i dong wrong , am i need to adjust the chorus or am i really count so many thing

I actually of thinking about this and make deciton to download this app. I hope someone can help.

innateJoy9602 October 6th, 2022



It's not ridiculous at all, if it bothers you then it's a valid problem. I can understand your frustration because you have your own chores. So, I see why you would like for her to do hers. I hope you can resolve this issue with your sister. 💛💫

emotionalLime1793 OP October 8th, 2022

Thnks you so much for your answer. Im glad you reply my post.

blueTurtle4179 October 8th, 2022

If it’s the married couples decision that between the two of them, the wife is responsible for their laundry, then his laundry should be considered her laundry. If it’s a house thing that all members stuff is washed together the married couple is to me personally considered 1 and therefore his dirty underwear are basically her dirty underwear and responsibility. So if u are the person that does the wash for the entire household, regardless of blood relation…his boxers are like washing her panties. It’s all hers.

I say this for a house share situation issue I’ve experienced. It triggered a whole dramatic thing. Rent is divided up by each individual member, a couple isn’t considered 1 portion of the rent divided. She got married and tried that with me and my reply was, you may share a bed, in 1 room but he’s fed from our fridge with food we all pay for, that’s kept cold with the same electricity he uses to watch tv, charge his phone, and play his video games which we also all pay for and it’s all added into the total rent amt for us. So why is it the utilities and food cost go up, bc u get married and add someone to our home and we are paying extra as an individual while ur extra person is only costing u the 40.00 increase we all have. We should have had a reduction on our end bc you or Him or both or whichever one or ur married butts pays for u two…should be paying for an extra person: so u should be paying a per person rate of 2 ppl but the per person rate is lower than when u weren’t married. She looked at me like she didn’t follow…so I got a dry erase marker and used the fridge to draw a diagram with math equations and prorated costs amts and her husband said it’s just 40.00 why u so uptight?! And truthfully if he would just have taken on 1 thing like make it his own appointed job to always get the trash out at night and the pails to the curb and bring them back when empty or mow the lawn before it started getting to that point where we are noticing it has to be done and it’s on our minds, or sprung for take out here and there for all

of us, I wouldn’t have cared. I’d probably have been more welcoming and buddy buddy with him. But he acted like he was just an overnight guest…but sadly that was his home. And 40.00 may be not much to start the war it caused… but it was the appreciation for what my time/effort and sanity was valued at. Why is mine less than theirs? Sometimes u have to speak up even if it’s small to make a point that offers/consideration and helpfulness is a lot cheaper than 40.00 but it’s worth a whole lot more bc who wants to feel like someone’s servant? it’s a house SHARE not house cater to ur freeloading husband lol

I still stand by my opinion and believe my irritation was warranted. Lol 😂 you aren’t petty. U feel like ur life isn’t as important as they think theirs is. Bc it sometimes u just gotta put it out there and sound petty to get the respect u deserve. But always remain calm and rational when doing so. Not unhinged with insults. Works better.

emotionalLime1793 OP October 21st, 2022

This the powerful i get it. Thnks for your answering. Its the same feeling that i have