Too much hate and anger
Why I can't removed this anger and hate to my ex husband. I've been stuck with this feeling for 15 years now. Everyday of my life this anxiety keep attacking me since my husband betrayed me . We're no longer together for 13 years and he keeps changing woman to another woman between those years, and everytime I see them and heard about them I can't stop my jealousy and it's hurting me so much and I can't forgive him of what he did to me and ruin my family.
Everyday my thoughts about him is revenge I can't stop this anger for him.
Anyone could help me to remove this anger. I'm already tired.
@RaspberryPearl587 Hi Raspberry, I feel your pain, I was with a woman for 3 years that treated me very badly, I felt so much jealousy during that relationship and she never once assured me, and at the end of it I broke up with her and she got engaged 3 months later. I felt so betrayed and the anger stayed with me for over 10 years, honestly the only thing that helped me was two things, pranic healing and some other energy healing, otherwise I don't think I would have let go ever because I tried all the conventional methods. I still have some resentment towards her but it's nothing that bothers me. I hope you can try it out too and find some relief.
@tidyPlum2296 thank you so much for sharing your side too . I will try that method and leave all this pain. Thank you again🙏
You're welcome, if I can offer any other help I am always here.
I have a lot of knowledge if I can help in any way I would be happy to.
All the best.
I write letters when I’m angry, some to the person I’m angry at (I never send them) but it helps me dig to the root of why I’m so angry and resentful. Sometimes I write letters to myself for the same reason, I also write letter to myself apologizing for holding onto that anger and it helps give me some room to let go of those toxic emotions