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Need help to diagnose

winwin15 July 17th, 2021

Hi, this is my first time here, i need to diagnose my mental heath issues, need to do it online because I can’t do it offline at where i live Really hoping anyone help on this. Thank you in advance

RarelyCharlie July 17th, 2021

@winwin15 A diagnosis is a clinical judgement made by a medical professional. In a case of mental illness the medical professional would normally be a psychiatrist. So it is definitely not possible to get a diagnosis in a forum such as this one, because there are no psychiatrists here. (And even if there are a few psychiatrists here, they are not allowed to practise psychiatry here.)

Some psychiatrists are willing to work online. So maybe the solution is simply to contact some psychiatrists one after another until you find one who can give you a diagnosis online.

If you don't really need a formal diagnosis, then there are many online tests you can take, but interpreting the results of online tests might not always be reliable. And in many tests there is the possibility of hidden bias to promote certain medications or treatments. For example, as far as I know 7 Cups' own Emotional Wellness Test is based on marketing materials for certain medications.

If you can reveal a little about what kind of mental health issues you are concerned about, or what you suspect your diagnosis might eventually be, then someone might be able to provide more specific ideas.

If you'd like to chat about your situation, just click on my profile picture and message me.
