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My messy life

Knitter201 October 16th, 2022

I seem to be the cause of this too. Today went to see ex because he took my 2 dogs when I was in hospital. Well that just breaks my heart , they miss me and lots of hugs and kisses. In the end I have to go, heart breaks.

Today was second day and ex was really nice and talkative, I think I got hopes up and said I loved him too. Well he said he didn’t owe me any explanation. So I gave dogs love and told him I loved him too , then left.

When I got home I called a friend and I felt I needed to explain my situation. I went to far and she said she had to go. I think she thinks I was looking for help and I sent msg not looking for help but friendship. On top of everything I am very lonely , so I think I went to far in explaining. My other friends I talk to both have things today. I’m feeling lost .

On a positive note I sent request for therapy to an agency that I found accepts my insurance. Fingers crossed I need to get therapy and not lean on friends so much.

innateJoy9602 October 17th, 2022



Friends are a part of a good support system! So, I feel it was understandable in wanting to seek some friendship and comfort from them. I’m glad you have taken the initiative to send a request in for therapy though! That’s a big step! I have my fingers crossed for you!<3💛💫

calmMango9611 October 17th, 2022

@Knitter201 I hope everything works out for you.

politeBeach5257 October 17th, 2022

Hi friends and family are part of life .. and if you find u can't depend on these people when things goes wrong then they are not your friends.. remember friend in need is a friend indeed

strwberryhearts October 17th, 2022

@Knitter201 Hello, from what I’ve read, I think it wasn’t right of your ex to take your dogs when you were in the hospital. Especially if they didn’t ask or notify you that they were going to take your dogs. It’s heartbreaking to not know and just find stuff out all by yourself.

And you weren’t in the wrong for calling a friend and trying to tell them what happened. Friends are supposed to be there for eachother, not shut you out and act like what you say don’t matter. I could see if they said “hey, I have to do something really quick, I will call you right back though” but if they just act like you went too far explaining and stuff like that then no that’s not right. From experience, I’m learning to not depend on “friends” when it comes to needing someone to talk to because they have told me that I need other friends to talk to etc, stuff like that. Which makes me feel like they are basically saying “I don’t want to hear about it” or either telling me that I don’t matter, what I have to say doesn’t matter. Which hurts alot. So I understand where you are coming from when you say you are getting therapy and to not lean on friends as much, I want to do the same because from experience, I feel like now, everyone will say the same thing to me and it’ll only hurt my feelings all over again. I’m scared to even vent to someone when something is wrong.

Fingers crossed as well for you to get into therapy :) I hope things work out for you. And remember you aren’t alone. 🤍

Knitter201 OP October 17th, 2022

Thank you all! I really appreciate that I have a place to say what is going on and to have supportive people here.

strwberryhearts October 19th, 2022

@Knitter201 You’re welcome, anytime! Remember that we are always here to help support eachother and try to help as much as we can 😊🤍