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Feeling somewhat broken

ivoryPlum4371CoCoa October 31st, 2022

I am 42 & a mother who has been broken down by my marriage

years of mental abuse & being controlled & having been cheated on and more!!

dose true love truly exists?? I am mean when a man tells his wife I ❤️ u shouldn’t he show that with love?? I don’t hate him but he took so much of my life by doing this!!

toughTiger6481 November 2nd, 2022


you are not alone and words IMO are hollow without action..... my spouse has had me forgiving and letting things go by saying he loves me but his actions continually show otherwise ..........

i found a friend and i feel things i have never felt with my spouse we are just friends but if things were different i know it would blossom........but i KNOW now that i can no longer accept the treatment and the fake love my spouse says because i make his life easy ....... we cannot get back the time we have wasted but you should find some happiness.

ivoryPlum4371CoCoa OP November 3rd, 2022


thank you for

let me know that I am not alone 🤗🤗☺️

ivoryPlum4371CoCoa OP November 3rd, 2022

And I hope the best for you!!

SweetPea321 November 3rd, 2022

Aww, I'm sorry you're going through this. There are those of us who believe in one true love and those who can't settle for only one love. For some reason the like-minded doesn't seem to get together much 🤔

I also feel like I wasted my good years on my ex-husband. I should've gone for the nice guy type instead of the bad boy.

ivoryPlum4371CoCoa OP November 3rd, 2022

thank You

I hope the best for you

it’s horrible to think that when you give love and you want love in return they waste what you give!!