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maggie173 April 28th, 2021

It’s hard when everyone around you seems to be happy. I just wish to be happy instead I feel so ALONE. My loneliness becomes depression than I tend to eat and eat. I feel stuck and don’t want to do anything. I put up a front that I’m okay on the outside but inside is completely nothing. Almost hitting 40 and still A L O N E.

magneticShoulder3193 April 28th, 2021


Hello, I am so sorry that you are going through this. Loneliness is such a terrible feeling, you are very brave. It may seem like everyone is happy and has someone, but no one's life is perfect. I'm sure other people are going through the same thing that you are. There are people here for you. Hang in there and take care. I hope things get better for you.

maggie173 OP April 28th, 2021

Thank you. I’m working on it. This is the first step. Just getting it off my chest.

maggie173 OP April 28th, 2021

Thank you.👍

lavenderMap5265 April 28th, 2021

Dont worry ur not alone in this

maggie173 OP April 28th, 2021

Thank you. 👍

Naila2 April 28th, 2021

I know this may sound very weird but reading that you’re almost 40 and you still don’t have everything quite together yet is almost refreshing to hear. Struggling with depression myself still I fully believed that I am alone too and that I’ll never be able to figure out anything and since I’m only 18 I was just simply going to dwell in self pity my whole life ..but this post has made me realize that I’m not alone either and people of all ages are struggling too. I’m so sorry that you think you have no one because You’re not alone. Me along with everyone else here will be more than willing to listen and understand you. So thank you for sharing because in an unusual way you helped me find that for myself as well ❤️.

maggie173 OP April 29th, 2021

Thank you for your response. The struggle is real. Every little thing when I least expect it triggers my depression from couples holding hands to a mother carrying her baby to friends laughing. So I walk or turn the other way when I feel something coming over me. Taking it one step at a time. Thanks again.

Peanuttbater April 29th, 2021

Hi! Hope youre doing fine today! Youre not alone. Im turnong 33, and I feel almost the same. Everyone around me is happy. Having their own family and kids. Im in a relationship right now but still it feels so lonely. I completely understand you.

maggie173 OP April 29th, 2021

Thank you. I feel the same way too minus the relationship part. I feel like everyone around me is so happy and then I look at myself and sometimes I begin to cry for no reason. So it’s an ongoing cycle that I’m trying to break. Thanks again.