im feeling so overwhelmed idk what i want to do in life exceppt sleep all the time. im on disability and it pays the bills but gotta do something with my life not play games all day. thought about many options still cant decide got no car pet would be nice but so much work and responsibility. been evicted a few times so much has happened and im already 37yo pretty scared and btw im a guy if it matters. i see a therapist but idk what would help. maybe a house and car and travel or move to another country or apprenticeship or this or that idk anymore
Small steps....work,small changes.
When we are in a situation we do not want to see that. we think up what if we did this or that? and convince ourselves that would solve this or that but ... in reality moving would be same issues different place. Make a plan or list of small things you would like to do... try one and then another spend a whole day not playing games and then another ....
go out if possible to see the world around you. maybe you could pet sit for someone to experience if a pet would help or be too much.
@toughTiger6481 yea so many options life passing me by hate apartment living and upstairs neighbors floorboards I do get out at times though
@determinedZebra820 I just want to scream I've had it so much anger
Anger and frustration is a powerful thing in sidelining us or having us do something impulsive.
What would you like to do? and what steps would it take to accomplish that ?
i have been stuck and angry and feeling like I could not do things until I pushed myself to do one thing and then one thing more etc. i used to find myself daydreaming or planning in my mind ... it starts as an escape .... then becomes a trap......... because the steps to our goal ....take effort and planning and sometimes setbacks ....... we skipped all that in our wishing/ daydreaming we could do ___( insert item). do you have any supportive friends or family? sometimes when we start to change we need a coach/ cheerleader that pushes us out of our comfort zone.
if your neighbors in apartment frustrate you have you spoken to them ? or just letting things continue to bother you. talking may not resolve a noise issue but you will know you did something.
I am in a similar position. I am not disabled but have a severe mental illness. But stuck in, no job. Family has money, so I survive. I need to get a life.
I know how you feel. I'm also disabled. I sat in my house for years with nothing to do. I kept trying to figure out ways to be active but it never panned out. My dog was the only reason I didn't do myself in. But now he's dead, I sold my house and my father stole my money so I have nowhere to live, I tried to move across the country to be with my fiance of 7 years and she kicked me out after a month and her getting the rest of my money, and I'm in constant pain. So things can get much worse. If you're able to in suggest traveling. Even if it's small trips locally at first. Also a big problem for me has always been not being able to be productive so there's no meaning to anything. So if you can work on things, build things, or help others in some way that will make you feel accomplished and give your life meaning.
@determinedZebra820 Really sorry to hear you are struggling! It sounds like you are doing all that you can to work on bettering yourself and your situation. I would recommend thinking about and doing one small thing per day that may improve your mood (even slightly). These little moments will add up!