Relearning love
relearning to love myself again is thee best part about life. Learning to love someone else has it motionz, my partner has entered into the next part of life learning how to love himself and that is not an easy task when you have not done it before. It is a slow process and eye had to step back and let him flow. Since we are in a distant lover relationship there are days when eye can only be his bestie and nothing more. I have to control my emoitons and not let them flood me like in the past when we began talking again. He needs this time for him to discover the other sides/parts/emotions/wonders of him. Me soft dating has always been our agreement, as long as eye stay safe and enjoy myself. Dating has not gone well in the past yet the future looks brighter until me and my partner cross the next path of our relationship. I know most ppl may not get this yet, while eyem here I am still want to explore a healthy side of dating where I am not always in a masc role with a man. Always in control and not being able to embrace my soft fem side naturally. Always cautious of my safety this a non-nego with anyone eye share space with. Eyem ready to just enjoy a day/night out and be soft beautiful orchid.