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Janna708 October 24th, 2022

its a really messed up story to be honest, so I will put the details aside. I’ve been in a relationship with a person for like 3 years, everything was good but recently something had happened that changed everything. After that, my partner really changed their attitude towards me, and I can clearly tell the love is gone. He texted my ex behind my back, turns out they’ve been talking for 6 weeks. I really took it hard but decided to let it slide, but it seems like my ex told a lot of shit about me. But that’s not what matters, it’s been 2 months since that incident, me and my partner kept breaking up and making up ever since. We decided to move on but it seemed like he’s having a hard time with it, so we decided to give it a try again. But the very next day he says there’s no chance and a lot of things of that kind. I can clearly tell he doesn’t love me anymore even though he denies it. It doesn’t matter now I guess, I should move on and I will be. Just the fact of it really hurts me.

and I have no one by my side, I moved to a new city for college, I live alone and I don’t have close friends here. I really have no one to talk to, didn’t succeed in finding a good listener either. I just genuinely need some support because I’ve been feeling so alone and broken

any support would be nice. Thank you for reading

SweetPea321 October 25th, 2022

Hey @Janna708 Don't worry too much. Things won't always be so lonely for you. You'll eventually meet people. Just gotta give it some time ❤ I'm sorry about your relationship trouble.

Sweetbuttercup33 October 25th, 2022

Hello @Janna708,

I’m so sorry to hear about your relationship is not going well, I’m a listener here and if you still need me I’m here to listen to you.. I know how it feels not to have anyone close to just talk about our things. Hopefully you can reach out to me all you do is click on my profile and you can leave me a message. I always get a notification when someone messages me even though I’m offline. Hang in there I know it’s hard I know about this relationships I been through it myself. Hope we can chat sometime sending you positive vibes all the way hugs 🤗

affectionateCat9553 October 25th, 2022


Sorry about what happened to your relationship. Relationships are hard sometimes. Maybe it was for the better. It sounds like you should focus on your college career. If you are young you can wait until you are older to try dating again. I think your current boyfriend talking to your ex was not right. Anyone who goes behind your back and does something cannot be trusted. I don't know why people do that. I have been backstabbed plenty of times but its not the kind thing to do. Sometimes when we break up with a not so great guy, one in the future is better. Good luck with your studies. I hope you do well. Keep in touch.

azuladragon34 October 25th, 2022


Hey Janna. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through alot. Relationships can be tough and it's quite disgusting to hear that your 'boyfriend' is talking to your ex behind your back. I don't know why people do that, but it happens. However, know this, you will find someone great- yes, it will take time, but it will happen. In the meantime, focus on your studies and do well. Please focus on yourself as well. Moving on is better than being stuck- take this from someone who is trying to do it

walkalot October 25th, 2022

I'm sorry this is happening to you. Although you may feel alone, there are many people who are willing to support. Keep looking and keep believe. You will find them

jules1054 October 28th, 2022

Hey Janna, you messaged me on my post a few days ago and I would love to support you, as I’m going through the loss of someone I cared so much for too. Is there any way I can reach out to you? I would love a friend and be support for you in return. Please message, maybe through text or social media somehow? I know we can’t direct message here which is tough…

Janna708 OP November 8th, 2022

I would like to contact you too. Is there any place I can contact you?

FeminineSatin November 8th, 2022

I’m so sorry for the way you’ve been hurt, and I understand what it’s like to be lonely in a new place. I’m in a similar situation right now, and a bit afraid it’ll be like this for the rest of my life. I think you’re a step ahead of me and younger than me (lots of lessons in a 3 year relationship), so I hope you get the chance to heal some of the hurt. Myself and the rest of the community here seem to really get it, and here if you need to talk. I just started therapy a day ago on here so I’m hoping there’s light at the end of the tunnel

squichbean November 8th, 2022

@Janna708 people can suck



ithinnk talking be good

understand each other


there always be people for u

no matter what

it be ok

isend good vibes
