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My thoughts

User Profile: silasMarner
silasMarner January 3rd, 2023

Ive noticed that positivism seems to be going out of style, lately... and I'm perfectly fine with that. I think it's because it (positivity) is forced upon people. Its a relentless bombardment of these self-righteous, condescending and ironically Darwinian attitudes. "Just be happy," people say, as if theres some switch you can flip on and off, at will. Because of the selfish (yes, SELFISH) nature of positivism, its as though you're expected to put on a facade to please others.

Some people are happy, others aren't! It's just the way it is. Some negative people are malingerers and attention-seekers, but it's horrible to assume that of all depressed people. I know I can't stomach the idea of putting on an act to appease others. Just thinking about it exhausts me. I suspect I'm not the only person who feels this way. Don't get me wrong, Positivity, if approached in a way that is balanced and tempered with compassion and realism is good, but without that balance, there, it is TOXIC. The way I figure it; positivism is the cause of the victim-blaming culture in which we live. Its the reason why people blame women for being victimized, instead of blaming the perpetrator. Positivism is the reason society hates the homeless and allows them to wallow in squalor.

Positivism is toxic, both at the macro and micro level. Dismissing, or discrediting or impugning someone who's angry, sad, or depressed is toxic- it's the literal ANTITHESIS of spreading ACTUAL positive energy.

I get that positive people have to work hard to get to better places. I get that, but I don't think its fair to expect people to exude positivity at the convenience of others. People say "mind over matter," but the people I know who are in a state of RELATIVE peace and tranquility seem to come by it, naturally and their happiness is situational. I don't think it's fair to shame people for being pessimistic. Some people just have a tough time, regardless of attitude, or effort. They want understanding and compassion and instead, find themselves on the receiving end of some sanctimonious, condescending lecture. The Positiv-ites don't seem to want to be bothered with empathy, instead, they expect you to convert to their POV.

So, that being said, if anybody reading this is in a dark place and needs compassion and understanding, you can talk to me. I will NEVER judge you, or lecture you. I'm not some wise sage who can provide you with the answer you seek, but if you need to vent, I will listen and show compassion.



January 3rd, 2023


I think more people need to understand this, a lot of people don't have the patience or understanding for those who struggle and sometimes people are bitter, depressed, angry and defeated and it's ok because everyone has different experiences and lives that shaped them and it takes time and a lot of empathy to get through it but a lot of people are uncomfortable with that, I agree with what u say, thanks for saying it much better than I ever could.

User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic January 4th, 2023

@silasMarner I found that a really interesting read, you have a good way with words, making a clear and concise pov. Thanks for sharing how you feel, I suspect you may actually be a wise sage!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

User Profile: shyBalloon1174
shyBalloon1174 October 22nd, 2023

Exactly 💯

User Profile: patientSky1754
patientSky1754 October 23rd, 2023


Interesting read. Thank you for sharing your perspective and offering support to those who might need it. This kind of compassion can be a source of genuine positivity in a world where understanding and empathy can sometimes feel lacking