How is everyone in their marriage? Are you okay? Are you appreciated? Most importantly, are you loved?
@KapitalK Your post is very thoughtful, your caring words might inspire some meaningful reflections and conversations among those who read your post. Thank you for bringing up these important considerations.
I’m not sure how I am in my marriage.
feeling lost at the moment
Not ok and dun feel loved. Not sure how to change that. Lost.
I'm not okay. There are days I'm able to almost be normal.
I struggle with the concept of love....i resent it. Its took a toxic turn in my life.
Feeling hopeful, today was the first time in a long time my wife and I talked (not small talk) with out it becoming an argument or blame game. The topic could have turned sideways fast and I thought it would, it didn’t. I brought up that the only time she does quality time with the kids is when she is mad at me and that part of us working on us should be quality family time. Initially she denied this and I asked when was a time that it wasn’t this way. I told her this was not the point of time bringing it up, but that I have been working in the areas she asked of me but it seems we still were not working in the areas that she claimed I negatively affected in her ability and willing ness to be with the kids. She actually agreed with me and said she was thinking the same thing but a night earlier but thought it would be best to talk about it when our upcoming vacation was over. We talked about that and a few other issues with no fight. Minor disagreement mainly in perception but it was a good talk.
Hopeful, finger crossed, thinking positive.
My husband said he wants a divorce today. It isn’t the first time he’s said it. He sitting in the same room with me and won’t say a word to me. I’m trying so hard to love home. My faith tells me to show him love. My anger tells me to scream at him and make him feel small like me. My anger takes over sometimes and that’s one of the many reasons he hates me. I can’t even blame him. I give him what he gives me and we’re just not enough for one another anymore.
It’s touch and go
It’s ok I guess