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I hate my life

D86 May 4th

I have no friends to hang out with, no job, my family just makes me feel worse except my mom. I don’t know what to do to improve my situation, I can’t even get a job that will cover bills

toughTiger6481 May 4th


Is there reasons you cannot get out and find friends and start some sort of job? ....

while it may be hard to find a job that makes enough for all of  your bills maybe if it covers 3/4  is better then nothing?

family may not understand how you are feeling .......they may see it differently ........i went through this with a family member who was depressed and not finding work or life .......reluctantly took a job he disliked but networked into a great one. He only remembers some did not think he would make it and that was NOT how they felt ........they just wanted him to try. .. when he did ....all worked well.  

D86 OP May 4th

I apply and apply and nobody shows any interest in hiring me

Yesiamhuman708 May 4th

Sometimes life gets out of hand too quickly.

i do not know how long it’s been since you’ve worked, but volunteering is very often a great step to a better life.

that is for many reasons. Please allow me to list my reasons for volunteering.

Paying back for what I have been given.

Meeting like-minded people

Networking, you can talk about not only your desire for employment, but YOUR SUCCESSES as well.

Rewards for volunteering ie gratitude

Personal growth

Path, life is often about the journey.

Best of luck!

Swfit May 7th

I was like this too minus off the mum part. I am not how to make sound good, but i just keep trying and begging till i got a job. Took some perseverance and courage to see this thru. It was quite a tough and lonely journey against impossible odds i guess.