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What are Your Favorite Healthy Coping Skills?

CalmWhisper22 January 11th, 2019

We have been discussing coping skills in the 35+ room and thought lets do an icebreaker here.

My coping skills that I like to do are watch TV, play games and walk.

1) What are your favorite healthy coping skills that you like to use?

2) What are some healthy coping skills that you would like to start using? Need ideas? Click here


EmSoRed June 25th, 2020


I have started using the Headspace app.

I also come here and listen to others which helps me.

warmheartedBlackberry592 January 13th, 2019


Hi! My immediate "go to" healthy coping skill is breathing exercises. I like to use an app that has a timer. I notice 7Cups has some breathing techniques available to us as well.

CalmWhisper22 OP January 13th, 2019


What app do you use for breathing so individuals can also check it out? Yes, 7cups has some breathing techniques available.

warmheartedBlackberry592 January 13th, 2019


I like to use Prana Breath, it has a simple user interface & explanations of specific techniques. Another one that i like is Pranayama but it includes more than just breathing, very informative & also user friendly...

CalmWhisper22 OP January 13th, 2019


Those sound interesting, I will need to look into those. Thanks for sharing them with us.

blackcatowner April 25th, 2019

@warmheartedBlackberry592 I nevr though about using an app for breathing exercises! That's a great idea and I will look for one which incorporates prana breathing.

BoyofLight January 28th, 2019


Breathing is the most important thing for me when I'm experiencing any anxiety or stress. I currently don't use any apps but just focus on taking deep breaths. Inhaling through my nose and exhaling out of my mouth.

berryfields2409 February 25th, 2019


Breathing is often something I forget to do intentionally when stressed or in a moment of acute anxiety. How do you remind yourself to breathe from belly and not shallowly from the chest when you are in the moment, or to make each breath purposeful?

adaptablePenny343 April 1st, 2019

@warmheartedBlackberry592 I like that you use breathing techniques. They really do help with stress and anxiety.

I recently started meditating every morning to find focus before I begin my day. I use an app called headspace. Its quite easy to use and seems beneficial.


CalmWhisper22 OP February 3rd, 2019

Those are all great coping skills and running is a great thing to add to your list.


berryfields2409 February 25th, 2019


I like to go for a walk, listen to music, play a video game, or do something physical (like a chore, washing and putting away dishes or cleaning the apartment) I would like to remember to use the 5 senses to ground myself, or to see 5 things in the room that are red, (or some other color).

CalmWhisper22 OP February 27th, 2019


Those are all really great coping skills. With no power since Monday morning I have been reading up on some cool things for discussions in the room and forum postings for everyone. It is fun watching the snow come down but I don't think a lot of us realize what we miss with no power and internet and finding good coping skills helps us since I did dishes by hand. Doing laundry now since the snow is starting up again and who knows if the power will go out again.

OceanRest April 20th, 2019

@berryfields2409 - Using your 5 senses to ground yourself can be especially useful. It just brings one back to where you are and what's going on around you if you are having troubling thoughts or just feel overwhelmed.

OceanRest April 20th, 2019

Some of my favourites are using my weighted blanket and making sure I have time alone in my room to do whatever I like, journaling, drawing, listening to music

CalmWhisper22 OP April 20th, 2019


Those are all great coping skills. I use a quilt and fold it in 1/2 as a weighted blanket.

OceanRest April 20th, 2019

@DanaMH - Sounds nice. My blanket really helps.

blackcatowner April 25th, 2019

I am new here, and my current favorite coping method is Zumba. I have always enjoyed dancing and with Zumba, I get a good workout, I can listen to loud music and just let go. It's really cathartic!

CalmWhisper22 OP April 25th, 2019


That does look fun when I have seen it on tv.

Quinbee March 9th, 2020

I find myself counting a lot. I really think that is my habit for coping.

wahmbrenda August 1st, 2020

I'm new here so "Hi"... I've built a lot of coping techniques into my day as my PTSD with anxiety has been really high lately. I journal, do crafts, play guitar, play a game (not video games but like Jenga, Yahtzee, etc), do diamond art painting, and probably some other stuff I can't remember off the top of my head lol I also leave the TV on nature scapes all day for noise since I live alone.

sympatheticKitten8138 August 2nd, 2020

@wahmbrenda what is diamond art painting? It sounds very pretty 😀

ValerieA84 January 11th, 2021

@DanaMH I enjoy reading (most pdf/ebooks as I can change the font) and recently took up cross-stitch.

sonerii January 11th, 2021

This may/may not sound weird; but my favorite healthy coping skill is playing horror games. I like to focus on the eerie environment and solve riddles to keep my mind occupied, which helps me have more control of myself and what I'm doing, like a practice.

Beani August 9th, 2021

What are some of your favorite games and what consoles are you playing on?

VidyaFord February 20th, 2021

1. Drink tea. Take some photographs. Do strength training. Drink flavored water. Change my thoughts. Improve my mood by drinking water or working or reading or listening to a song or a funny video. Make a smoothie. Eat a healthy snack. Eat tuna. 2. Do more strength training. Do more yoga. Do deep breathing. Save money and eat what I’ve already cooked at home. Save money by not shopping online. Save money by being content with what I have.

amiableStrings5290 June 4th, 2022

I drink tea too. Also, I do mantra meditation to Lord Shiva. I like going for long bus rides and deep breathing.

LookingGlass2020 February 23rd, 2021

Self Care is a hard one for me since no two days are the same. I also realize I don't want to miss out on events, but then that leads to me feel burnt out and not balanced. With being a wife, a mom, employee, etc, I need to learn to recharge in ways that make the most sense. I am looking forward to hearing about peoples ways of doing this.

jennofthewired February 24th, 2021


Listening to music is definitely my number one method.

andnat2020 May 9th, 2021

Saying no to plans and staying home to do YOU.

kez1981 July 7th, 2021

Using my feelings journal and then doing something I like afterwards to wind down my pixel art colouring app or listening to uplifting music and most of all taking time out for myself .

432Isaiah June 18th, 2022


Sometimes I am not up to doing all (or any) of these but yoga or other exercise, listening to music while cleaning, going for a walk or hike, and taking a shower or bath are probably the most helpful healthy coping skills I have.

Peanut1986 June 30th, 2022

I love spending time in nature and walking in the woods, I find getting away from the human world does wonders. But mostestest of all, a bubble bath by candlelight.

compassionateCar7091 August 25th, 2022

crochet and read ing books