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Dwelling on the past

polerina December 21st, 2022

Hi. I'm a 36 year old single mom diagnosed with bipolar recently. I was successful, athletic, in a committed relationship with tons of friends and now I'm starting over. I worked so hard my whole life to get to where I was then BAM I had a manic episode out of no where and I lost my career, relationship, friends and was hospitalized. In addition my medications made me gain over 30 pounds and I barely have enough energy to get out of bed. I can't stop dwelling on my life before my diagnosis and how much better my life used to be and why did this happen to me. I hate this disorder and I feel like I'll never be happy again. I'm slowly putting my life back together but I feel like a zombie with no emotions or motivation. I hate feeling like this

starburstdream December 22nd, 2022


Hi there. So sorry you are going through all of this. I can only imagine the stress, plus being a parent on top of it all. But you have to give yourself some credit. You are still here!! A manic episode is just what it is: an episode, a little setback. You can rebuild from it. Meds suck in general, BUT they can help with stability and living "normally". Talk with your doctor about the weight gain. It could take some time to find the right regimen. Take it day by day, you can get your life back. Sending positive, healing vibes to you 💜

LovelyFrog8934 December 22nd, 2022

Hi there!

I to have Bipolar disorder and I've had it since I was 19. I to have been hospitalized for it on many of occasions for it I totally understand how you feel about yourself and losing relationships and your life along the way abd trying to rebuild your life and yourself again its a lot to handle. I may not be a mom like you but I do get it.

I to was on medications for over 10 yrs I to absolutely hated being on those the side effects were much worse off then the *Bipolar* itself. I'm off all medications have been for the last 15 plus years now. Best thing I did. I hated my personality on those medications it changed me too. It was awfully bad for awhile but now I use natural remedies like CBD or valium on occasions but no drugs .

You're definitely not the only one who had had these experiences ❤❤❤❤

Something that I found difficult in my particular situation is having someone in my life who doesn't understand that your Bipolar doesn't define what you feel or think. You feel what you feel cause you're a human being with feelings and emotions and thoughts. Bipolar is only apart of me its not what defines me!!!! Remember that! You are YOU!!! Don't let anyone tell you that you're *overreacting,* just cause you're *Manic* you're not ! I've been done this way! Its painful and hard emotionally more do especially when you already have mental issues as is it is!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

So important to be yourself and experience the world as you see it and be YOU and be with people who love you for who you are !!!!❤❤❤❤❤

I'm 33 ❤

lytiffan December 22nd, 2022



First off, I just wanted to say, I'm very proud of you for still being here even through all the pain that you have endured. You chose yourself in this process and its slowly paying off!

I can understand the impatience that it takes to rebuild yourself after feeling like this for so long, but as other people have said, give yourself the credit you deserve! Now is a great opportunity to not only build yourself back up, but you have that ability to reinvent yourself completely! Age is a number, never a mindset. Take a painting class, learn gardening, do a dance class! Hobbies will always be there waiting for you to pick it back up!

As for weight gain, it's normal when taking medicine, that's just your body's way of giving itself some extra slack because its healing! When my mom was on her kidney medication after getting a transplant, she had gained weight and felt insecure for a bit, but that was her body's way of healing! She would just walk every morning for about an hour, and eat smaller portions more often, and eventually the weight melted off! Obviously, weight is not bad, but if this is something that you feel could attribute to a sense of "normality" for you, do what makes you happy!

All in all, you're doing a great job of doing what it takes for you to bounce back. I hope you are drinking water, eating good meals, and spend time with the people you love! I know everything will work out for you and I'm very excited to see that happen for you!

spongbobishappy December 22nd, 2022


I am inviting you to join me in the Sharing Circle chat room ! 😊

LovelyFrog8934 December 23rd, 2022

Sending you lots of love and comfort and prayers your way!

I know its difficult living with Bipolar it definitely is a huge challenge! It's important to take of yourself that includes your mind and emotions and thoughts
