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Crippling depression from a move

lovingVillage6519 January 13th, 2022

Hi! I’m a working mom and on month 4 of crippling depression due to a move that my husband pushed for and I didnt want. Please share any advice for parenting and working while severely depressed!

jd88 January 13th, 2022

Hey. 😊

I’m sorry to hear that you are feeling like this.

when depression kicks my butt, I find I have to force myself to do all the normal parent things as I don’t want my negative feelings rubbing off on them, one thing I used to do was make time for myself, normally after they are asleep, to either do something I enjoy or a bit of relaxing self care like taking a nice warm bath, maybe some scented candles….then if I have some time after, do the thing I enjoy too 😁

as for work, I tried to talk to my boss but they just didn’t understand (however not all bosses won’t) and i ended up having a breakdown and being signed off work which helped me to clear my head.

I have had a couple more breakdowns since which I worked though, i had a better manager who had also had a few breakdowns and was really helpful, giving me extra breaks just to catch my breath and get my head straight.

as my kids got older, we made a rule that we always try to have at least dinner together, where we all talk about our day, I find talking helps the most, even if it’s just talking about my kids or partners day or what they have planned coming up.

I don’t know if any of this is helpful to you but I hope you feel better soon, take care

lovingVillage6519 OP January 14th, 2022

Thank you ❤️

Verabear8 January 13th, 2022

Loving, have you tried going on “mini adventures” and go explore your new town?

lovingVillage6519 OP January 14th, 2022

We’re actually in the same town. We just moved to a new house. My concerns are mostly regarding finances and the overwhelm of moving/unpacking.