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I remember things differently.

bestNorth1313 May 19th, 2023

I had a brkup an year ago. My bf dumped me. I am recently getting accustomed to the idea of being single . I have been a scatterbrain this week. I forgot measurements and ingredients for some recipe. I remember doing things differently. Few such incidents occured and my friend pointed this out and said that I messed up and twisted scenarios in my head. Now I am rethinking my entire relationship with my ex . I am going 10 steps back and getting into that headspace again. I am again feeling like I'm slipping back to the depressed state.

LavenderHere May 19th, 2023

@bestNorth1313 A breakup is often a tough period emotionally, and this one seems to have taken a toll on you. It's not easy to focus on things when you're dealing with tough emotions, and it's okay to mess things up. A lil reminder to be gentle on yourself through this tough time and depressed state, sending comforting hugs your way (if okay).

Also all this doesn't necessarily mean you're twisting scenarios, at times people remember things differently. But remember there's a difference between messing small everyday memories and the relationship patters, latter being much more permanent in your brain. I hope the rethinking goes okie. Feel free to reach out again if you'd like, we're all here for you.